monoculture in Vietnamese

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sự độc canh

Sentence patterns related to "monoculture"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "monoculture" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "monoculture", or refer to the context using the word "monoculture" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. It's suitable for monoculture, and inter cropping.

2. Both demonstrate the dangers of the monoculture.

3. It creates a monoculture and that's always bad.

4. But the trouble is they tend to be monoculture plantations.

5. If you concentrate on grain monoculture, you are looking for trouble.

6. The trends of monoculture forests leads to biodiversity loss and ecosystem service decrease.

7. Perhaps there has never been such a thing as monoculture society.

8. Avoid monoculture: growing large areas of the same crop which then becomes an easy target.

9. There's a monoculture in biomedical research that revolves around mice testing, Engber explains.

10. Monoculture practices can incorporate multiple cropping systems by using rotations, borders, and cover crops.

11. It created a centralized financial monoculture, which requires a gigantic government to audit its activities.

12. A further factor complicating the story is the trend towards monoculture of timber trees such as spruce.

13. Despite the march of commercial monoculture, you can still find living artifacts to thrill the Ardenthearted

14. Moreover, these lines have the aspect of a monoculture in which the cells are only accidentally aggregated.

15. Gaoming Jiang points out that poplar-based plywood can be readily manufactured from monoculture poplar plantations and sold profitably.

16. I don't want to see another era of client monoculture like the Microsoft one in the 80s and 90s.

17. Heavy use of fertilisers and high stocking rates had maintained a tight-cropped monoculture of little interest to wildlife.

18. The biggest reason for this is that "there is no phone monoculture that the bad guys can attack, " he says.

19. As fields become larger, more connected, and more of a monoculture , the harm that any given parasite can inflict grows, too.

20. Results showed that: The intercropping significantly reduced potential and actual transpiration of wheat by 0% and 8% compared with monoculture system respectively.

21. All over the world, the spread of the globalized monoculture is forcefully eradicating ecosocial forms of culture that evolved in place.

22. This scenario requires urgent consideration because European companies – some with foreign aid money support – are rapidly establishing enormous carbon monoculture fields in tropical countries.

23. Biodiversity is decreasing rapidly as habitats are destroyed and replaced by monoculture crop systems and invaded by alien species, said the declaration.

24. Monoculture forests reduce the range of habitats for birds and other wildlife and thereby reduce the environmental and economic benefits people derive from wildlife seed-dispersal.

25. If avian influenza comes along, they can have the bird that's resistant to it ... you won't have a monoculture, when one disease hits it, and it wipes it out.

26. Now, the scale of almond monoculture demands that most of our nation's bees, over 1.5 million hives of bees, be transported across the nation to pollinate this one crop.

Bây giờ, quy mô của việc trồng độc canh cây hạnh nhân đòi hỏi phần lớn những con ong của đất nước chúng ta, hơn 1,5 triệu tổ ong, được vận chuyển trên toàn quốc để thụ phấn cho cây trồng này.

27. (espace principal) "probiotic" means a monoculture or mixed-culture of live micro-organisms that benefit the microbiota indigenous to humans. (probiotique) "proper name" means, in respect of an ingredient of a natural health product, one of the following: 1. if the ingredient is a vitamin, the name for that vitamin set out in item 3 of Schedule 1; 2. if the ingredient is a plant or a plant material, an alga, a bacterium, a fungus, a non-human animal material or a probiotic, the Latin nomenclature of its genus and, if any, its specific epithet; and 3. if the ingredient is other than one described in paragraphs (a) or (b), the chemical name of the ingredient.