mister in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. (thường Viết tắt Mr.) ông
2. (thông tục) như sir
3. người thường (đối lại với quý tộc)
4. (thông tục); (đùa cợt) chồng, ông xã, bố nó

Ngoại Động từ
gọi bằng ông

Sentence patterns related to "mister"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mister" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mister", or refer to the context using the word "mister" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Now listen to me, mister!

2. Mister, I'm not running away.

Bác ah, cháu không có trốn chạy đâu.

3. Hand down please, mister Grant.

4. Let me tell you something, mister.

5. A mister is characterized by greed.

6. Mister Smith is my good friend.

7. Mister, you're grounded till you die.

Qúi ngài, con sẽ bị cấm túc cho đến khi con chết.

8. " I wish I'd said Mister Williams.

9. Um... you got any Hubba Bubba, mister?

Ông có kẹo cao su chứ?

10. Mister, you're a sugar daddy, aren't you?

Này anh, anh có phải là đứa dại gái không hả?

11. But mister, have any medicine for alcohol?

Khoan, ông có thuốc giã rượu không?

12. Looking for Mister CHOI Hee-chul's fiancée.

Chúng tôi đang tìm Vợ sắp cưới của ông Choi Hee-Chul.

13. Mister Attorney General, I obviously already have.

Thưa ngài Tổng Chưởng lý, rõ ràng tôi đã đánh cược.

14. "That's right, mister," another child piped up.

15. Adieu mister social calendar of the greek system.

16. Penguins have very much upset me, Mister Disney!

Bọn chim cánh cụt làm tôi nổi giận đấy, ông Disney!

17. Please, mister, can we have our ball back?

18. You don't have any change, do you mister?

19. Please mister, can I have my ball back?

20. Mister, don't try no fucking shit with me.

Anh đừng có giở trò đó với tôi!

21. Mister Ganske, have you still got Spreewood gherkins?

Ngài Ganske, Ngài còn dưa chuột muối không?

22. Mister Swanson earned seven million dollars last year.

23. Mister, it does everything but shoot around corners.

Thưa ông, nó làm được mọi chuyện trừ bắn quẹo qua góc đường.

24. Is there another wash-up back here, mister?

Còn chỗ rửa ráy nào trong đó không?

25. Like Boyfriend, but for grown-ups! 10 The Mister

26. Mister McCarthy was a professor of mathematics at Dartmouth.

27. Traditionally, Mister World lives in London during his reign.

Các Hoa hậu Thế giới sẽ sống ở London, Anh Quốc trong suốt thời gian giữ vương miện.

28. Dare he risk inviting them and asking Mister Tom's permission?

29. Two forensic pathologists Mister Gleason has scheduled for our entertainment here.

30. I don't need " mister " to make this body feel any older.

Tôi không cần được gọi bằng " ông " để thấy già hơn đâu.

31. At least say " mister, " even if you had the job first.

Ít ra cũng nên gọi " hậu bối " cho phải phép chứ.

32. Mister Bushnell liked the game so much he invented another, " Pong. "

33. Everyone wants to hear their news anchor say, "Mister Splashy Pants."

34. If Mister Mosquito is swatted while sucking blood, instant death occurs.

Nếu Mister Mosquito bị tát trúng trong khi hút máu, tức thì cái chết xảy ra.

35. He got told off by Mister C. It's inevitable, I suppose.

36. Back your ass out of the room, mister, and leave the blade.

Xách mông mày rời khỏi căn phòng đi, thưa ngài, và bỏ con dao lại.

37. At the moment I'm only a mister, but I'll be a professor.

38. 29 Mister W . resigned last month . His last day is June thirtieth.

39. The Bosun is a Mister Handy aboard the USS Constitution in 2287

40. A blogger who calls himself Mister Lawrence works as a substitute teacher.

41. How in the world does Mister Disney propose to train penguins to dance?

Làm thế nào mà ông Disney huấn luyện chim cánh cụt nhảy được?

42. Mister Pants, or "Splashy" to his friends, was very popular on the Internet.

43. Listen to me, Mister, I don't ever wanna see you in this bar again.

44. Chelicera was a genetic hybrid created by Mister Sinister using Anna-May Parker's DNA

45. When Magneto disappeared, Barbarus and the other Mutates found a new master, Mister Sinister

46. Irving Berlin retired in 1960 - two years after his last Broadway musical, Mister President, failed.

47. Mister W., would you be so kind as to remove any firearms from your person?

Ông Welles, ông vui lòng có súng thì lấy ra được không?

48. Look, Mister, we know our job, so don't try to tell us what to do.

49. All right, Danny, cut the " mister " crap, and you got like a million amps to lug.

50. The Mister Antony Black Barathea Inverness Cape is custom made to order and is fully lined