migration-defining are in Vietnamese

vùng xác định di cư [ một vùng xác định những biên giới phải qua được coi là di cư ]

Sentence patterns related to "migration-defining are "

Below are sample sentences containing the word "migration-defining are " from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "migration-defining are ", or refer to the context using the word "migration-defining are " in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. You are defining polymorphic derived classes.

2. Defining Abnormality With Consideration of Cultural Differences Cultural differences are always a problem when defining Abnormality

3. We are putting all our energies into countering irregular migration while creating insufficient opportunities for legal migration.

4. What are the defining characteristics of full accrual accounting?

5. Violent images are a defining characteristic of his work.

6. The genes defining the ABO histo-blood groups are disclosed.

7. This migration is referred as the "Third Wave of Migration".

Chiều hướng này được mệnh danh là "New Great Migration" (có nghĩa là cuộc đại di cư mới).

8. Defining Bactericidal and bacteriostatic Two definitions are important to clarify here

9. Importation and exportation are the defining financial transactions of international trade.

Nhập khẩu và Xuất khẩu là những giao dịch tài chính của Thương mại Quốc tế.

10. Chelicerata: Defining characteristics

11. Analytical methods to determine the migration of these oligomers are complex.

12. Sting ray migration.

Cá đuối di cư.

13. Defining Excellence in Seniors’ Living About Asura & AdvantAGE Asura Health Services and AdvantAGE Assist Group are passionate about Defining Excellence in Seniors’ Living

14. Unlimited migration is the cause of many problems we are currently facing.

Tệ nạn tham nhũng lúc bấy giờ là mầm mống của nhiều cuộc nổi dậy.

15. Economic migration and labour migration show a profound difference in wage rates.

16. Quality, precision, dedication and aesthetics are defining hallmarks of crafting at Afflatus

17. Defining Illegal Insider Trading

Nhận diện giao dịch tay trong bất hợp pháp

18. Defining and Constraining Sketches

19. DEFINING FEATURES OF AuthoritarianisM

20. Defining an Authoritarian Personality

21. It is, rather, defining the specific thing that you are trying to sell.

22. Try defining Acerb with Google.

23. Several Member States are developing action plans, but there are problems with defining the energy efficiency objectives.

24. Simple Androidx Migration Script

25. Through the Action Group on Asylum and Migration (AGAMI), which was established in # efforts are being made to cooperate closely and effectively on asylum/migration policies