meynert commissure in Vietnamese

Góc Meynert

Sentence patterns related to "meynert commissure"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "meynert commissure" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "meynert commissure", or refer to the context using the word "meynert commissure" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Supramammilary commissure, posterior commissure, supraoptic commissure and habenular commissure are diencephalic Commissures-unknown function, probably related to involuntary eye movements

2. In mind, there are five Commissures, which are habenular commissure, anterior commissure, corpus callosum, posterior commissure, and commissure of fornix

3. Rior commissure and Ancyroid bundle

4. The most common usage of the term refers to the brain's Commissures, of which there are five—the anterior commissure, posterior commissure, corpus callosum, hippocampal commissure (commissure of fornix), and habenular commissure—and which consist of fibre tracts that connect the two cerebral hemispheres and span the longitudinal fissure.

5. What does Commissures mean? Plural form of commissure

6. Mobilization of the fixated Arytenoid in the stenotic posterior laryngeal commissure

7. The grey matter on the left and right side is connected by the grey commissure.

Các chất xám ở phía bên trái và bên phải được kết nối bởi mép nối chất xám.

8. 22 In phenotypically abnormal brains, there was some disorganized differentiation of neurons caudal to the posterior commissure.

9. 17 In phenotypically abnormal brains, there was some disorganized differentiation of neurons caudal to the posterior commissure.

10. The responses were localized in dysgranular and agranular insular cortex at levels caudal to the joining of the anterior commissure.

11. The prosocerebrum, the third protocerebral lobe, forms the pons cerebralis, the central body, and the corpora ventralia with the commissure.

12. 30 Results 50 patients underwent this operation and had a very good rejuvenescent facelift effect of pars buccalis, lower mandible and labial commissure.

13. Amentia, or confusion, is a state of acute hallucinatory delirium; it was described with this name by Theodor Meynert in Le ç ons cliniques de psychiatrie (1890)

14. The structure of the dorsal surface of the palatal complex testifies against the existence of the lateral quadrate-ethmoid commissure in the Branchiosaurian endocramum.

15. Commissure There was moderate degree of residual leakage at two Commissures (instead of one) of die tri-leaflet left atrioventricular valve (vertical plane of left ventricle)

16. The frontal part of the claustrum is directed towards the corpus amygdaloideum and is divided by fibrous bundles connected to the anterior commissure and Ancyroid bundle

17. The proposed neo-commissure alignment concept consists in overlapping 2 native and 2 neo-Commissures in the same fluoroscopic projection, by rotating clockwise the delivery system in the descending aorta.

18. Objective To improve the cutis laxa and pendulous skin of the pars buccalis,[sentence dictionary] lower mandible and labial commissure through the suspension of SMAS with small incision in the front of antilobium.

19. Meynert, who had been a professor of psychiatry since 1873 at the University of Vienna, believed in an anatomic-clinical theory of psychiatry and did not attribute any meaning to the hallucinations that arose during Amentia

20. Objectives: Techniques employed today concomitantly with left-sided heart valve surgery address secondary tricuspid valve regurgitation at 3 anatomic levels-Annulus, commissure, and leaflet-although success of these alone or in combination in eliminating tricuspid regurgitation is uncertain

21. The Corpus callosum (Latin for "tough body"), also callosal commissure, is a wide, thick nerve tract, consisting of a flat bundle of commissural fibers, beneath the cerebral cortex in the brain.The Corpus callosum is only found in placental mammals

22. The anatomical term “commissure” refers to a junction in the anatomy, a site where two things join.A number of different structures in the body may be referred to as Commissures, with some of the most important examples being located inside the brain.

23. Aortic dissection – Aortic dissection can result in AR by four mechanisms: dilation of the sinuses with incomplete coaptation of the leaflets at the center of the valve; involvement of a valve commissure resulting in inadequate leaflet support; direct extension of the dissection into the base of a leaflet, resulting in a flail valve leaflet