masques in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. (sử học) ca vũ nhạc kịch; sân khấu ca vũ nhạc kịch
2. nhạc và lời viết cho một nhạc kịch
3. xem masquerade 1.

Sentence patterns related to "masques"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "masques" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "masques", or refer to the context using the word "masques" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Gundulic also wrote dramas, masques and pastorals.

2. Our professional Masques, Peels and Backbar sizes are available to …

3. Heart-wringing loud-roaring Silin Anterethic Guericke backstitched semiprovincial unexcessive Elysium laniary ,masques Couchman

4. Some early examples of what were later called incidental music are also described as semi-operas, quasi-operas, masques, vaudevilles and melodramas.

Một số loại âm nhạc đầu tiên mà sau này được gọi là incidental music, có trong các semi-opera, quasi-opera, ca vũ kịch (masque), chương trình tạp kỹ (vaudeville) và kịch mê lô (melodrama).

5. Their proxy wedding, in Paris on 22 June 1559, was celebrated with festivities, balls, masques, and five days of jousting.

Hôn lễ ủy nhiệm của họ được tổ chức tại Paris ngày 22 tháng 6 năm 1559 với lễ hội, khiêu vũ, ca vũ nhạc kịch, và năm ngày tranh tài môn cưỡi ngựa đấu thương.

6. In the Jacobean era, Whitehall Palace was the principal royal residence, and the Banqueting House was regarded as the “Presence Chamber,” where the king would receive visiting ambassadors and hold ceremonies such as masques and state banquets

7. Through his window, a city drew on the brink of collapse and where people do not go out only in case of emergency and oxygen masks Accoutred.: Au travers de sa fenêtre, se dessine une ville au bord du gouffre et dont les habitants ne sortent qu'en cas d'urgence, harnachés de masques à oxygène

8. Awards and appointments 1980 to 1988 -- President of the Galerie Maximum, which promotes the dissemination of prisoners' artwork 1985 -- Named as an Officer of the Order of Canada. This honour was bestowed on her by the Rt. Hon. Jeanne Sauvé as a tribute to her outstanding talents as an actress as well as her commitment to the service of Canada and humanity Since 1985 -- Involved in auditions of the Théâtre de Quat'Sous Since 1989 -- Member of the fundraising committee of Amnesty International 1993 -- First president of the Conseil québécois du théâtre and ambassador of Quebec couturiers 1994 -- Involved in organizing the first Gala du Théâtre televised by the Société Radio-Canada (the Soirée des Masques) 1998 -- Named Chevalier by the Secrétariat de l'Ordre national du Québec 2000 -- Recipient of the "Mérite du français dans la culture" award.