muscularis externa in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "muscularis externa"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "muscularis externa" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "muscularis externa", or refer to the context using the word "muscularis externa" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Appositional suture patterns Gambee suture serosa muscularis submucosa mucosa 24

2. Especially the self-filling blind loops revealed a marked hypertrophy of the muscularis propria.

3. Bulkiest layer in the arteries Outermost layer is the tunica externa, or adventita 1

4. Apertness apertognathia (current term) apertometer apertura apertura externa aqueductus vestibuli apertura externa canaliculi cochleae: apertura lateralis ventriculi quarti apertura mediana ventriculi quarti apertura piriformis apertura sinus frontalis apertura sinus sphenoidalis apertura thoracis inferior apertura thoracis superior

5. Similar ultrastructural features were present in the ileum and colon, with the most noticeable abnormalities present in the muscularis propria.

6. If the muscularis propria escapes extensive damage, we assume that the impaired bowel propulsion is allowed to recover to some extent.

7. The wall of the Alimentary canal is composed of four basic tissue layers: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and serosa.

8. Easotic is used to treat dogs that suffer from acute or recurrent episodes of ear infections (otitis externa

9. Sometimes it is also referred to as the tunica externa especially when it is the Adventitia of artery

10. Serviços de Apoio Doméstico Interna - Externa - Crianças - Idosos - Férias

11. Level 4: Cancer invades through the submucosa below the stalk of the polyp but above the muscularis propria of the bowel wall.

12. Another frequent factor that causes Conductive hearing loss is a buildup of earwax (cerumen), another foreign body, or otitis externa.

13. In vitro tests, minimum lethal-time was less than 0.25 minutes when bacteria and fungi isolated from patients with otitis externa were exposed to 2% Acetic acid.

14. Codigo de Raiz Latina Espanol Terminologia A05.4.01.007 Tunica serosa Capa serosa A05.4.01.009 Tunica Adventitia Capa adventicia A05.4.01.010 Tunica muscularis Capa muscular A05.4.01.015 Tunica mucosa Capa mucosa TABLA II.

15. The muscularis propria blood flow displayed an aborally increasing gradient with flow to proximal esophagus (striated muscle) < distal esophagus (smooth muscle) < lower esophageal sphincter.

16. Difere, neste aspeto, da Auditoria externa que está mais focalizada na vertente financeira e nas atividades organizacionais que podem ter um efeito direto nas demonstrações financeiras.

17. The walls of bronchi and bronchioli are thick because of there are a lot of elastic fibers have been found in proper coat and tunica externa.

18. Vet-erinarians should perform a thorough oto-scopic examination (preferably while the Pet is anesthetized) to rule out concurrent otitis externa, otitis media, tympanic mem-brane damage or Aural foreign body

19. Est ridiculum quam de aliis industrias Animadverti patere invidiae sint externa pulchritudo, divitiae, sive relationes, quod ad artis locis pugna esset, et quia multi ex illis, cum spectamus nos, et cogitabat idem.

20. Astringente o estíptico es cualquiera de las substancias que con su aplicación externa local (tópica), retraen los tejidos y pueden producir una acción cicatrizante, antiinflamatoria y antihemorrágica

21. Astringente o estíptico es cualquiera de las sustancias que con su aplicación externa local (tópica) retraen los tejidos y pueden producir una acción cicatrizante, antiinflamatoria y antihemorrágica.

22. Awks January 14 · Feito especialmente para melhor aproveitamento de espaço em seu ambiente, o lindo conjunto de mesa para área externa, já vem até com um cooler em alumínio embutido para bebidas, pra alegrar mais quando for reunir a família ou os amigos!