morbus hemorrhagicus neonatorum in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "morbus hemorrhagicus neonatorum"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "morbus hemorrhagicus neonatorum" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "morbus hemorrhagicus neonatorum", or refer to the context using the word "morbus hemorrhagicus neonatorum" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Morbus haemolyticus neonatorum followed with 12% and congenital malformation with 10%.

2. Damage of the liver is not the chief pathogenetical factor of the morbus haemorrhagicus neonatorum.

3. Prematures and newborns with morbus haemolyticus neonatorum showed high concentrations of free (unconjugated) bilirubin and a relatively high monoglucuronide fraction.

4. The hypotonic sodium chloride test is therefore not suitable for the routine diagnosis of Morbus haemolyticus neonatorum due to Rh factors.

5. The morbus haemorrhagicus neonatorum, so called by Salomonsen, accordingly is not a nosological unit; four pathogenetical mechanism are showed in this study.

6. Sclerema neonatorum and adiponecrosis cutis neonatorum may well be related to a dystrophy of the subcutaneous tissues. Sclerema neonatorum is characterized by unusually intense and extensive crystal formation of the A type.

7. Asphyxia neonatorum is a leading cause of brain damage and death in infants worldwide

8. Patients usually suffer from morbus Asthenicus, flexor weakness, sensory disorders and neurological symptoms

9. The symptoms primarily described in Morbus Moschcowitz included thrombocytopenic purpura and hemolytic anemia.

10. In the longer lasting sclerema neonatorum the crystals of the A type may recrystallize into the B type and promote the corresponding tissue reaction, comparable to that of adiponaerosis cutis neonatorum.

11. Background: In up to 73% of ophthalmia neonatorum, Chlamydia trachomatis is the causative agents.

12. Antitoxinum, antibioticum Ventilatio artificialis Botulismus est morbus rarus contagione bacteriali per bacterium clostridium botulinum factus

13. It is suggested that reflexogenic and circulatory mechanisms play a major role in asphyxia neonatorum.

14. in newborns with myasthenia neonatorum i.e. transient myasthenia of neonates born from myasthenic mothers, in normal newborns.

15. Very often the so called Dacryocystitis neonatorum chronica simplex occurs because of the persistency of Hasner’s membrane.

16. Among other endocrinal illnesses (morbus Addison, Cushingoids, adrenogenital syndrom) no evident changes of the threshold were established.

17. It is suggested that this case represents a severe course of subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn (Adiponecrosis subcutanea neonatorum).

18. Name of " morbus Asthenicus " and has given an elaborate description of the features by which it can be recognized

19. Collywobbles (n.) "nauseated feeling, disordered indisposition in the bowels," 1823, probably a fanciful formation from colic and wobble.Perhaps suggested by cholera morbus.

20. The aim of this study was to determine the bacterial spectrum of ophthalmia neonatorum with special regard to chlamydia and their diagnostic tests.

21. How would cholera morbus have shifted into Collywobbles? By folk etymology – a process in which speakers make an unfamiliar term sound more familiar.

22. Efficacy: Dredge meridians to alleviate nerve pain and regulate menstrual quantity, improve morbus Asthenicus, achiness and weakness in loin and knees, insomnia, etc

23. Pregnant women without HSV antibodies and an HSV positive contact person are at risk of acquiring a prepartal infection with the risk of herpes neonatorum.

24. Etymologist believe that Collywobbles most likely has its origin in cholera morbus, the Latin term for the disease cholera (the symptoms of which include severe gastrointestinal disturbance)

25. Induction of the hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes has therapeutical implications for the detoxication of some physiological substances, e. g. bilirubin inicterus neonatorum or steroids in Cushing's syndrome.