nitrogen-loving plant in Vietnamese

nitrophilous plant

Sentence patterns related to "nitrogen-loving plant"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nitrogen-loving plant" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nitrogen-loving plant", or refer to the context using the word "nitrogen-loving plant" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The elevated atmospheric CO2 has effects on the absorption of nitrogen, concentration in plant and soil, the C/N in plant and soil, the nitrogen cycle of plant and soil.

2. Being an alkaline-loving plant it requires some calcium content.

3. Nitrogen fertiliser, however, only accounts for 30 per cent of the total nitrogen plant absorption of the chemical.

4. Gentle loving young woman in a Crouched position touching leaf of a potted plant

5. (b) Why is nitrogen needed in plant growth, and how is its cycle completed?

b) Tại sao nitrogen cần thiết cho sự tăng trưởng của cây, và chu trình của nó hoàn tất thế nào?

6. Although the Broccolini is a cold-loving plant, most of its kind cannot tolerate frost

7. - Description: Bogbean is a leafy, water-loving plant that grows in marshes and on lake margins

8. In turn, [the fungus] may receive small amounts of vitamins and nitrogen compounds from the plant.

9. Alder ( Alnus nepalensis ), an important non - legume nitrogen - fixing plant, occurs widely in the eastern Himalayas.

10. Nitrogen expressed as ammoniacal nitrogen and nitric nitrogen.

11. The inefficiency of the nitrogen stripping section of a high purity oxygen-producing air distillation plant is reduced.

12. (c) Albuminoid nitrogen (d) Nitrites nitrogen and (e) Nitrates nitrogen

13. Buckbrush roots have nodules that host nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Rhizobium) Bacteria capture nitrogen gas (N2) from the air (fixing it) and convert it into nitrogen compounds that plants can use Host plant shares minerals and carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis, with the bacteria

14. Bacteroid The form adopted by a nitrogen-fixing bacterium when active within the root nodule of a host plant

15. Azaleas are in the same plant family as blueberries and other shrubs sometimes called "acid-loving" plants

16. For the agglomeration of Athens, it was decided in 2000 to construct a secondary treatment plant with nitrogen treatment.

17. An Alkaloid is a type of plant-derived organic compound. Alkaloids are generally composed of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen

18. Nitrogen expressed as ammoniacal and nitric nitrogen.

19. Nitrogen expressed as nitrogen in nitric form with a maximum 1 % nitrogen as ammonia

20. nitrogen management, taking into account the full nitrogen cycle;

21. Nitrogen management, taking into account the full nitrogen cycle;

22. Ammoniacal nitrogen

23. I am loving a gent, he also is loving me.

24. Solid nitrogen is the solid form of the element nitrogen.

25. (a) nitrogen management, taking into account the whole nitrogen cycle;