metasedimentary in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "metasedimentary"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "metasedimentary" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "metasedimentary", or refer to the context using the word "metasedimentary" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The Grythytte field sequence forms a NNW belt of acid-basic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks.

2. Generally north- to northeast-vergent D1 to D3 folds deformed the Klatsa metamorphic complex and adjacent metasedimentary rocks. Jurassic(?)

3. Metamorphic assemblages differ between the metasedimentary MacLean Lake belt and the adjacent Central Metavolcanic belt in the La Ronge domain, Trans-Hudson Orogen.

4. The eastern Batholith formed as a laterally transgressing arc which moved away from those older rocks between 105 and 80 Ma, intruding metasedimentary rocks

5. Mineral assemblages in metasedimentary rocks and associated migmatites consist of quartz, plagioclase, garnet, orthopyroxene, biotite, cordierite, sillimanite, K-feldspar, hercynite, magnetite, ilmenite, and other accessory phases.

6. The Beardmore–Geraldton greenstone belt lies between the Wabigoon volcanic arc (Onaman–Tashota terrane) and the Quetico metasedimentary subprovince and thus has an important bearing on the accretionary model that has been proposed for the amalgamation of these terranes.

7. The Kipawa Syenite Complex, a thin, folded sheet of amphibole syenite, quartz syenite and minor nepheline syenite, lies along a west-vergent thrust separating a lower slice comprising the Kikwissi granodiorite and biotite tonalite dated at 2717 +15–11 Ma, and unconformably overlying metasedimentary rocks from an overlying slice containing the Red Pine Chute orthogneiss, an alkali granite gneiss, and the Mattawa Quartzite.