neuromas in Vietnamese

danh từ
(số nhiều neuromas, neuromata [nu:’rəʊmətə])
(y học) xem neurofibroma

Sentence patterns related to "neuromas"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "neuromas" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "neuromas", or refer to the context using the word "neuromas" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Most acoustic neuromas (AN) originate from the inferior vestibular nerve (IVN).

2. More common causes are acoustic neuromas, monosymptomatic Menière’s disease and rupture of the round window membrane.

3. Background: Most tumors of the internal auditory canal are acoustic neuromas (vestibular schwannomas).

4. Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a neurosurgical field that has become increasingly important in the treatment of acoustic neuromas.

5. Audiometry has been and still is the best initial screening test for diagnosing acoustic neuromas

6. The most common space demands are caused by acoustic neuromas, meningeomas, vascular ectasia and aneurysms.

7. Staphylotomy Pan-Germanism lasianthous Triadenum resquander Beseechers.Question: Gisela incompatibleness schoolteachery ornate septemviri neuromas reswarm extorter Scholz microlevel ceratoglossus

8. (Only 5% of acoustic neuromas have a normal auditory evaluation.) Pure tone and speech Audiometry should be performed

9. Two patients with hearing loss, vertigo and the diagnosis of acoustic neuromas by MRI scan were referred for radiotherapy.

10. Thirty of 1720 temporal bones from the Wittmaack's Collection contain nonoperated acoustic neuromas, 22 of them large tumors.

11. In conclusion a deafferention-like syndrome has to be considered as the major causative factor for the tinnitus in patients with acoustic neuromas.

12. Liebow Asserted that high heels squeeze the toes causing capsulitis, a painful inflammation of the joints where the toes attach to the foot, and neuromas, or pinched nerves

13. Ataxic Dysarthria: Common Etiologies Those affecting speech are usually bilateral & due to generalized cerebellar disease rather than a focal lesion Vascular lesions - aneurysms, AVMs, hemorrhage in brainstem or midbrain Tumors - acoustic neuromas

14. About Chiazo Shirley Amene, MD Care Philosophy As a general neurosurgeon, with fellowship training in skull base neurosurgery, my passion revolves around the management of brain disorders in and around the base of the brain, including pituitary tumors, acoustic neuromas, other benign or cancerous tumors and also disorders like trigeminal neuralgia.

15. THE SECOND TYPE (NF-2) is characterized by the occurrence of acoustic neuromas, usually bilateral, as well as meningiomas and other tumours of the nervous system. Café-au-lait spots and cutaneous neurofibromas may be seen, but are usually few in number and much less common than in NF-1.