microcline in Vietnamese

danh từ
(khoáng chất) microline (khoáng chất thuộc nhóm feldspar dùng trong sản xuất kính và sứ) (KAlSi3O8)

Sentence patterns related to "microcline"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "microcline" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "microcline", or refer to the context using the word "microcline" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Orthoclase or microcline, and the lamellae are Albite

2. Microcline may be clear, white, pale-yellow, brick-red, or green; it is generally characterized by cross-hatch twinning that forms as a result of the transformation of monoclinic orthoclase into triclinic microcline.

Microclin có thể trong suốt, trắng, vàng nhạt, đỏ gạch, hoặc xanh lá cây; nó thường có đặc điểm riêng bởi song tinh có dạng lưới, kết quả từ việc chuyển hóa từ orthocla đơn nghiêng sang microlin ba nghiêng.

3. Granitic gneiss is composed of quartz, plagioclase, Biotite, and microcline

4. It is proposed to extend the name amazonite, hitherto used to designate only the green variety of microcline, also to similarly coloured orthoclase and K-feldspars intermediate between orthoclase and microcline and, perhaps, also to other feldspars whose colour is similar to that of microcline-amazonite.

5. Feldspars are a broad class of Aluminosilicates, of which microcline, K[AlSi3O8], is a …

6. Principal associated minerals are quartz, microcline perthite (mostly amazonite), and albite, with local topaz or fluorite, and rarely tourmaline (schorl-elbaite).

7. 18 Wadeite is paragenic with aegirine, nepheline, arfredsonite, microcline and apatite, and associated with natrolite, rinkite and cancrinite.

8. Albite, Albite (Var: Cleavelandite), Microcline Fillow Quarry, Branchville, Redding, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA Unusual association of reddish fluorescing Albite overgrowth on pale blue fluorescing microcline (partly etched) resulting in a lavender color, on cleavelandite crystals (reddish-magenta fluorescence), shown under SW UV

9. Anorthite was the most reactive and the reactivity of quartz, microcline and albite were almost the same as each other.

10. This age difference could be explained by slow cooling or by thermal overprinting at 760–800 Ma that has updated the microcline.

11. In addition to the briefly described scarcely appeared sulfides the results of the investigations of alkaliamphibole, microcline, apatite, albite, sphene, quartz and hyalite are reported.

12. ‘A plagioclase feldspar, Albite probably, occurs as parallel growths of transparent colorless to yellowish crystals.’ More example sentences ‘They collected several pegmatite pockets in which topaz was associated with both clear and smoky quartz, microcline, Albite, muscovite, fluorite, and cassiterite.’

13. Post-triassic, during phase III, occured a dislocation metamorphism, and a local crystallization of sericite, albite, biotite, and microcline at the lower boundary of the greenschist-facies under low pressure (Abukuma-type). Phase IV was a jolting in west-east-direktion without recrystallization.

14. Three types of late, subsolidus (K-Rb)-feldspars occur in the spodumene-subtype, complex-type, pollucite-bearing Rubellite rare-element pegmatite at Lilypad Lakes, near Fort Hope in northwestern Ontario: (1) Exsolution followed by hydrothermal reconstitution generated diffuse bands, patches and veinlets of Rb-enriched (< 43 mol. % Rbf) and Rb-depleted triclinic K-feldspar in black blocky microcline; (2) metasomatism of pollucite produced aggregates of adularia which range from 14 to 73 mol. % Rbf, rimmed by pure 100 mol. % Kfs feldspar, and are most likely highly disordered; (3) blocky K-feldspar was replaced by salmon-coloured, fine-grained, Na-poor and Rb-free maximum microcline with a composition close to 100 mol.