nematode in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "nematode"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nematode" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nematode", or refer to the context using the word "nematode" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Validation of nematode Axenicity status

2. Any nematode of the family Ascaridae; roundworm.

3. Nematode or roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), female, cross section, 10x at 35mm

4. The nematode generations are intimately connected with those of their hosts.

5. Actin is present in all eukaryotes except for the nematode sperm

6. An Axenicity assay involving appropriate antibiotics and nematode surface sterilization

7. Root Knot Nematode (nematode – Meloidogyne incognita): Ajuga is very susceptible to Root Knot Nematodes.Infected plantings will begin to thin-out in spots and plants may die

8. The glycoprotein component of the Amphid mucus differs among nematode species

9. Contortusis a nematode parasite of family Trichostrongylidae later classified as Haemonchidae (Palevich etal

10. Blackhead The nematode causes a disease condition called toppling or Blackhead disease in plants.

11. Canada invested $# to determine that #° centigrade for # minutes was the temperature that pinewood nematode dies

12. Ultrastructural changes during recovery from Anabiosis in the plant parasitic nematode, Ditylenchus Tissue Cell

13. The nematode larvae are taken up with the food and so reach the pharyngeal gland.

14. As an example of water-borne Nematode infections, one important waterborne nematodal disease is Dracunculiasis.

Như ví dụ về nhiễm trùng Nematode lây nhiễm trong nước, bệnh giun tròn lây nhiễm trong nước quan trọng là Dracunculiasis.

15. Studies of the intestines have observed the nematode Tictularia cristata and the cestode Hymenolepsis diminuta.

Các nghiên cứu về ruột đã quan sát thấy tuyến trùng giun tròn Tictularia cristata và loài Hymenolepsis diminuta.

16. Dog tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum) infestation in a 6-month-old infant After thorough examination, only one Cestode and one nematode parasite from Brown Trout and one Cestode and two nematode parasites from S.

17. Histologic appearance of the nematode (Aprocta cylindrica) infecting a European Robin (Erithacus rubecula; Fig

18. Ascaris are nematode roundworms that reside like parasites in a human being’s small intestine

19. Dracunculus medinensis or Guinea worm is a nematode that causes dracunculiasis, also known as guinea worm disease.

Dracunculus medinensis hay giun Guinea là một loài giun tròn gây ra bệnh dracunculiasis cũng được biết đến như bệnh giun Guinea.

20. Seven adhesive-producing nematode-trapping fungi were tested for their ability to capture nine different nematodes.

21. Ascaris is a genus of parasitic nematode worms known as the "giant intestinal roundworms"

22. Scientists have reckoned that by manipulating genes, they can control the life span of a nematode, or roundworm.

Các nhà khoa học nghĩ rằng bằng cách biến đổi gen, họ có thể thay đổi tuổi thọ của giun tròn.

23. Amphid (plural Amphids) (nematology) One of a pair of chemosensory sense organs positioned laterally on the head of a nematode.

24. Human Coprolite (Viking Age Coppergate site, York), identification confirmed by nematode egg studies (Andrew Jones, York Trust)

25. Ascaris suum, also known as the large roundworm of pig, is a parasitic nematode that causes ascariasis in pigs.

Ascaris suum, còn được gọi là Giun đũa lợn lớn, là một giun tròn ký sinh trùng gây ra bệnh giun đũa ở lợn.

26. Some nematode species such as Pratylenchus spp. are most dangerous in upland rice of all parts of the world.

Một số loài giun tròn như Pratylenchus spp. là nguy hiểm nhất trong lúa nương của tất cả các nơi trên thế giới.

27. These are normally insects, but some fungi, nematode worms, and single-celled organisms have been shown to be vectors.

Chúng thường là côn trùng, nhưng một số loài nấm, giun tròn và sinh vật đơn bào cũng được chứng minh là những vector.

28. This misunderstanding comes from the fact that Ascaris (a nematode) is the most common helminth egg in wastewater and sludge

29. An UNC-49 GABA receptor subunit from the parasitic nematodeHaemonchus Contortusis associated with enhanced GABA sensitivity in nematode heteromeric channels

30. The Fergusson Island form, which may be distinct from H. rufescens proper, is infected by the nematode Moaciria moraveci.

