mineral content in Vietnamese

danh từ
hàm lượng chất khoáng

Sentence patterns related to "mineral content"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mineral content" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mineral content", or refer to the context using the word "mineral content" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Fortified milk products have added vitamin and mineral content.

2. Barley nutrition helps many functions due to its high mineral content.

3. He insisted that the mineral content of the water determined the opacity.

4. Key words: bone mineral content, muscle strength, unilateral loading, mechanical stress, absorptiometry

5. Don't overcook your food as this can lower the vitamin and mineral content.

6. Petrographic analysis provided an additional description of their texture and mineral content, complementing the porosity maps.

7. 19 Much of the mineral content has been leaching out of the soil during the rainy weather.

8. 6 Your kidneys also help control the mineral content of your blood as well as its acidity and pressure.

6 Hai quả thận cũng giúp kiểm soát lượng khoáng chất, độ axit và áp suất của máu.

9. 4 Figure 3-17 shows graphically the division of igneous rocks according to their mineral content and their grain size.

10. Basalt is defined by its mineral content and texture, and physical descriptions without mineralogical context may be unreliable in some circumstances.

Đá bazan được định nghĩa bởi thành phần khoáng chất và kiến trúc; mô tả tính chất vật lý không đề cập đến khoáng chất có thể không đáng tin cậy trong một số trường hợp.

11. There are analogies between the mineral content of Leguminosae-plants and honey at certain elements (see Ca/PO4 and Mn/Cu ratio).

12. Their mineral content is consisting of goethite, lepidocrocite, hematite, magnetite with some transformation to maghemite, siderite and the usual accompanying “gangue” minerals.

13. Blood tests are often used in health care to determine physiological and biochemical states, such as disease, mineral content, pharmaceutical drug effectiveness, and organ function.

Các xét nghiệm máu thường được sử dụng trong chăm sóc sức khỏe để xác định các trạng thái sinh lý và sinh hóa, chẳng hạn như bệnh, khoáng chất, hiệu quả dược phẩm, và chức năng cơ quan.

14. During every exposure to the acidic environment, portions of the inorganic mineral content at the surface of teeth dissolve and can remain dissolved for two hours.

15. The mineral content of Arkose rock includes Calcite, Clay, Clay Minerals, Feldspar, Micas, Quartz and The compound content of Arkose rock includes Aluminium Oxide, CaO, Iron

16. Blue-green Algae have a high protein, iron, and other mineral content which is absorbed when taken orally.Blue-green Algae are being researched for their potential effects on the immune system

17. Due to its physical morphology and low mineral content Cannel coal is considered to be coal but by its texture and composition of the organic matter it is considered to be oil shale.

18. In fact , brown rice is one of the most easily digested starches , and what 's more - because of its high mineral content , brown rice supplies important nutrients for the hair , teeth , nails , muscles and bones .

Thực ra , gạo lức là một trong những loại tinh bột dễ tiêu hoá nhất , và hơn nữa vì gạo lức chứa hàm lượng khoáng chất cao , nó cung cấp các dưỡng chất quan trọng cho tóc , răng , móng , cơ bắp và xương .

19. Argillaceous Applied to rocks which are silt - to clay -sized sediments (grain size less than 0.0625 mm in diameter). They account for more than 50% of sedimentary rocks and most have a very high clay mineral content

20. The waters of the North Sea, Baltic Sea and the Bothnic Bay vary greatly in salinity and mineral content, making distinct terroirs for fish such as herring and salmon, which vary in texture and taste according to locality

21. Healing the wounds incurred by surface mining meant first of all the preparing of a soil conducive to the needs of a forest, providing: (1) variety in mineral content, (2) looseness in texture, and (3) sufficient oxygen content by means of aeration.

22. Andesite Mineral Complex returns the essential minerals and trace elements from volcanic rock dust to your soil in a slow, natural release. Its broad spectrum of mineral content improves plant production and nutrient/water uptake while reducing the effects of environmental stress factors (drought, pests, diseases, etc.) on plant health.