neurons in Vietnamese

danh từ
nơron, tế bào thần kinh (cũng nerve cell)

Sentence patterns related to "neurons"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "neurons" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "neurons", or refer to the context using the word "neurons" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter produced by neurons referred to as cholinergic neurons

2. Afferent inputs to AP neurons from 1-PBN have separate excitatory (12% of AP neurons) or inhibitory (12% of AP neurons) effects on a relatively small proportion of AP neurons.

3. Astrocytes fill in the space between neurons, take up neurotransmitters that are released by neurons, and help maintain the correct chemical concentrations around neurons

4. (Children speaking) Neurons ... communication.

5. This process is carried out through the activity of Afferent neurons, interneurons, and efferent neurons.

6. They may well have switching elements analogous to our neurons...... but their neurons might be different.

7. Having two functions: Bifunctional neurons

8. Silencing Apterous neurons impairs mating

9. Question: (T/F) ALL Neurons Are Amitotic? If So, Are Neuronal Stem Cells Considered Neurons? This problem has been solved! See the answer (T/F) ALL neurons are Amitotic? If so, are neuronal stem cells considered neurons? Expert Answer

10. As the brain ages, neurons die.

11. Afferent neurons communicate with specialized interneurons

12. Those are the neurons of memory.

Đó là các tế bào thần kinh về trí nhớ.

13. Same neurons, same neurochemicals, same biology.

Cùng những nơ-ron đó, cùng những chất xám đó, cùng cấu tạo sinh học đó.

14. Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine, a chemical used for communication between neurons, muscle and other neurons

15. Scientists believe that this chameleon effect is possible because of a special set of neurons known as mirror neurons.

Các nhà khoa học tin rằng hiệu ứng tắc kè hoa này là có thể xảy ra bởi vì một tập hợp đặc biệt của tế bào thần kinh được gọi neurons phản chiếu.

16. Afferent neurons in the peripheral nervous system.

Tế bào thần kinh hướng tâm trong hệ thần kinh ngoại biên.

17. Brains and neurons have no causal powers.

Não và nơ ron không có lực kết nhân quả.

18. The Axonal Arborization of SNc Neurons Is Larger and More Complex Than That of VTA and OB DA Neurons

19. A few misfiring neurons did the rest.

20. Thus the neurons are not properly nourished.

21. A specific network of neurons is needed for a specific percept , not any random collection of neurons that become highly active.

22. Taken together, our data suggest a partial commonality between Claustral neurons and a subtype of cortical neurons in the monkey brain

23. A depiction of neurons, Amyloids and tau tangles

24. The extensive synaptic Arborizations are present only in DC neurons [anterior DC (aDC) and posterior DC (pDC) neurons] and not in the closely related SC mechanosensory neurons, although their target areas overlap almost perfectly (Fig

25. 5 Special molecules called adhesion molecules guide the migration of developing neurons and help them to make stable connections to other neurons.

26. The brain has about 10 cells called neurons .

27. Human skin cells turned directly into functioning neurons

Tế bào da người được chuyển trực tiếp thành các nơron chức năng

28. Most neurons in the central nervous system are Amitotic

29. 15 Additionally, neurons can modulate the activities of glia.

30. The identified dopamine neurons were inhibited by aversive stimulus.

31. Ctenophores have a diffuse subepidermal net of non-polar neurons; beneath the comb rows, these neurons form an elongate mesh resembling nerve fibers.

32. To histologically identify vagal Afferent neurons in the rat

33. Olfactory neurons are always fresh and ready for action.

Thêm vào đó, tế bào thần kinh khứu giác luôn luôn "tươi mới" và sẵn sàng hành động.

34. Even in old age, it can grow new neurons.

35. Their function is similar in many respects to neurons.

Chức năng của chúng là tương tự ở nhiều khía cạnh để tế bào thần kinh.

36. So there's about 86 billion neurons in our brain.

Thường thì bộ não có kỏoảng 86 tỉ tế bào thần kinh.

37. These neurons are important for learning and self-awareness.

Các tế bào thần kinh này rất quan trọng trong việc học hỏi và tự nhận thức.

38. These Conductances enhanced the temporal filtering properties of neurons

39. You have cells; neurons in columns and layers, and when you receive an input, when you see something, a small subsets of neurons are active.

40. Microbiota-modulated CART + enteric neurons Autonomously regulate blood glucose Science

41. So, we have the mathematics to make neurons come alive.

Chúng tôi có công cụ toán học để khiến cho những tế bào thần kinh này trở nên sống động.

42. There are these newly identified neurons, mirror neurons, that act like a neuro Wi-Fi, activating in our brain exactly the areas activated in theirs.

43. A Capsid Variant for the Retrograde Infectivity of Dopamine Neurons

44. You can think of Afferent and efferent neurons pathways as …

45. Therefore, Afferent and efferent neurons use a neuron which forms a connection between two or more neurons that we synonymously call an interneuron or association neuron

46. These afferents are GABAergic, inhibiting neurons in the subthalamic nucleus.

47. The red color shows you the activity of the neurons.

48. Albert Einstein possessed the neurons of a healthy young man?

Albert Einstein sở hữu các tế bào thần kinh của một thanh niên khỏe mạnh?

49. Afferent neurons innervate cochlear inner hair cells, at synapses where the neurotransmitter glutamate communicates signals from the hair cells to the dendrites of the primary auditory neurons.

50. Synaptic Boutons are typically the sites where synapses with other neurons are found, and neurotransmitters are stored here to communicate with other neurons via these synapses