non-discriminatory in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. sự đối xử công bằng, sự không phân biệt đối xử, sự không kỳ thị
2. không có sự phân biệt

Sentence patterns related to "non-discriminatory"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "non-discriminatory" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "non-discriminatory", or refer to the context using the word "non-discriminatory" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Non‐discriminatory Global Nuclear Disarmament: Our commitment towards non-discriminatory global nuclear disarmament remains unwavering, in line with the Rajiv Gandhi Action Plan.

2. - guaranteeing non-discriminatory access to these corridors for all operators.

3. The additional quotas shall be allocated according to objective and non discriminatory criteria.

4. · Enable policies that lead to open access, non-discriminatory pricing, competition and innovation

5. - railway infrastructure capacity is allocated on a fair and non-discriminatory basis and that,

6. — railway infrastructure capacity is allocated on a fair and non-discriminatory basis and that,

7. Charges shall be set for the availability of air navigation services under non-discriminatory conditions

8. charges shall be set for the availability of air navigation services under non-discriminatory conditions.

9. Non-discriminatory access to the distribution network determines downstream access to customers at retail level.

10. charges shall be set for the availability of air navigation services under non-discriminatory conditions

11. However, all signatory countries were granted non-discriminatory rights to fishing, hunting and mineral resources.

Tuy nhiên, tất cả các nước ký kết đã được cấp quyền không phân biệt đối xử về đánh cá, săn bắn và khai thác tài nguyên khoáng sản.

12. that the coordinator acts according to this Regulation in a neutral, non-discriminatory and transparent way

13. Access to both primary and secondary education is on a non-discriminatory basis in most Member States.

14. (c) that the coordinator acts according to this Regulation in a neutral, non-discriminatory and transparent way.

15. are able to access all electricity markets, either directly or through aggregation, in a non-discriminatory manner;

16. Earlier Charnovitz remarked that such criteria should be applied in a non-discriminatory manner in trade agreements.

17. (a) charges shall be set for the availability of air navigation services under non-discriminatory conditions.

18. (a) Charges shall be set for the availability of air navigation services under non-discriminatory conditions.

19. (16) Non discriminatory access to the distribution network determines downstream access to customers at retail level.

20. Denmark considers that the current Danish Aliens Act is non-discriminatory and in accordance with Denmark's international obligations.

21. 1. the development of effective, non-discriminatory and accelerated procedures for the establishment of separate satellite systems;

22. We call for consistent and non-discriminatory implementation of transparency requirements and international standards for exchange of information.

23. 3. The coordinator shall act in accordance with this Regulation in a neutral, non-discriminatory and transparent way.

24. The collecting societies grant, on the basis of prevailing legislation, licences on non-discriminatory terms and agree on royalties with publishers, authors and composers

25. The coordinator is in charge of allocating airport slots and is obliged to act in an independent, neutral, non-discriminatory and transparent manner.

26. The collecting societies grant, on the basis of prevailing legislation, licences on non-discriminatory terms and agree on royalties with publishers, authors and composers.

27. Such practices include certain types of vertical agreements and/or distribution systems and unjustified refusals to alow third parties non-discriminatory access to essential infrastructure.

28. * India and EU reaffirmed their commitment to global and non-discriminatory disarmament and to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems.

29. Equal and non-discriminatory access to the infrastructure. The general rate card determined the charges to be paid by any airline operating from Nîmes airport.

30. * EU and India reaffirmed their commitment to global and non-discriminatory disarmament and to preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems.

31. At an aggregative level, the purpose of governance is to provide an environment that supports and encourages private initiative in a non-discriminatory and inclusive manner.

32. 19 Note that using this non-discriminatory silence truncation method removes any screenplay beats (deliberate silences) you have inserted, so such beats are best inserted after this process.

33. - Precise rules are laid down to ensure non-discriminatory taxation of non-residents by the state of activity where they are in a comparable position to its own residents.

34. Not only should the laws be non - discriminatory for persons in the same condition but the processes of implementation by the administrative agencies should also not discriminate between them .

35. The all-white (FASA) were admitted to FIFA in the same year, but in August 1960 it was given an ultimatum of one year to fall in line with the non-discriminatory regulations of FIFA.

Cùng năm, Liên đoàn bóng đá Nam Phi dành cho người da trắng (FASA) gia nhập FIFA, nhưng đến tháng 8 năm 1960 họ nhận được một tối hậu thư trong vòng 1 năm phải cải tổ để phù hợp với tiêu chí không kỳ thị chủng tộc của FIFA.

36. These guiding principles set out that in the context of a dispute a job classification system under Article 1 paragraph 2 of Directive 75/117/EEC must according to the caselaw of the Court be formal, analytical, factor based and non discriminatory.

37. Summary: New Delhi [India], Sept 1 (ANI): Allaying concerns raised on the status of those excluded from National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam, the government on Sunday said that NRC is a non-discriminatory process with no room for "Biasness and injustice".

38. (a) Government continues to support the goal of nuclear disarmament in a time-bound, universal, non-discriminatory, phased and verifiable manner in line with the spirit and substance of the 1988 Action Plan and the Working Paper on Nuclear Disarmament circulated in 2006.

39. I would also query whether, in light of the fact that ÖBB‐Infrastruktur AG and ÖBB‐Personenverkehr AG belong to the same group of companies, the information being supplied by ÖBB‐Infrastruktur AG , as the infrastructure manager, is being supplied on a non‐discriminatory basis.

40. This Working Paper contains a number of proposals which retain the spirit and substance of the Rajiv Gandhi Action Plan to take us closer, in a step by step process, for achieving nuclear disarmament in a time-bound, universal, non-discriminatory, phased and verifiable manner.

41. The two leaders affirmed that their countries’ common ideals, complementary strengths and a shared commitment to a world without nuclear weapons give them a responsibility to forge a strong partnership to lead global efforts for non-proliferation and universal and non-discriminatory global nuclear disarmament in the 21st century.

42. 4. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 to 3, a Contracting Party may protect the rights of creditors, or ensure compliance with laws on the issuing, trading and dealing in securities and the satisfaction of judgements in civil, administrative and criminal adjudicatory proceedings, through the equitable, non-discriminatory, and good faith application of its laws and regulations.

43. Our goal is to moderate a discussion on the future of the CAP aimed at exploring agrarian policy instruments, particularly in the area of direct payments, which would enable a non-discriminatory and effective use of financial resources gathered from European taxpayers and spent on the CAP, strengthening the competitiveness of European farmers, improving the position of Europe's agricultural and food industries in a globalised and open world market, improving the quality of agricultural products and the provision of non-marketable outcomes of agriculture, as well as contributing to sustainable rural development.

44. The aim of the present Decision is to establish whether the services offered by Poste are exposed to such a level of competition (on markets to which access is free) that this will ensure that, also in the absence of the discipline brought about by the detailed procurement rules set out in Directive 2004/17/EC, Poste’s procurement for the pursuit of the activities concerned here will be carried out in a transparent, non-discriminatory manner based on criteria allowing it to identify the solution which overall is the economically most advantageous one.