musculo-epithelial in Vietnamese

tính từ
(thuộc) cơ biểu bì.

Sentence patterns related to "musculo-epithelial"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "musculo-epithelial" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "musculo-epithelial", or refer to the context using the word "musculo-epithelial" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Tumor cells of adenoid squamous cell carcinoma express epithelial intermediate filament cytokeratin, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), and epithelial basal membrane protein laminin-5 (Ln-5).

2. Amphid socket nucleus has an epithelial appearance

3. The anchoring filaments connect the basement membrane to the epithelial cells and together form the epithelial adhesion complex.

4. VEGF are produced in epithelial cells and mesenchymal cells which invaginate in the epithelial region of the Anlagen on Ed13.

5. Thymic epithelial progenitor cells and uses thereof

6. 29 Anile epithelial by all round epithelial squeeze nip from base ministry and be squeezed to go out, or pass former a denaturation, by all round epithelial gobble up and be able to keep clear of.

7. Generation of thymic epithelial progenitor cells in vitro

8. Method of modulating sodium ion absorption in epithelial cells

9. Central corneal stroma and epithelial thinning frequently precedes ectasia.

10. What Is An Epithelial Cell Abnormality? An Epithelial Cell Abnormality occurs when an epithelial cell — one that comes from any of the various surfaces in the human body — has undergone abnormal changes which could indicate cancerous or pre-cancerous cells

11. Tumors of the anal canal are mostly epithelial in origin.

12. The production of amyloid possibly occurs inside the epithelial cell.

13. 4 words related to Canaliculus: duct, epithelial duct, canal, channel

14. Carcinoma definition is - a malignant tumor of epithelial origin

15. Findings: Ndrg2 loss led to Adherens junction (AJ) structure destruction via E-cadherin expression attenuation, resulting in diminished epithelial barrier function and increased intestinal epithelial permeability

16. Corneal epithelial cells formed unilaminar and stratified layers and cellular joins.

17. Small bowel morphology and epithelial proliferation in intravenously Alimented rabbits

18. Complement activation observed in relation to epithelial IgGl deposits in

19. Agents and methods to alter epithelial sodium channel (EnaC) activity.

20. Epithelial cells: Widespread foot process effacement and focal micro vallation.

21. Epithelial cells are joined together by cell junctions ( tight junctions found only in epithelial , but also adhering junctions and gap junctions , which are found also in other tissues ) .

Các tế bào biểu mô được nối với nhau bằng các liên kết tế bào ( các liên kết chặt chẽ không chỉ thấy trong biểu mô , mà còn ở các cầu nối tiếp giáp và các khớp nối , cũng thấy trong các mô khác ) .

22. EBV infects B cells of the immune system and epithelial cells.

EBV lây nhiễm các tế bào B của hệ miễn dịch và các tế bào biểu mô.

23. Carcinoma is the name given to cancers that start in epithelial cells

24. Ampullary Adenomas are benign epithelial tumors arising in the ampulla of Vater

25. Adenomas with malignant epithelial areas were and are also treated by endoscopy.