molecular weights in Vietnamese

danh từ
trọng lượng phân tử

Sentence patterns related to "molecular weights"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "molecular weights" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "molecular weights", or refer to the context using the word "molecular weights" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Further, Carboxylic acids with lower molecular weights easily dissolve in water.

2. Alcohols with low molecular weights—the bad-for-skin kind—can be drying and sensitizing

3. A new synthetic method to give wholly Alicyclic polyimides with high molecular weights has been developed

4. Even higher molecular weights can be attained by carefully crystallizing the crude polymer from the melt.

Ngay cả trọng lượng phân tử cao hơn cũng có thể đạt được bằng cách kết tinh cẩn thận polymer thô từ sự tan chảy.

5. Thearticle deals with some principles under which molecular weights and extention of modification effect the flocculation.

6. In general, the cyclic compounds (crown ethers) are more effective than acyclic polyethers of comparable molecular weights.

7. The gas Chromatographer is able to detect VOCs with molecular weights ranging between 45 and 300 g/mole

8. Butazolidin ingredients and intermediates available in distinct packs, unique molecular weights, different combinations, etc depending on your requirements

9. High molecular weights of polymers were confirmed by membrane osmometry, and also by Staudinger’s measurements of viscosity in solution.

Các trọng lượng phân tử cao của polymer đã được xác nhận bởi áp suất thẩm thấu, và cũng bởi các phép đo độ nhớt trong dung dịch của Staudinger.

10. The highly purified native phycobiliproteins were characterized by absorption spectra, absorption ratios, and fluorescence emission spectra, molecular weights, and isoelectric points.

11. These polymers, based on methacrylate chemistry, have high molecular weights and therefore form very stable coatings owing to their multipoint attachment.

12. Amandin is the major storage protein in almond, which is composed of two polypeptides with estimated molecular weights of 42–46 kDa (and 20–22 kDa linked via disulfide bonds) .

13. Non-Biodegraded black oils generally contain high (1–3 mol%) butane and pentane contents and are characterised by molecular weights of the C 10+ fraction between 260 and 300 Da

14. ‘The molecular weights commonly used for biomedical and Biotechnological applications range from a few hundred to approximately 20000.’ ‘One of the most rapidly developing areas of Biotechnological research is environmental biotechnology.’

15. Actinomycetes belonging to this cell wall type are further classified on the basis of presence or absence of mycolic acids and further on the basis of molecular weights of the mycolates