milk production in Vietnamese

sản lượng sữa, mức cho sữa

Sentence patterns related to "milk production"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "milk production" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "milk production", or refer to the context using the word "milk production" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Galactopoiesis is the maintenance of milk production.

2. Subject: Adapting milk production to EU technical requirements

3. And resolutely down on fresh milk production and adulteration of the offense.

4. The highest recorded milk production was 777 litres in a 220 days lactation period.

Việc sản xuất sữa cao nhất ghi nhận được 777 lít trong 220 ngày kỳ cho con bú.

5. The Ayrshire is an efficient grazer; noted for her vigour and efficiency of milk production

6. Remember, too, that your milk production is stimulated by the act of feeding your baby.

7. The determining factor is that milk production must account for a major part of farming activity.

8. Jessica Ellis Date: January 23, 2021 Ductal Carcinomas develop in the milk production systems of females.

9. It isn't obvious what the optimum trade-off is between, say, milk production and running speed.

10. Milk production per lactation for pluriparous nannies is approximately 570 kg, and may reach 750 kg.

Sản lượng sữa cho mỗi con bú đối với các dê cái nhiều con là khoảng 570 kg và có thể đạt 750 kg.

11. Camphor is known to modulate sexual activity, contraception, induce abortion, and reduce milk production in lactating women.

12. 9 It isn't obvious what the optimum trade-off is between, say, milk production and running speed.

13. Sauropus Androgynus is traditionally consumed by Indonesians and is believed to increase breast milk production during lactation

14. Diarrhoea , weight loss , lowered fertility and reduced milk production are some of the other effects of fluoride pollution .

15. The Podolica was in the past mainly kept for draught work; meat and milk production were secondary to this.

Bò Podolica trong quá khứ chủ yếu được nuôi với mục đích kéo cày trợ giúp công việc đồng áng; sản xuất thịt và sữa là thứ yếu.

16. Bovine somatotropin (Bst) Bovine somatotropin (Bst) is a metabolic protein hormone used to increase milk production in dairy cows

17. The voluntary or economic Culling includes selling the cows for dairy purposes, for low milk production, or bad temper

18. They are used for both beef and milk production and are noted for their thriftiness, longevity and lack of calving difficulties.

Chúng được sử dụng cho cả sản sinh thịt bò và sữa và được ghi nhận về sự tiết kiệm, tuổi thọ và ít khó khăn trong việc sinh đẻ.

19. He said that after the Green Revolution, the emphasis now is on milk production, honey production, and also on poultry and fisheries.

20. Bovine somatotropin (Bst), also known as bovine growth hormone, is an animal drug approved by FDA to increase milk production in dairy cows

21. The milk quota system was introduced precisely in order to reduce milk production and now we are to take it ad absurdum with BST.

22. While most cattle are bred for milk production rather than meat, veal is popular for grilling meat appetizers (meze) and in some main courses.

Trong khi hầu hết gia súc được nuôi cho sản xuất sữa hơn là lấy thịt, thịt bê phổ biến để làm món nướng khai vị (meze) và trong một số món chính.

23. The Senepol breed combines characteristics of heat tolerance and insect resistance with the docile nature, good meat, and high milk production of the Red Poll.

Giống Senepol kết hợp đặc điểm chịu nhiệt và kháng côn trùng với tính chất ngoan ngoãn, thịt tốt và sản lượng sữa cao của bò Red Poll.

24. The functional atrophy of brown adipose tissue during lactation is linked to a substantial saving in maternal energy expenditure, reducing the energy requirements for milk production.

25. No data available on the presence of lactic acid, citric acid, and potassium Bitartrate or their metabolites in human milk, or effects on breastfeeding or milk production

26. Milch cow industry is one of important part of dairy industry, including breeding milch cow , raising milch cow , preventing and cure of the epidemic disease and milk production.

27. 15 Direct-fed microbials(DFM) have been shown to increase daily gain and feed efficiency in feedlot cattle, enhance milk production in dairy cows, and improve health and performance of young calves.

28. The steps involved in milk production, Curdling and cheese treatment (until the ripening period is complete) must all take place in the production area indicated in paragraph 4 in order to guarantee quality, traceability and control

29. Whole Cottonseed is an excellent feed ingredient for cattle, especially lactating cows. The high level of energy (fat), protein, and effective fiber in whole Cottonseed has the potential to increase milk production and butterfat when added to the ration.

30. Its supporters' ambition is that it stand alongside other technical elements which have to date marked the progress of milk production, such as artificial insemination, new methods of breeding and feeding, techniques to combat animal disease, genetic selection, etc.

31. At the time when he acquired the quantities, therefore, the applicant could not have been unaware of the existence of surplus milk production and the measures suspending reference quantities which, although the subject of degressive compensation, showed that the market was in a special situation.

32. There are no data on effects of Amoxicillin on milk production; the developmental and health benefits of breastfeeding should be considered along with the mother’s clinical need for therapy and any potential adverse effects on breast-fed child from drug or from underlying maternal condition

33. (31) The permanent withdrawal from all holders of reference quantities is amply justified: since they all benefit from the advantages of the additional levy scheme, it is logical that they should also likewise accept measures to control milk production which are necessary in order to reduce the surpluses to which they have all contributed.

34. The animals have the following phenotypic characters: medium height, good body development, proportionate physique, with a range of colourings but predominantly black, long hair, with horns, average-sized ears, short but strong legs, exceptionally resistant, abstemious, with a strong temperament, suited to dry, hot climates, poor pastures and extensive feeding conditions, late sexual maturity, low incidence of multiple births, low milk production (the milk has high levels of fat (5 %) and protein (3,5 %)), resistant to extreme weather conditions, resistant to disease and able to walk far.

35. The animals have the following phenotypic characters: medium height, good body development, proportionate physique, with a range of colourings but predominantly black, long hair, with horns, average-sized ears, short but strong legs, exceptionally resistant, abstemious, with a strong temperament, suited to dry, hot climates, poor pastures and extensive feeding conditions, late sexual maturity, low incidence of multiple births, low milk production (the milk has high levels of fat (# %) and protein (#,# %)), resistant to extreme weather conditions, resistant to disease and able to walk far