membrana fibrosa capsulae articularis in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "membrana fibrosa capsulae articularis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "membrana fibrosa capsulae articularis" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "membrana fibrosa capsulae articularis", or refer to the context using the word "membrana fibrosa capsulae articularis" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Aponeurosis, membrana fibrosa y resistente, destinada a mantener en su lugar los músculos que envuelve o a servirles de punto de inserción.

2. 7 words related to Articular muscle: skeletal muscle, striated muscle, musculus Articularis cubiti, musculus Articularis genus, articulatio, joint, articulation

3. Bowmanov sloj (spominje se i kao prednja granična membrana, ali ustrvari to nije membrana već kondenzirani sloj kolagena): čvrsti sloj koji štiti stromu rožnice, sastavljen od nepravilno poslaganih kolagenih vlakana

4. Bowmanov sloj (spominje se i kao prednja granična membrana, ali ustrvari to nije membrana već kondenzirani sloj kolagena): čvrsti sloj koji štiti stromu rožnice, sastavljen od nepravilno poslaganih kolagenih vlakana

5. Bowmanova membrana (Bowmanov sloj, prednja granična lamina, prednja elastična lamina) je glatki, besćelijski, neregenerativni sloj, između površinskog epitela i strome …

6. Conclusion: The Weinaian capsule have acohol protection effect, can protect stomach membrana mucosa damaged by acohol and, it also have drunk prophylaxis effect.

7. Articular Meaning: "involving joints," early 15c., from Latin Articularis "pertaining to the joints," from articulus "a… See definitions of Articular.

8. It is located at the bottom of a funnel-shaped depression (the round window niche) and, in the macerated bone, opens into the cochlea of the internal ear; in the fresh state it is closed by a membrane, the secondary tympanic membrane (Latin: membrana tympani secundaria, or membrana fenestrae Cochleae) or round window membrane, which is a

9. La Aponeurosis es una estructura anatómica fibrosa, formada por fibras de colágeno, que sirve de cubierta a los músculos de algunas zonas del cuerpo

10. In contrast both values were markedly higher in the above patient with osteitis fibrosa and a control patient with osteitis (exchangeable calcium 10.3 meq/kg and 8.34 meq/kg; accretion rate 6.18 and 6.92 meq/kg/day).

11. The progression of lesions within astrocytes was divided into three phases. The early phase was characterized by viral entry and nucleolar segregation consisting of separation of the pars amorpha from the pars fibrosa which subsequently fragmented.

12. Amnionite, nascimento no exterior, parto vaginal, sexo masculino, intubação na sala de parto, surfactante, doença da membrana hialina, pneumotórax, enterocolite necrotizante (EN) com perfuração e a ventilação de alta frequência oscilatória Study carried out at Neonatology Department, Neonatal Intensive Care Units of the Maternidade Dr