national anthem in Vietnamese

danh từ
quốc ca

Sentence patterns related to "national anthem"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "national anthem" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "national anthem", or refer to the context using the word "national anthem" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. O Canada, national anthem of Canada.It was proclaimed the official national anthem on July 1, 1980

2. Everyone stood up for the national anthem.

3. After that revolution, it became the national anthem, replacing the communist-era national anthem "Trei culori" (English: "Three colors").

Năm 1989, nó trở thành quốc ca, thay thế cho quốc ca thời cộng sản - "Trei culori" (Ba màu).

4. The band played up the national anthem.

5. The concert concluded with the National Anthem.

6. The concert began with the National Anthem.

7. The police band played the national anthem.

8. (verb) Concluded the rally with the national anthem.

9. 7 The concert began with the National Anthem.

10. Daddy, Daddy, watch me burp the national anthem.

11. And then the orchestra struck up the National Anthem.

12. She has been commissioned to write a new national anthem.

13. The strains of the national anthem filled the hall.

14. We sang a last rousing chorus of the national anthem.

15. At his bidding, the delegates rose and sang the national anthem.

16. Using the national anthem as part of a comedy routine cheapens it.

17. Students are also forced to sing the national anthem and church hymns.”

Các học sinh cũng bị cưỡng bách phải hát quốc ca và thánh ca”.

18. During the playing of the national anthem the crowd roared and whistled.

19. Some memorable moments also have come during the singing of the national anthem.

20. Please will you all join with me in singing the national anthem.

21. It is sometimes honoured as "the second national anthem" of the PRC.

Đôi khi bài hát được vinh danh là "quốc ca thứ hai" của Cộng hòa Nhân dân Trung Hoa.

22. To bring to an end; close: Concluded the rally with the national anthem

23. To bring to an end; close: Concluded the rally with the national anthem

24. So I stopped participating in the flag salute and in the national anthem.

Vì thế, tôi ngừng chào cờ và ra dấu bài quốc ca.

25. 27 Using the national anthem as part of a comedy routine cheapens it.

26. In our national anthem, we've got bombs bursting in air, for God sakes.

27. 1 They were to fire a salvo of blanks, after the national anthem.

28. An arrangement for String Orchestra and optional percussion of the Abkhas National Anthem

29. By the early 20th century, many regarded the song unsuitable as a national anthem.

Vào đầu thế kỷ 20, nhiều người coi bài hát không phù hợp như một bài quốc ca.

30. The band began pipe up the national anthem as the national flag rose slowly.

31. Similar objections have also been raised to the current national anthem of Japan, Kimigayo.

Sự phản đối tương tự cũng dành cho quốc ca hiện nay của Nhật Bản là Kimigayo.

32. A woman called to say she wanted the fans to sing the national anthem.

33. Public schools held patriotic ceremonies that included saluting the flag and singing the national anthem.

Các trường công tổ chức những nghi lễ cổ vũ tinh thần ái quốc như chào cờ và hát quốc ca.

34. Lady Gaga, who Attended several campaign events alongside then-candidate Biden, sang the National Anthem

35. Before the movie began, everyone was supposed to stand up and sing the country’s national anthem.

Trước lúc chiếu phim, mọi người phải đứng lên hát quốc ca.

36. 8 As he stood on the winner's rostrum, he sang the words of the national anthem.

37. Deputies sang the national anthem when the votes reached the total of 336 required for impeachment.

38. The national anthem continues to glorify the same native land of brave forefathers and heroic exploits.

39. The brief ceremony and simple link display , the flag - ceremony not held not played Iraqi national anthem.

40. I was of the opinion that such homage should be preserved for the National Anthem alone.

41. The lyrics of the Turkish National Anthem consist of a long poem with 41 lines of verse.

Lời bài hát của Quốc ca Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ là một bài thơ dài với 41 câu.

42. The principles also appear in the first line of the National Anthem of the Republic of China.

Triết lý này cũng xuất hiện trong dòng đầu tiên của Quốc ca Trung Hoa Dân Quốc.

43. Even I wouldn't realise until they opened their mouths - which was only to sing the malai national anthem.

44. Singing the national anthem they pushed John through the streets, finally dumping him in the Town Mill pond.

45. The Mexican National Anthem was played for the first time in public at The Opera Theatre in Matamoros.

Quốc khánh Quốc gia Mexico được chơi lần đầu tiên trong công chúng tại Nhà hát Opera ở Matamoros.

46. It addresses everything from how players should stand during the national anthem to how long their hair is.

47. There was anger last night after Scottish and Welsh members of Team GB refused to sing the National Anthem .

Khán giả đã rất tức giận khi đêm qua các cầu thủ xứ Wales và Xcốtlen trong đội hình Vương quốc Anh từ chối hát quốc ca .

48. The ceremony typically starts with the hoisting of the host country's flag and a performance of its national anthem.

Buổi lễ thường bắt đầu với màn kéo cờ và trình bày bài quốc ca của nước chủ nhà.

49. One of its first actions was to endorse Putin's idea of restoring the Soviet national anthem written for Joseph Stalin.

50. An issue with the Hinomaru and national anthem was raised once again when Tokyo hosted the 1964 Summer Olympic Games.

Hinomaru và quốc ca lại gặp phải vấn đề khi Tokyo đăng cai Thế vận hội Mùa hè 1964.