necessitated in Vietnamese

goại động từ
bắt phải, đòi hỏi phải, cần phải có

Sentence patterns related to "necessitated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "necessitated" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "necessitated", or refer to the context using the word "necessitated" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Recent financial scandals have necessitated changes in parliamentary procedures.

2. Axiologies that are driven by or necessitated by external technological change (e.g

3. This separate-loading system necessitated the use of two loaders.

4. A prolonged drought had necessitated the introduction of water rationing.

5. The Phoenician's extensive trade networks necessitated considerable book-keeping and correspondence.

Mạng lưới thương mại rộng lớn của Phoenician đòi hỏi phải có sổ sách và thư tín đáng kể.

6. By # the means and ends of coordination had necessitated pragmatic adjustments

7. The growing complexity of human societies necessitated systems of accounting and writing.

Xã hội ngày càng phức tạp của con người đòi hỏi phải có hệ thống chữ viết và kế toán.

8. “Bienestarina” food production in # amounted to # metric tons and necessitated an outlay of Col$ # million

9. At about the age of 25, his personal circumstances necessitated returning to Troyes.

Khi ông khoảng 25 tuổi, hoàn cảnh cá nhân buộc ông phải trở về Troyes.

10. (a) amendments and technical adjustments necessitated by changes in the Combined Nomenclature and Taric codes;

11. The increased demand for Bible literature has necessitated the adding of much printing equipment.

12. This necessitated the introduction of ideas from algebraic topology that were adapted to the lattice setting.

13. This forecast has necessitated calls for succession planning and accelerated training for middle-level managers in many countries.

14. One of the activities that necessitated larger- scale movements was the seasonal migration of livestock.

15. The act was necessitated by the last surviving child of heir apparent, Anne in 1700.

16. The accentuated nature of highly expansive soil materials necessitated the implementation of adequate technical solutions.

17. Bureaucratic and military growth, constant campaigning, and construction projects increased the state's expenditures and necessitated a comprehensive tax reform.

Chế độ Quan liêu và quân sự tăng, các chiến dịch liên tục, và các dự án xây dựng làm tăng chi phí của nhà nước và đòi hỏi phải có một cuộc cải cách thuế toàn diện.

18. In the 9th century bce the invention of a more effective battering ram necessitated replacement of Casemate walls

19. As many of the buildings were demolished by Saudi authorities for reconstruction, some rearrangement in accommodation was necessitated.

20. 25 More pressing political problems would doubtless have necessitated the relegation of such matters to a secondary role.

21. That in turn would have necessitated the appointment of enough peers of the Liberal persuasion to acquiesce in abolition.

22. 5 The conflagration necessitated new carpeting on that level and new upholstery in the dress circle and balcony areas.

23. The heretical tendencies of the Beghards and Beguines necessitated disciplinary measures, sometimes severe, on the part of ecclesiastical authority

24. No obstacles should hinder the mobility of pedestrians[; good drainage system should be installed to prevent detours necessitated by accumulated water.]

25. To include certain configurations with more than two open shells, new approximations are necessitated by the complexity of the algebra.

26. 18 Delays Extension of period of insurance is automatic without extra charge if necessitated by delay of Public Transport services.

27. The air opening under the fuselage necessitated the cock pit and high-legged chassis which had three retractable undercarriage wheels.

28. The rapid growth and extensive utilization of chromatography as an analytical method has necessitated improvement of the associated data reduction process.

29. In all these excavations the roughness of the texture , even of finished surface , necessitated a plaster coating to render it smooth .

30. The family lived in Bedford-Stuyvesant until their financial burdens necessitated a move to Brownsville when Tyson was 10 years old.

Gia đình Tyson sống ở Bedford-Stuyvesant cho đến gánh nặng tài chính của họ buộc họ phải chuyển tới Brownsville khi Tyson 10 tuổi.

31. The combined armies of the MILF and Abu Sayyaf were involved in days of fighting which necessitated government troops using heavy artillery to engage rebel forces.

Quân MILF và Abu Sayyaf đã tham gia vào những trận chiến ác liệt, trong đó quân đội chính phủ đã phải sử dụng pháo hạng nặng để tấn công phiến quân.

32. [7] In the absence of harmonised standards covering acoustic shock and health risks from electromagnetic fields, a discussion developed, whether these requirements necessitated notified body involvement.

33. It’s cost effective Investing in chemical coating processes like Aluminizing and boronizing (Boriding) is very cost effective when you take into consideration the costs associated with downtime necessitated by the replacement and or

34. With the advent of the wetland cultivation of rice, “wetland agriculture necessitated well-organized and stable communities,” explains the Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan, “and agricultural rites —which later played such an important role in Shintō— were developed.”

35. The location's close vicinity to the Elbe River necessitated a specially sealed cellar, and heating equipment was constructed in a caisson that can float within the building, so the equipment can't be damaged in the event of flooding.

Vùng lân cận gần của nhánh của sông Elbe khiến cần phải có một hầm đặc biệt, thiết bị sưởi ấm được xây dựng trong một giếng chìm có thể nổi trong tòa nhà trong trường hợp bị ngập, vì vậy các thiết bị không thể bị hư hại kể cả khi có lũ lụt.

36. Degradeth nature, and Benumbeth sense, And, Gorgon-like, turns active men to stone We not require the dull society Of your necessitated temperance, Or that unnatural stupidity That knows nor joy nor sorrow; nor your forc’d Falsely exalted passive fortitude Above the active

37. Degradeth nature, and Benumbeth sense, And, Gorgon-like, turns active men to stone We not require the dull society Of your necessitated temperance, Or that unnatural stupidity That knows nor joy nor sorrow; nor your forc’d Falsely exalted passive fortitude Above the active

38. I really don’t want to embarrass myself by talking too much about their knowledgeable, friendly and instantaneous customer service, which was necessitated by my Chuckleheaded failure to notice the set screw in the actuator shaft, which of course (duh) had to be removed before the long hex bolt from the Honeywell unit could be swapped in.

39. Set aside the usual circus ring tricks of political Chicanery.: The social stigma of losing necessitated strategy, even Chicanery.: Fans of today adore the cheaters of the past, precisely because of their Chicanery.: A CBS movie revisits Enron, with all its Chicanery, flimflam, excess, hanky-panky, and its descent into the dark, if darkly comic, side of capitalism.