mathematically in Vietnamese

tính từ
1. toán, toán học
2. đúng, chính xác (bằng chứng...)

Sentence patterns related to "mathematically"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mathematically" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mathematically", or refer to the context using the word "mathematically" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Mathematically Arterialised using the vTAC method

2. Mathematically Conductance is given by, G = 1/R

3. This number is mathematically called the confinement parameter.

4. I'm gonna try to use the mathematically precise notation.

I ́m gonna cố gắng sử dụng các toán học ký hiệu chính xác.

5. Each parameter was analysed mathematically with the analog computer.

6. So you could mathematically analyze the jfk assassination?

7. Each element is mathematically coupled to its neighbours.

8. Mathematically, these models can be represented in several ways.

Dưới góc độ toán học, các mô hình này có thể được thể hiện bằng nhiều cách.

9. Mathematically, Conductance equals the reciprocal of resistance: G = 1/R

10. Synonyms for Computationally include mathematically, algebraically, arithmetically, numerically, statistically, geometrically, trigonometrically, topologically

11. Captain, without your display compass, hitting your target destination is mathematically impossible.

Không có la bàn định hướng việc anh bay tới mục tiêu là chuyện không tưởng.

12. Anyone can be an astrologer as long as they are mathematically minded.

13. Synonyms for Arithmetically include mathematically, algebraically, numerically, statistically, geometrically, trigonometrically, topologically, algorithmically

14. Mathematically, the relation of degeneracy with symmetry can be clarified as follows.

15. Logical Methods: The Art of Thinking Abstractly and Mathematically by Roger Antonsen

16. The chain method and the EAC method give mathematically equivalent answers.

Phương pháp dây chuyền và phương pháp EAC cho câu trả lời về mặt toán học tương đương.

17. Augustus Edward Hough Love predicted the existence of Love waves mathematically in 1911.

Augustus Edward Hough Love dự đoán sự tồn tại của sóng Love bằng toán học năm 1911.

18. Mathematically, QED is an abelian gauge theory with the symmetry group U(1).

19. Econometric Modeling : This is a more mathematically rigorous version of the indicator approach .

Lập mô hình kinh-toán học ( kinh tế lượng ) : Đây là loại phương pháp chỉ số khắt khe hơn về mặt toán học .

20. Mathematically, Corollary of theorems are used as the secondary proof for a complicated theorem

21. Hydrologic transport models are used to mathematically analyze movement of TDS within river systems.

Các mô hình vận chuyển thủy văn được sử dụng để phân tích toán học chuyển động của TDS trong hệ thống sông.

22. This is mathematically equivalent to saying that the divergence of B is zero.

Điều này tương đương với phát biểu toán học rằng phân kỳ của B bằng 0.

23. How can first years students learn to think and act mathematically by learning Linear Algebra?

24. What we'll see in the last video is that this actually works out mathematically as well.

25. Optimising heat management of aircraft turbofan oil is a complex problem both mathematically and experimentally.

26. The signalling processes were mathematically modelled and validated by acquisition of many single-cell data.

27. Both of an active center generation process and the active center diffusion process are mathematically described.

28. He described himself as "an American, mathematically oriented, electrical engineer of Iranian descent, born in Russia."

Ông tự mô tả mình là "một người Mỹ hướng tới toán, một kỹ sư điện gốc Iran, sinh tại Nga" .

29. The most mature IBP processes leverage IBP to mathematically optimize all aspects of a plan.

Các quy trình IBP trưởng thành nhất tận dụng IBP để tối ưu hóa một cách toán học tất cả các khía cạnh của một kế hoạch.

30. Because its characteristics can be treated mathematically it is central to quality control via samples.

31. Ideal spring–mass–damper systems are also LTI systems, and are mathematically equivalent to RLC circuits.

Các hệ thống giảm xóc bằng lò xo lý tưởng cũng là những hệ thống LTI, và tương đương toán học với các mạch RLC.

32. 30 No idea in science survives because it is esthetically pleasing, mathematically elegant, or magnificently general.

33. Mathematically, Convexity pertains to the second derivative of the output price with respect to an input price.

34. Academics and employers are deeply concerned that students are not sufficiently prepared mathematically for university courses.

35. Michael Faraday invented the electric motor in 1821, and Georg Ohm mathematically analysed the electrical circuit in 1827.

36. ‘In the Harmonices Mundi he showed that planetary motion in a Copernican universe was complex but mathematically concordant.’.

37. About 800 years later, in AD 984, Ibn Sahl discovered a law of refraction mathematically equivalent to Snell's law.

Khoảng 800 năm sau, năm 984 AD, Ibn Sahl phát hiện ra một định luật khúc xạ về mặt toán học tương đương với định luật Snell.

38. Creationists have asserted that a statistical principle called "Borel's Law" mathematically demonstrates that Abiogenesis is impossible

39. "Biophysical Chemistry is an outstanding book that delivers both fundamental and complex Biophysical principles, along with an excellent overview of the current Biophysical research areas, in a manner that makes it accessible for mathematically and non-mathematically inclined readers."Journal of …

40. Mathematically, a Bolus is approximated as either a change in initial conditions or as an impulse function, δ(t)

41. But, appearances aside, both physically and mathematically the Bow and the Atlatl are exactly the same type of weapon

42. However, there are mathematically coherent ordered algebraic structures, including various alternatives to the real numbers, which are non-Archimedean.

43. Mathematically, the isAllobaric wind Visis defined in terms of the local accelerations but approximated by the Allobaricgradient as follows:

44. Which is now, let's put together -- we know what your preferences are, we've mathematically represented those by utility function.

45. The findings were treated mathematically-statistically, and it was found that all determinations are burdened with accidental errors only.

46. Firstly algebra offers its basic notations and concepts as a most convenient means for expressing, mathematically, certain concrete ideas.

47. Mathematically, this implies n < 1, because the rays follow the shortest path and hence in theory create a perfect concealment.

Về mặt toán học, điều này hàm ý n &lt;1, vì các tia đi theo con đường ngắn nhất và do đó trong lý thuyết tạo ra một sự che giấu hoàn hảo.

48. Nature is kind to us, in that it does contain elements related to one another in constant and mathematically quantifiable relations.

49. A civil engineer by training, Camping stated he had attempted to work out mathematically-based prophecies in the Bible for decades.

Là một kỹ sư, Camping đã cố gắng tiên đoán trên cơ sở toán học từ Kinh Thánh trong hàng thập niên.

50. 27 Since the profile is a curved shape, it's much easier mathematically to use what are known as as polar coordinates.