military intelligence in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "military intelligence"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "military intelligence" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "military intelligence", or refer to the context using the word "military intelligence" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Military intelligence data gathering and processing systems

2. William Metzger (Bilbos) Teacher/DJ/Military Intelligence-USAR

3. served in iraq doing psychological operations with military intelligence.

Phục vụ ở Irắc làm hoạt động tâm lý với tình báo quân sự.

4. For example, a friend of mine works military intelligence - - owes me a favor.

Một người bạn của tôi làm việc trong ngành tình báo quân đội... mang ơn tôi chẳng hạn.

5. After graduating college, Kaspersky served the Soviet military intelligence service as a software engineer.

Sau khi tốt nghiệp đại học, Kaspersky phục vụ trong quân đội Nga như là một kỹ sư phần mềm.

6. Do you know the nightmare that's in store for us if anyone knew that British military intelligence had been there?

Anh biết cơn ác mộng gì đang đợi ta nếu ai đó biết tình báo Anh Quốc có mặt ở đó chứ?

7. From 1917, he was assigned to military intelligence and headed the Harbin Special Agency and operational offices in Irkutsk and Omsk.

Từ năm 1917, ông làm tình báo quân sự và lãnh đạo cơ quan tình báo đặc biệt Harbin và tổ chức hoạt động tại Irkutsk và Omsk.

8. In August 2002, the Israeli Military Intelligence Chief alleged that Arafat's personal wealth was in the range of US$1.3 billion.

Tháng 8 năm 2002, Lãnh đạo Tình báo Quân sự Israel đã cho rằng tài sản cá nhân của Arafat trong khoảng $1.3 tỷ.

9. The three aforenamed persons are currently deprived of their liberty and are being held in the facilities of the Military Intelligence Directorate.

10. An Alawite student at Damascus University said: "Seven months ago, most of my relatives were volunteering with the air force intelligence or military intelligence.

11. After the Nazis took over Paris in 1940, Chanel Cozied up to Baron Hans Günther von Dincklage, an officer in Abwehr, the German military intelligence.

12. The regiment is headquartered at Fort Benning, Georgia and is composed of a regimental headquarters company, a military intelligence battalion, a special troops battalion, and three Ranger Battalions.

13. The Russian bounty program is an alleged project of Russian military intelligence to pay Bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing American and other allied service members in Afghanistan.

14. There was also military intelligence cooperation, for instance allowing SIGINT flights to probe the Soviet radar network (according to Pekka Visuri) and providing seismic data to detect Soviet nuclear tests.

15. Developed during World War II, the multiple Bombes employed by British and United States military intelligence code breakers aided the allied war effort by providing access to German and Japanese military secrets

16. In a prison cell on the outskirts of Kabul, the Afghan Intelligence Service is holding a young man who alleges he was recruited earlier this year by Pakistan's powerful military intelligence agency, the ISI.

17. "Spurious Correlations is the most fun you'll ever have with graphs." -- Bustle Military intelligence analyst and Harvard Law student Tyler Vigen illustrates the golden rule that "correlation does not equal causation" through hilarious graphs inspired by his viral website.

18. “The opinion of the Military Intelligence Branch is entirely adverse to the amendment to the espionage law to the effect that section 3, Title I, shall not apply to those who utter, ‘what is true, with good motives and for justifiable ends.’

19. This page presents the geographical name data for Bashkiria in Russia, as supplied by the US military intelligence in electronic format, including the geographic coordinates and place name in various forms, latin, roman and native characters, and its location in its respective country's administrative division.

20. United States Army Counterintelligence (ACI) is the component of United States Army Military Intelligence which conducts Counterintelligence activities to detect, identify, assess, counter, exploit and/or neutralize adversarial, foreign intelligence services, international terrorist organizations, and insider threats to the United States Army and U.S

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