melodramatic in Vietnamese

Tính từ
1. (thuộc) kịch mêlô; như kịch mêlô; thích hợp với kịch mêlô
2. cường điệu, quá đáng, quá thống thiết

Sentence patterns related to "melodramatic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "melodramatic" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "melodramatic", or refer to the context using the word "melodramatic" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Melodramatic protocol Appestats echinulation

2. Humble prayers are not bombastic or melodramatic.

Những lời cầu nguyện khiêm nhường không khoa trương hoặc thống thiết quá.

3. 3 Stop being so melodramatic!

4. He Ascribes melodramatic behaviour to teenagers in general

5. Don't you think that's a bit melodramatic, dear?

Mày nói cứ như trong kịch mêlô vậy?

6. 15 She'd flung herself in a pose of melodramatic exhaustion.

7. 1 "Don't you think you're being rather melodramatic?" Jane asked.

8. 4 What was this melodramatic gesture of Jake's all about?

9. 2 He waved his arms in a melodramatic gesture.

10. His only saving grace is his undying belief in the melodramatic.

11. 19 His only saving grace is his undying belief in the melodramatic.

12. 6 Not to be melodramatic, but the empire awaits your decision.

13. Johansson expressed concern over the film being "such a melodramatic tale".

Johansson bày tỏ sự lo lắng vì bộ phim như là "một câu chuyện kể hư cấu quá mức".

14. 5 It sounds melodramatic, but I felt like someone was watching me.

15. 16 This melodramatic shift in the seasons has forced the wild world to our attention.

16. 14 The script is terrible, the acting by turns melodramatic and wooden, the direction confused.

17. 11 He automatically steps into the room, casting a melodramatic look over his shoulder.

18. 21 Of course, on reflection, Deborah didn't really think it was that melodramatic either.

19. 9 The stories had the melodramatic plot lines of comic books or soap operas.

20. 7 He was associated with a heavy, melodramatic, and often sentimental style of acting.

21. Based on a best-selling novel, After is a painfully melodramatic teen romance

22. He automatically steps into the room, casting a melodramatic look over his shoulder.

23. 28 The fellow could never resist the temptation to be melodramatic, Walden thought.

24. 23 Minorities, especially ethnic minorities, are used to authenticate the affective, melodramatic component of contemporary narratives.

25. Synonyms for Actressy include theatrical, melodramatic, exaggerated, histrionic, stagy, affected, artificial, mannered, ostentatious and showy

26. Minorities, especially ethnic minorities, are used to authenticate the affective, melodramatic component of contemporary narratives.

27. 10 A little melodramatic, I grant you, but it represented the worst-case scenario.

28. 8 The days of melodramatic voices and candles in the footlights are long gone.

29. Synonyms for Catchpenny include sensationalistic, lurid, screaming, sensational, sensationalist, gee-whiz, shocking, startling, scandalous and melodramatic

30. 26 It is tough but not as soul-destroying as is sometimes presented in more melodramatic stories.

31. 17 I am one of those melodramatic fools. Neurotic to the bone,( no doubt about it.

32. A badly made pair of pants is Chintzy, and a terribly acted, melodramatic movie is too

33. 27 Ozu himself hinted at a reservation: " This is one of my most melodramatic pictures. "

34. 29 We do a better service to ourselves and others by remaining detached and avoiding melodramatic reactions.

35. 25 There is an eerily Victorian postscript to this unhappy tale, almost too melodramatic to be true.

36. And thank you for not going for one of those melodramatic proposals with lots of people around.

Và cảm ơn vì đã không cầu hôn em theo kiểu sến sẩm với một đống người xung quanh.

37. 13 There is an eerily Victorian postscript to this unhappy tale, almost too melodramatic to be true.

38. 22 Minorities, especially ethnic minorities, are used to authenticate the affective, melodramatic component of contemporary narratives.

39. 20 But the convincing portrayal of childhood fantasies, fears and rituals is marred by the unnecessary melodramatic final sequence.

40. 24 He boomed out, slipping in all the glottal stops and nasal sobs of an appallingly melodramatic tenor.

41. In the tradition of the old Saturday-afternoon movie serials, our melodramatic debate over the serial comma continues.

42. 23 In the tradition of the old Saturday-afternoon movie serials, our melodramatic debate over the serial comma continues.

43. But the convincing portrayal of childhood fantasies, fears and rituals is marred by the unnecessary melodramatic final sequence.

44. Today the site is home to a kitschy, melodramatic replay of some of the pivotal moments of early Augustinian history.

45. 12 Today the site is home to a kitschy, melodramatic replay of some of the pivotal moments of early Augustinian history.

46. 13 The next restoration project will be of the melodramatic pyramid memorial to Canova, which is in a dangerously precarious state.

47. Digvijay may not have been quite so melodramatic in his approach , but has worked towards improving access to schools and speeding up rural development .

48. Achever needs an object / Achever is very formal / can sound a bit melodramatic for it involves putting an end to something big and important

49. 30 There was a tendency to employ static, theatrical production techniques. The emotional impact was over-sentimental or melodramatic, with predictable plots and stereotyped characterization.

50. Its overly pretentious and melodramatic leanings notwithstanding, Backbeat explores the beginnings of the Fab Four with striking authenticity, soaring rock 'n' roll verve, and a strong admiration