nobler in Vietnamese

tính từ
1. (thuộc) quý tộc, quý phái
2. cao quý (người), cao thượng, cao nhã (văn)
3. huy hoàng, nguy nga (lâu đài...)
4. quý (đá, kim loại)
5. đáng kính phục, đáng khâm phục, ưu tú, xuất sắc

danh từ
1. người quý tộc, người quý phái
2. (cổ) đồng nốp (tiền Anh cũ giá trị bằng 6 silinh 8 penxơ)

danh từ
(Mỹ), (từ lóng) tên cầm đầu bọn phá hoại cuộc đình công

Sentence patterns related to "nobler"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nobler" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nobler", or refer to the context using the word "nobler" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. What's with the " nobler than thou "'tude?

2. A shy failure is nobler than an immodest success. Kahlil Gibran 

3. When playing with someone of equal ability, it gave me an appreciation for the nobler aspects of competition.

4. Branniest and insensible Rudolfo adopts: which Fazeel is nobler enough? The department of attorney terminates in your pdf screen with

5. For the time he has parted with the nobler characteristics of his humanity for the sake of a planetary power of locomotion.

6. 19 The impression that a simple one-sided morality is of itself nobler and more clear-headed than a complex one is false.

7. 1764, Oliver Goldsmith, The Traveller, or a Prospect of Society, page 9: My ſoul turn from them, turn we to ſurvey Where rougher Climes a nobler race diſplay,· Climate

8. This includes Aporia, which he uses when Hamlet asks 'To be, or not to be - that is the question: / Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune / Or to

9. Did you not know that Irma Vep is "vampire" Anagrammatized! Accidental but really cool example: To be or not to be: that is the question, whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

10. To Cairn or not to Cairn, that is the question Whether it is nobler to trek anonymously through the world, or to linger in a favorite place and leave a welcoming acknowledgement to a fellow traveler, ay, that is the rub.

11. Is not your body a far more beautiful and nobler thing than all the gay clothes with which you can Bedizen it? I'st teach yo to burn three candles down awbut to nothink 'at yo may Bedizen yorsel in this way.

12. 1924, Herman Melville, Billy Budd, London: Constable & Co., Chapter 4, [1] But as ashore, knightly valor, tho' shorn of its Blazonry, did not cease with the knights, neither on the seas, […] did the nobler qualities of such naval magnates as Don John of Austria, Doria, Van Tromp, Jean Bart