neutrality in Vietnamese

(tình trạng) trung hòa trung tính

Sentence patterns related to "neutrality"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "neutrality" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "neutrality", or refer to the context using the word "neutrality" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Benevolent neutrality combines neutrality and accommodationaism

2. Christian Neutrality

3. Christian Neutrality Amid Anarchy

4. Switzerland declared its neutrality.


6. They assume objective political neutrality.

7. If Rawls' theory is based on a doctrine of neutrality it is a doctrine of comprehensive neutrality.


9. 26 Switzerland declared its neutrality.

10. Aloofness: See: disinterest , disregard , indifference , neutrality

11. After Pearl Harbor, U.S. neutrality ended.

12. They have been violently advocating neutrality.

13. In it two standards of neutrality conflict.

14. Switzerland has a long tradition of neutrality.

15. Canada gives a nod to net neutrality

16. 5: The United States publicly declares neutrality.

5: Hoa Kỳ công khai tuyên bố trung lập.

17. Maintain Your Neutrality in a Divided World

Giữ sự trung lập trong một thế gian chia rẽ

18. No such assumption underlies the attributions of neutrality.

19. For example, the notion that the government can exercise “Benevolent neutrality” toward religion attempts to combine the ideas of neutrality and accommodationism.

20. 18 Switzerland has a long tradition of neutrality.

21. But political neutrality did not preclude profitable commerce.

22. Burger King Amusingly mocks FCC's net neutrality repeal

23. However, many Bible Students steadfastly maintained their neutrality.

24. Stéphane was imprisoned for maintaining his Christian neutrality.

Anh Stéphane bị tù vì từ chối tham gia nghĩa vụ quân sự.

25. Their neutrality was why Jack let them in.

26. The Queen has maintained political neutrality throughout her reign.

27. The doctrine of political neutrality is a doctrine of restraint for it advocates neutrality between valid and invalid ideals of the good.

28. Even the militants respected the neutrality of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Ngay cả những người trong nhóm vũ trang cũng tôn trọng sự trung lập của Nhân Chứng Giê-hô-va.

29. Neutrality during wartime is a characteristic of true worship.

Trung lập trong thời chiến là dấu hiệu của sự thờ phượng thật.

30. They had thrown their neutrality overboard in the crisis.

31. 10 They had thrown their neutrality overboard in the crisis.

32. So you offer neutrality, but you'll go with the victor.

Vậy là cậu muốn là người ở giữa nhưng lại là kẻ chiến thắng.

33. 6 Jehovah’s Witnesses are well-known for their political neutrality.

6 Nhân Chứng Giê-hô-va được nhiều người biết đến về lập trường trung lập về chính trị.

34. In our time, there is no such thing as neutrality.

35. Because of my Christian neutrality, I refused to participate in war.

Tôi từ chối tham gia chiến tranh vì lập trường trung lập của tín đồ Đấng Christ.

36. I noticed, behind the neutrality of his gaze, a deep weariness.

37. The second speaker in this symposium addressed questions relating to neutrality.

38. But it is showing signs of turning away from extreme neutrality.

39. A comprehensive strategy to mitigate climate change is through carbon neutrality.

Một chiến lược toàn diện để giảm nhẹ biến đổi khí hậu là thông qua trung hòa carbon.

40. This Accelerates the university’s ability to achieve full carbon neutrality by 2050

41. I reject suggestions that fears over Irish neutrality were allayed at Amsterdam.

42. As flagship of Destroyer Division 68 she participated in the Neutrality Patrol.

Trong vai trò soái hạm của Đội khu trục 68, nó tham gia nhiệm vụ Tuần tra Trung lập.

43. The Fascists regained power on 1 April 1944 but kept neutrality intact.

Nhóm phát xít giành lại quyền lực vào ngày 1 tháng 4 năm 1944 nhưng vẫn giữ thái độ trung lập.

44. It was to be presented as an armed protection of Norway's neutrality.

Nó được cho là một sự bảo vệ bằng vũ trang đối với sự trung lập của Na Uy.

45. Our own neutrality was involved in an issue that arose in 1977.

Lập trường trung lập của chúng tôi bị liên can trong một vấn đề phát sinh năm 1977.

46. 24 I noticed, behind the neutrality of his gaze, a deep weariness.

47. Instead of promoting peace through Christian neutrality, it became embroiled in nationalism.

48. The army has given up any pretence of neutrality in the war.

49. Jehovah’s Witnesses progressively refined their understanding of the issue of Christian neutrality.

50. In the Middle East crisis de Gaulle adopted a specious and unpopular neutrality.