Dạng của đảo Fergusson có thể khác biệt so với loài H. rufescens, bị nhiễm giun tròn Moaciria moraveci.

31. Elephantiasis, or lymphatic filariasis, is a mosquito-borne disease caused by several types of nematode worm, including B. malayi.

32. Ascarid definition: any parasitic nematode worm of the family Ascaridae, such as the common roundworm of Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

33. Rice root nematode (Hirschmanniella oryzae) is a migratory endoparasite which on higher inoculum levels will lead to complete destruction of a rice crop.

Tuyến trùng rễ lúa (Hirschmanniella oryzae) là một loài ký sinh trong di cư mà mức độ lây nhiễm cao hơn sẽ dẫn đến sự phá hủy hoàn toàn của một vụ lúa.

34. Any of various nematode worms of the order Ascaridida, especially those in the superfamily Ascaridoidea, including the common intestinal parasite Ascaris lumbricoides

35. Seven trematode, three nematode, two cestode, one acanthocephalan, one protozoan, and three acarina species were recovered from 171 muskrats (Ondatra zibethica) taken in Manitoba.

36. Physiological and morphological changes associated with recovery from Anabiosis in the dauer larva of the nematode Anguina agrostis - Volume 95 Issue 1 - Christine M

37. The results indicate thatHaemonchus Contortusis becoming a potential threat to sheep in North Finland and the distribution of the nematode should be moni-tored

38. Several nematode species infect rice crops, causing diseases such as Ufra (Ditylenchus dipsaci), White tip disease (Aphelenchoide bessei), and root knot disease (Meloidogyne graminicola).

Nhiều loài giun tròn nhiễm cây lúa gây ra các bệnh như Ufra (Ditylenchus dipsaci), White tip disease (Aphelenchoide bessei), và bệnh thối rễ (Meloidogyne graminicola).

39. The abomasal nematode Haemonchus Contortusis particularly important and causes severe anaemia and death in severely infected animals (Allonby and Urquhart 1975)

40. Two forms of this nematode have been reported, i.e., with strong and weak virulence, commonly referred as virulent and Avirulent strains

41. What does Amphid mean? (nematology) One of a pair of chemosensory sense organs positioned laterally on the head of a nematode

42. Investigations of carcasses found four internal nematode parasites present (strongyles, small and large pinworms and Ascarids), as well as the larvae of botflys.

Điều tra xác chết tìm thấy bốn loại ký sinh trùng giun tròn sống trong cơ thể hiện diện (Strongylidae, giun kim nhỏ và lớn và Ascarididae), cũng như ấu trùng ruồi trâu.

43. Actin is a highly abundant (10-100 micromolar on average),~42 kDa structural protein found in all eukaryotic cells (except for nematode sperm)

44. About 16,000 species of nematode worms have been discovered and diagnosed by scientists; there could be hundreds of thousands of them, even millions, still unknown.

Có khoảng 16,000 loài giun tròn đã được phát hiện và đoán biết bởi các nhà khoa học; có thể có hàng trăm nghìn loài này, thậm chí hàng triệu, vẫn chưa được biết đến.

45. The nematode Cuticle is an extremely flexible and resilient exoskeleton that permits locomotion via attachment to muscle, confers environmental protection and allows growth by molting

46. Ascaris lumbricoides is the largest intestinal nematode (roundworm) parasitizing the human intestine and is one of the most common helminthic human infections worldwide

47. Ascarid: Any of various nematode worms of the order Ascaridida, especially those in the superfamily Ascaridoidea, including the common intestinal parasite Ascaris lumbricoides.

48. Halicephalobus mephisto is a species of nematode, among a number of other roundworms, discovered by geoscientists Gaetan Borgonie and Tullis Onstott in 2011.

Halicephalobus mephisto là một loài giun tròn, nằm trong số các loài giun tròn khác, được các nhà khoa học địa chất Gaetan Borgonie và Tullis Onstott phát hiện vào năm 2011.

49. We confirmed the absence of bacteria in the nematodes using a molecular diagnostic and two rounds of an Axenicity assay involving appropriate antibiotics and nematode surface sterilization

50. Passalurus Ambiguus: ( pa-sal'yū-rŭs am-big'yū-ŭs ), The rabbit pinworm, an oxyurid nematode found abundantly in the cecum and large intestine of rabbits.