moorland in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "moorland"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "moorland" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "moorland", or refer to the context using the word "moorland" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. They had scoured the intervening miles of moorland.

2. The hotel stands in splendid isolation, surrounded by moorland.

3. 26 The rate of loss of moorland and rough grassland is accelerating.

4. He took in deep breaths of the clean, icy moorland air.

5. The rate of loss of moorland and rough grassland is accelerating.

6. Most of it they have left as moorland on which they keep sheep.

7. Wet of the Lizard, the coastal character changes to open moorland reminiscent of Lundy.

8. The Dales pony is one of the United Kingdom's native mountain and moorland pony breeds.

Ngựa lùn Dales là một trong những giống ngựa bản địa và ngựa hoang của Vương quốc Anh.

9. 27 The bleak moorland stretched on all sides as far as the eye could see.

10. Some routes were planned, climbing from valleys to moorland pastures and shielings for summer grazing.

11. The wind itself had ceased and a brilliant, deep blue sky arched high over the moorland.

Gió chính nó đã chấm dứt và một bầu trời màu xanh rực rỡ, sâu cong cao trong moorland.

12. Barely a hundred survived to regroup with Davout's reserves in the moorland north of the village.

13. We don't want that, and we don't want Gatso speed cameras mounted on lonely moorland roads.

14. A land of rich fertile valleys that reach up to touch the edge of wild moorland.

15. The Kerry Bog Pony is a mountain and moorland breed of pony that originated in Ireland.

Ngựa lùn Kerry là một giống ngựa miền núi và giống ngựa hoang có nguồn gốc từ Ireland.

16. The hills below were rising into moorland, vast and brown, on which the sheep roamed more sparsely.

17. The granite tors of the Mountains of Mourne and the open moorland wildscape of the Sperrin Mountains also attract tourists.

18. Borders of woodland and moorland, moors, steppes and swampy heaths with scattered trees, especially birches and pines.

19. It became a rough bridleway, leading through a series of gates on to the lower reaches of moorland.

20. All the bedrooms are en suite and have superb views of the sea or across the wild moorland.

21. He compromised by gazing fixedly into the middle distance, where moorland and forest drifted by and could be contemplated almost casually.

22. Peat moorland, especially at low altitude, was used in the past for cultivation, normally potatoes but sometimes cereals.

23. Bracken is the UK's most common fern and grows in dense stands on heathland, moorland, hillsides and in woodland

24. Plodding up and down stony paths, crossing tussocky moorland and jumping streams can all make great demands on footwear.

25. Then you can picnic, play football or cricket or just walk across the moorland and look at the sheep.

26. They tend to favour mountains, moorland and sea cliffs in the breeding seasons, and estuaries and coasts in winter.

27. The pizzeria is located at 15795 W Bluemound Road on the corner of Bluemound and Moorland Roads, outside Brookfield Square Mall

28. As the person in charge of moorland protection Christine Margraf actively campaigns to ensure it is anchored in all policy areas.

29. If you fancy your chances at bigger shows think about a registered Mountain and Moorland for a fraction of the price.

30. In some areas of the park the vegetation is tinder dry and poses a real risk of a serious moorland fire.

31. Only if sheep graze a combination of rough grassland and heather moor will the grassland slowly extend at the expense of moorland.

32. 24 Only if sheep graze a combination of rough grassland and heather moor will the grassland slowly extend at the expense of moorland.

33. Often described as the most beautiful glen in Scotland, Glen Affric contains the third largest area of ancient Caledonian pinewoods in Scotland, as well as lochs, moorland and mountains.

34. The Exmoor pony is a horse breed native to the British Isles, where some still roam as semi-feral livestock on Exmoor, a large area of moorland in Devon and Somerset in southwest England.

Ngựa Exmoor là một giống ngựa có nguồn gốc từ quần đảo Anh, nơi mà một số vẫn đi lang thang như chăn nuôi bán gia súc trên khu vực Exmoor, một khu vực rộng lớn của moorland ở Devon và Somerset ở phía tây nam nước Anh.

35. To the west of Kibo lies Shira, which is the collapsed remains of an ancient volcano long since eroded by wind and water, now forming a breathtaking moorland plateau 13,000 feet [4,000 m] above sea level.

36. The special charms of a train journey through Scotland are the distant views of tremendous cliffs and ancient castles, of empty moorland and misty peaks, of lochs and glens, giving way to isolated beaches of white sand and dreamy vistas over the Hebridean islands, or to a picturesque fishing village.

37. The sun lay low in the west upon a purple cloud, whence it threw a mild, Chastening light over the wild moorland and glittered on the fringe of forest turning the withered leaves into flakes of dead gold, the brighter for the black depths behind them

38. 1° heathland, moorland, marshland, mobile dunes, dune fields, salt meadows, tidal gullies, salt marshes, alluvial land, mud flats, ‘green’ beaches, reed beds, scrub, thickets, swamps, bogs, ponds, brooks, small rivers, pools, closed river channels, creeks, springs and water sources, in so far as they cannot be used as agricultural land;

39. ‘The Bracken has turned the crag into deep rust swathes and the banks of trees brushed neatly back by the winds climb the hillside in rainbow shades of autumn.’ ‘If the results are proved, it is hoped Government funding will be available to effectively control the growth and spread of Bracken on open moorland and eradicate the virus