neur. in Vietnamese

(y học)
1. viết tắt của neurological
2. viết tắt của neurology

Sentence patterns related to "neur."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "neur." from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "neur.", or refer to the context using the word "neur." in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The Bonhomous flâneur who strolls Manhattan from top to bottom, reveals, in the course of his walking meditations, both more about the city and about himself than we – or indeed he – could possibly anticipate

2. In ‘The Flâneur or The Observer Observed’, the poet dissects a favourite figure in literary modernism, the city wanderer who “Botanises faces in the crowd”, leisured smirk implicit as he clocks a woman who: If she’s strolling on her own— if she’s clearly …

3. They understand the structural integrity of a deep Avuncular lap, as compared to the shaky arrangement of a neurotic niece in high heels.: Entienden la integridad estructural de un profundo regazo Avuncular, en comparación con la disposición temblorosa de una sobrina neurótica con tacones altos.: He also retains much of his cynical, Avuncular attitude and brusque manner with his staff