meteor. in Vietnamese

viết tắt của meteorology

Sentence patterns related to "meteor."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "meteor." from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "meteor.", or refer to the context using the word "meteor." in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. A meteor flashed through the sky.

2. 21 Thus despite its name Meteor Crater was certainly made by a meteorite, not a meteor.

3. What about your meteor bracelet?

Cái vòng thiên thạch của cậu thì sao?

4. The correct answer was the Gloster Meteor.

5. The meteor shot across the sky.

6. A meteor shot across the sky.

7. If this meteor really exists, it's not here.

Nếu thiên thạch này thật sự tồn tại, nó không có ở đây.

8. Like a swift-flitting meteor, a fast-flying cloud,

Giống như một ngôi sao băng nhanh, một đám mây bay nhanh,

9. Asteroids December 21 Ursid meteor shower to peak this week: What to know Though the Geminid meteor shower was the last major meteor shower of 2020, skywatchers will get another show to close out

10. It's not a meteor shower, it's a funeral.

Đó không phải là mưa sao băng, mà là đám tang.

11. Gloster Meteor – The first Allied operational jet fighter.

Gloster Meteor - Máy bay phản lực đầu tiên của quân Đồng minh.

12. Andrewsarchus was introduced with the Meteor Theme in January 2012

13. The meteor left a crater over five miles wide.

14. All most important information about June Bootids meteor shower in one page including: time of highest activity, average hourly rate, meteor speed, radiant coordinates.

15. The orbits of many other meteor swarms have been determined.

16. Anthelions Meteor Activity Outlook for 30 May- 5 June 2020

17. It's harvested by super bees in a Buddhist meteor crater.

18. Some assumed it was a meteor or a downed satellite.

Giả thuyết cho rằng đây có thể là 1 ngôi sao băng hoặc là 1 vệ tinh bị rớt.

19. Keep clear of his Meteor Blaster and massive crush claw.

20. A bright shooting star, or meteor, is an unforgettable sight.

21. Four glowing pods are seen hiding behind the meteor shower.

22. Initially Novozhilov saw what he thought to be a meteor.

Lúc đầu Novozhilov nhìn thấy cái mà ông tưởng là một thiên thạch.

23. Happiness seems meteor, who can accompany to me clench it.

24. The new schooner yacht was named Meteor III following the scheme the emperor had going of naming his pleasure craft, as she was the next sequenced Meteor.

Du thuyền mới được đặt tên là Meteor III theo kế hoạch mà Hoàng đế đã đặt tên cho thú vui của mình.

25. The Bombaster is hiding in a meteor swarm and headed for Earth

26. 15 Dream, love, happy just like meteor and snowflake befall us fortunately.

27. A huge meteor fell to earth in the middle of the desert.

28. 13 No cometary meteor shower has ever produced a meteorite fall.

29. There is one meteor shower associated with the constellation; the Crucids

30. They may also have formed through earthquake, meteor, or volcanic activity.

Nó cũng có thể được hình thành thông qua một trận động đất, thiên thạch, hoặc hoạt động của núi lửa.

31. Scientists hypothesize that the dinosaurs were killed by a giant meteor.

32. Meteor Crater was merely the first documented impact crater on Earth.

33. Scientists have hypothesized that the dinosaurs were killed by a giant meteor.

34. Meteor F.1 First production aircraft built between 1943 and 1944, 20 built.

Meteor F.1 Phiên bản đầu tiên được sản xuất hàng loạt trong giai đoạn 1943-1944, chế tạo 20 chiếc.

35. Read in studio Britain's first jet fighter, the Gloucester Meteor celebrated it's fiftieth birthday today.

36. Meteor III was the largest yacht in the world when made for the emperor.

Meteor III là chiếc du thuyền lớn nhất thế giới khi được làm cho hoàng đế.

37. I would say that it was a meteor, but the trail' s all wrong

Tôi chỉ có thể nói đó là một thiên thạch, Nhưng cái vệt dài này lại không phải

38. The Chambers dic­ tionary of science and technology provides the following definition: "Aeronomy (Meteor.

39. Meteor service between Saint Petersburg, Russia and the Peterhof Palace, a summer palace of Russian tsars.

Meteor service giữa Saint Petersburg, Nga và Peterhof, một cung điện mùa hè của các Sa hoàng Nga.

40. The random background meteors that do not belong to discrete meteor showers are called sporadic meteors.

41. The June Bootid meteor shower is active each year from June 26th until July 2nd

42. The word meteor is in fact reserved for objects that do not survive passage through the atmosphere.

43. The loudest infrasound recorded to date by the monitoring system was generated by the 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor.

Hạ âm to nhất từng được ghi nhận bởi hệ thống giám sát được tạo ra bởi thiên thạch Chelyabinsk năm 2013. ^ Geirland, John.

44. Unfortunately waning gibbous moon is up between midnight and dawn – the best hours for meteor - watching.

45. "Meteor hammer" originated from the hunting tool "rope stone" in the Paleolithic Age of primitive society.

46. Astronomical information, including dates of meteor showers and eclipses, what causes the seasons, and the aurora.

47. As soon as Meteor had passed the border line, Bouvet opened fire on the German gunboat.

Ngay sau khi tàu Meteor vượt qua ranh giới, Bouvet đã nhả đạn vào pháo hạm của Đức.

48. Unfortunately, the gibbous moon is up between midnight and dawn – the best hours for meteor - watching.

49. If it was a meteor, it was a mere tiddler by historic standards – as we'll see.

50. Find out what hidden gems await at Meteor Crater & Barringer Space Museum! SPACED OUT! Learn about our 60 year history with NASA and how the Apollo 11 astronauts trained at Meteor Crater to prepare for the 1969 mission to the moon.