new moon in Vietnamese

Danh từ
trăng non, trăng thượng tuầ

Sentence patterns related to "new moon"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "new moon" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "new moon", or refer to the context using the word "new moon" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. "The Twilight Saga: New Moon".

The Twilight Saga: New Moon là một đống hổ lốn."

2. Let us start with new moon.

3. There's a new moon on the horizon.

Có một mặt trăng mới ở chân trời

4. New moon motivation is among them an IDC company.

5. These insights contribute meandering conversation fostered by Saturday's New Moon.

6. When combined with the Earth–Moon system's common orbit around the Sun, the period of the synodic month, from new moon to new moon, is 29.53 days.

Khi kết hợp với chu kỳ quay quanh Mặt Trời của hệ Trái Đất-Mặt Trăng thì thời gian của một tháng giao hội từ sóc này tới sóc kế tiếp là 29,53 ngày.

7. That new moon will conjoin Neptune, the planet of the arts.

8. The New Moon in sign is a helpful and inspiring indication.

9. Small horns, like the new moon, adorned her smooth human brow.

10. 21 These insights contribute meandering conversation fostered by Saturday's New Moon.

11. How would it be if you stayed on till the new moon?

Anh có chịu ở lại đây tới khi trăng non không?

12. A first - quarter moon is halfway between new moon and full moon.

13. The new moon was the occasion of festivals of rejoicing in Egypt.

14. Lissete, good point but the proposal in New Moon is fun and Bantery.

15. 23 The new moon was the occasion of festivals of rejoicing in Egypt.

16. Tread lightly this weekend because Friday's Pisces New Moon creates a supersensitive atmosphere.

17. The Chinese are absolutely winning this race to the new Moon, by the way.

Người Trung Quốc đang thực sự chiến thắng trong cuộc đua đến Mặt Trăng mới.

18. He Auditioned for the role in New Moon, but it went to Michael Sheen

19. Some people think it is unlucky to look at a new moon through glass.

20. There was a new moon, and its pale light cast soft shadows in the stillness.

21. It was dark now and the sliver of a new moon could be seen overhead.

22. The GREATER RESET! Humanity Awakes and the BIG SHIFT Begins! New Moon in AQUARIUS 2021

23. When clouds shrouded that new moon, as they did this night, the people dispersed, alarmed.

24. It was black as night at new moon and white as frost at first light.

25. Tagore's poems New Moon Gathers describes a harmonious world and praises love with its light lines.

26. 12 Modern image is used by New Moon School to deconstruct the image pattern of classical poetry.

27. By the time of the next new moon, the tribe had seen one birth and two deaths.

28. Some believe that new plants flourish if their early growth coincides with the growing of a new moon.

29. The night was clear, and arched up from the hills with a new moon rising over their crests.

30. The genus name Numenius refers to the Curlew's bill, meaning 'new moon' in reference to the sickle-shaped bill

31. American ticket sales the first weekend it was released made " New Moon " the third best-selling movie on record .

Doanh thu bán vé ở Mỹ vào tuần đầu công chiếu đã khiến " Trăng non " trở thành bộ phim ăn khách nhất đứng hàng thứ ba trong kỷ lục .

32. The Babylonian New Year was, astronomically, the first New Moon (actually the first visible crescent) after the Vernal Equinox

33. Tied to the Chinese lunar calendar, it begins on the new moon that appears between January 21 and February 20

34. In section seven she invites the new moon to dance on her heart, so that they can be extinguished together.

35. ANOINTING/Conjuring OILS Attracting, Healing, Love is Love, Money Moves/Lucky13, Abre Camino, blockbuster, Full moon, boss fix, new moon RavenandLaBruja

36. Join with Assemblies of Yahweh as we implement Yahweh’s calendar—not by astronomical calculations— but by the new moon of green ears

37. Near the time of new moon there is no point on the Moon that can both see sunlight and transmit to Earth.

38. Take special notice of what's involved - this one will involve a lot of detail and concentration because Saturn will conjoin this new moon.

39. 20 The recent new moon will be sending you a powerful message for your career - pay heed to all issues regarding your profession.

40. Nisan 1 starts when the new moon nearest the spring equinox (the start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere) becomes visible at sunset in Jerusalem.

Người ta tính ngày 1 tháng Ni-san khi thấy được mặt trăng non vào lúc mặt trời lặn tại Giê-ru-sa-lem, và mặt trăng non đó cận tiết xuân phân nhất (bắt đầu mùa xuân ở Bắc Bán Cầu).

41. The title refers to the darkest phase of the lunar cycle, indicating that New Moon is about the darkest time of protagonist Bella Swan's life.

Tựa đề truyện ý nhắc đến giai đoạn tối nhất của chu kỳ Mặt Trăng, ý nói Trăng non nói về thời điểm đen tối nhất trong cuộc đời của Bella.

42. Come after Oriental new moon, see the longlived person draws near outside anxiety door, those who ask, say: "Annunciate is stuck piece, do not put me."

43. The Hellenic calendars, the Hebrew Lunisolar calendar and the Islamic Lunar calendar started the month with the first appearance of the thin crescent of the new moon.

Các loại lịch như lịch Hellenic, âm dương lịch Do Thái và âm lịch Hồi giáo bắt đầu tháng bằng sự xuất hiện của mảnh trăng lưỡi liềm non đầu tiên của trăng mới.

44. God counseled Israel: “New moon and sabbath, the calling of a convention —I cannot put up with the use of uncanny power along with the solemn assembly.”

Đức Chúa Trời khuyên dân Y-sơ-ra-ên: “Ngày trăng mới, ngày sa bát cùng việc chiêu tập hội họp—ta không chịu được việc dùng khả năng kỳ lạ cùng với sự hội họp trọng thể” (Ê-sai 1:13, NW).

45. Solar eclipses last only a few minutes and take place when the moon is between the earth and the sun at the time of the new moon.

Nhật thực chỉ kéo dài vài phút và xảy ra khi mặt trăng ở giữa trái đất và mặt trời vào kỳ trăng non.

46. It gets even better. Supermoons are most notable when they occur at what astronomers call "perigee-syzygy": a full or new moon that coincides with lunar perigee.

47. They let the portions of the angels accumulate , which are the offerings thrown into the fire at moonlight during the whole time from new moon to full moon .

48. The only viable option I see to maintain Authenticity is to get an older, more muscular actor who looks sort of like Taylor to play Jacob in New Moon.

49. 8 Outside, the new moon shines bright all around,[] but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.

50. Awumen oooo Alora Rugged Buccaneer, may this new Moon bring down the Kajola from GP, that will sail us to the Treasure İsland.Awumen oooo.Maximum respect to my Grand Eye,and all BAN pieces