milk-producing in Vietnamese

( thuộc ) tạo sữa

Sentence patterns related to "milk-producing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "milk-producing" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "milk-producing", or refer to the context using the word "milk-producing" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Thus herders would avoid slaughtering a milk-producing cow.

Do đó, những người chăn nuôi tránh giết bò sữa.

2. After the menopause activity in the milk - producing tissue stops .

3. The farm's livestock includes around 10-15 milk-producing moose cows.

Chăn nuôi của trang trại bao gồm khoảng 10-15 con nai sừng tấm Á-Âu cho sữa.

4. Disinfection of teats of milk producing animals by dipping after milking

5. Disinfection of teats of milk producing animals by dipping, foaming or spraying after milking

6. Within it are ducts, tiny passageways, that channel milk from milk- producing sacs to the nipple.

7. The Simmental had good milk-producing and draught qualities, and the resulting crosses were triple-purpose animals with milk, meat, and draught capabilities.

Simmental có sản xuất sữa tốt và chất lượng kéo cày, và kết quả lai là động vật có ba mục đích: lấy sữa, thịt và khả năng kéo cày.

8. Adenosis is a benign (non-cancerous) breast condition in which the lobules (milk-producing glands) are enlarged, and there are more glands than usual.

9. Breasts are made of lobules (milk producing glands) and ducts (tubes that carry the milk to the nipple).These are surrounded by glandular, fibrous and fatty tissues

10. Breast and Axillae Anatomy: The breast is made up of milk producing glands that are arranged into units known as lobules.These glands are connected via a series of ducts that ultimately join up to form a common drainage path, terminating at the nipple.