medullary narcosis in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "medullary narcosis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "medullary narcosis" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "medullary narcosis", or refer to the context using the word "medullary narcosis" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. It's nitrogen narcosis.

Đó là khí ni tơ gây mê man.

2. The most unmistakable insights were gained by operations with an open system of narcosis (intratracheal insufflation narcosis) without local anaesthesia and without curare narcosis.

3. Four patients also had a medullary thyroid carcinoma.

4. 20 Medullary carcinomas can be sporadic or familial.

5. So this one, we decided to give the name Centropyge narcosis to.

Và thế là tôi quyết định đặt tên nó là Centropyge narcosis ( cá thiên thần mê man )

6. Calcitonin - Calcitonin concentration is increased in patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma

7. The transient prominence of deep medullary veins is probably due to hyperemia.

8. Atmin modulates Pkhd1 levels in mouse inner medullary collecting duct 3 cells

9. This gene encodes a putative transcription factor in medullary thymic epithelial cells.

10. Repetitive single shock stimulation of the medullary nucleus stopped the nucleus and organ discharge.

11. Uniform absorption was achieved once the translocatable radioactivity reached the medullary conducting cells (sieve filaments).

12. The Cortical and medullary spaces are continuous with those of the parent bone (, Fig 21)

13. The interstitial cells are arranged like rungs of a ladder, crossing the medullary tubuli and capillaries at right angles.

14. Helium's a gas; there're a lot of reasons why helium's good, it's a tiny molecule, it's inert, it doesn't give you narcosis.

Heli là một chất khí, có nhiều lý do vì sao nó rất tốt nó là một phân tử bé nhỏ, nó trơ nó không làm bạn mê man.

15. Examples are calcitonin-producing tumors, medullary C-cell thyroid carcinoma, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

16. It is concluded that potassium ions readily diffuse through the extracellular spaces of the medullary tissue.

17. It is a reliable and accurate method to localize the gyri and lobes according to the pattern of medullary branches.

18. The present findings suggest that adrenal cortical response is more sensitive than adrenal medullary response to cyanide anoxia.

19. 26 Especially, we have demonstrated S-100 protein in eosinophilic adenoma and medullary carcinoma of thyroid gland,[] adenocarcinoma of bile duct and bronchiolar adenocarcinoma.

20. The desired actions of Antitussives are as follows: Acts directly on the medullary cough center of the brain to depress the cough reflex.

21. The shared presence of medullary tissue in birds and theropod dinosaurs is further evidence of the close evolutionary relationship between the two.

Sự hiện diện chung của mô tủy ở chim và các loài khủng long chân thú là bằng chứng thêm về mối quan hệ tiến hóa chặt chẽ giữa hai nhóm động vật.

22. The adrenal medullary Catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine, and their precursor, dopamine) are rapidly metabolized materials with intense vasoactivity, among many other properties

23. Calcitonin levels greater than 100 pg/mL may occur in the following conditions: medullary thyroid carcinomas (MTC), leukemias, and myeloproliferative disorders

24. Appositional growth is occurring in a child, which bone cell would play a role in enlarging the medullary cavity as this Appositional growth occurs? osteoprogenitor cell

25. A detailed neurophysiological review is presented for the medullary respiratory neurons: their locations, morphology, firing patterns, afferent connections, axonal connections, and functional interrelations.