mislead in Vietnamese

Ngoại Động từ
1. làm cho ai nghĩ sai, ấn tượng sai về cái gì
2. làm cho mê muội; làm cho lầm đường, lạc lối
3. lừa dối

Sentence patterns related to "mislead"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mislead" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mislead", or refer to the context using the word "mislead" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. “Blind Guides” Mislead Many

“Kẻ mù làm người dẫn-đưa” khiến nhiều người lầm đường

2. To mislead and to beguile.

cố âm mưu lừa gạt dối gian,

3. They are seeking to mislead us.

4. The scientific method may sometimes mislead.

5. False religion, spiritism, and nationalism mislead people

Tôn giáo giả, ma thuật và lòng ái quốc đánh lừa người ta

6. A maze is designed to mislead.

Mê lộ tạo ra để đánh lạc hướng con người.

7. 8 Politicians have used lies to mislead mankind.

8 Giới chính trị cũng dùng những lời dối trá để lừa gạt nhân loại.

8. Governments should penalise businesses that mislead the public.

9. This is incorrect and could mislead the public.

10. They might condemn us for attempting to mislead others.

Họ có thể lên án chúng ta là đã cố gắng đánh lừa người khác.

11. He wouldn't try to mislead you - it's not his style.

12. It was a deliberate attempt to mislead the voters.

13. Mainly, the demons use methods designed to mislead people.

Chủ yếu là các quỉ dùng những mưu chước làm lầm lạc loài người.

14. Statistics taken on their own are liable to mislead.

15. Don't let his friendly manner mislead you into trusting him.

16. Some common synonyms of Beguile are deceive, delude, and mislead

17. 9 Satan uses similar methods to mislead God’s people today.

9 Sa-tan dùng phương pháp tương tự để lừa gạt dân tộc Đức Chúa Trời ngày nay.

18. Most leaders understand this; few intentionally mislead people about meaning.

19. Our force pulled back in order to mislead the enemy.

20. Meantime, however, he is alive and continues to mislead mankind.

Tuy nhiên trong khi chờ đợi, hắn vẫn sống và tiếp tục lừa dối nhân loại.

21. (Revelation 12:9) He would like to mislead us too.

Vâng, “Sa-tan dỗ-dành cả thiên-hạ” (Khải-huyền 12:9).

22. To Cozen is to mislead, defraud, or fool someone through lies

23. I believe this was a deliberate attempt to mislead the court.

24. Some manufacturers see the current labelling regulations as licence to mislead shoppers.

25. Another word for Befool: fool, trick, cheat, con, mislead Collins English Thesaurus

26. There are more ways than one in which a metaphor can mislead.

27. Jones was very subtle about his use of sexuality to mislead his people.

28. You give me Tom Chaney, and I'll mislead them for six hours.

Mày giao Tom Chaney cho tao thì tao sẽ cầm chân họ sáu tiếng.

29. Deceive, mislead, delude, Beguile mean to lead astray or frustrate usually by underhandedness

30. Her quiet lucidity startled him, but did not mislead him into thinking her insensible.

31. 🔊 The judge warned the lawyer about using Casuistry to mislead the jury

32. Intelligences without bodies and beings without form are spectral ghosts guaranteed to mislead.

33. Antonyms for Acquaint include conceal, deceive, delude, falsify, hide, mislead, misrepresent, secrete, suppress and withhold

34. 49 synonyms for Circumvent: evade, bypass, elude, steer clear of, sidestep, outwit, trick, mislead

35. Abbreviations, including initials, may not be used if they are liable to mislead consumers.

36. Macdonald accepted that such information could be used to manipulate, to obfuscate, and to mislead.

37. I'm not suggesting you deliberately tried to mislead us, just that you made a mistake.

38. Don’t hesitate to contact us if something’s wrong or mislead information about Alpenstock Trekking Poles

39. The eyes can mislead, a smile can lie, but the shoes always tell the truth.

Ánh mắt, nụ cười có thể làm ta mê muội nhưng đôi giày thì luôn nói sự thật.

40. Yes, Satan and his wicked companions mislead and cause great woe for people on earth.

Thật vậy, Sa-tan và các thiên sứ ác theo hắn đang lừa dối và gây ra những khốn khổ cho người ta trên đất.

41. In a final test of all perfect humans, Satan will be permitted to try to mislead them.

Trong lần thử thách cuối cùng trên toàn thể loài người hoàn hảo, Sa-tan sẽ được phép để cố gắng lừa dối họ.

42. 69 synonyms for Bilk: cheat, do, skin, fool, con, stiff, sting, mislead, rip off, deceive, fleece, defraud

43. This tactic will help to mislead the Cyberstalker and create doubts that this is really you

44. 64 synonyms for Bamboozle: cheat, do, kid, skin, trick, fool, take in, con, stiff, sting, mislead

45. 2:4, 5 —Why does Rahab mislead the king’s men who are searching for the spies?

2:4, 5—Tại sao Ra-háp đánh lừa quân lính vua sai đi tìm kiếm người do thám?

46. Satan will be released from his imprisonment and allowed to try to mislead mankind one last time.

47. An Attempt to do sth une tentative de faire qch → It was a deliberate Attempt to mislead people

48. While, at a superficial level, the titles might well mislead, a swift glance at the contents is reassuring.

49. (2 Corinthians 4:4) Another important way that wicked spirits mislead men and women is through spiritism.

Những ác thần cũng lừa dối cả đàn ông lẫn đàn bà bằng một lối khác, ấy là thuật đồng bóng.

50. He especially warned them against “oppressive wolves” who would appear from among them and would mislead the disciples.

Ông đã đặc biệt cảnh cáo họ hãy đề phòng các “muông-sói dữ-tợn” ắt sẽ ở trong vòng họ mà dấy lên cùng sẽ lừa dối những môn-đồ.