marveled in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. vật kỳ diệu, vật tuyệt diệu, kỳ công
2. người kỳ dị, người kỳ lạ, người khác thường

nội động từ
1. ngạc nhiên, kinh ngạc, lấy làm lạ
2. tự hỏi

Sentence patterns related to "marveled"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "marveled" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "marveled", or refer to the context using the word "marveled" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Visitors marveled at the beauty.

Du khách thán phục vẻ đẹp của phong cảnh.

2. I marveled at the trueness of his aim.

3. Her fellow members marveled at her seemingly infinite energy.

4. He marveled sometimes at the man's resourcefulness.

5. Her brothers marveled as she became a family contender.

6. 1 Her fellow members marveled at her seemingly infinite energy.

7. 3 Her fellow members marveled at her seemingly infinite energy.

8. I marveled at the inspired understanding which then unfolded.

Tôi lấy làm ngạc nhiên trước sự hiểu biết đầy soi dẫn mà lúc đó đã được biểu lộ.

9. Scientists have long marveled at the relationship between ants and African acacia trees.

10. Quite Contented with the results, the plastic surgeon marveled at his work

11. King Lamoni marveled at Ammon’s power when he defended the king’s flocks.

Vua La Mô Ni ngạc nhiên trước sức mạnh của Am Môn khi ông bảo vệ đàn gia súc của nhà vua.

12. The tourists marveled at the geyser , which spurted water to a height of ten meters.

13. Inside that building, they marveled again, though the scene was neither quiet nor tranquil.

Bên trong tòa nhà ấy, một lần nữa họ lại thán phục, nhưng lần này khung cảnh không yên tĩnh.

14. Once again, Marla marveled at how clean the room was and homey and welcoming it felt.

15. In the last 23 years, have you not marveled as information technology has surged forward?

Trong 23 năm qua, anh đã bao giờ nghĩ răng công nghệ thông tin đã tiến bộ đến đâu?

16. He continued: “Even brutal SS guards marveled at the courage with which Jehovah’s Witnesses went to their death.”

Ông viết tiếp: “Ngay cả những lính SS cai tù tàn bạo cũng đã phải thán phục trước lòng dũng cảm của các Nhân-chứng Giê-hô-va khi họ chấp nhận cái chết”.

17. Since then, people around the world have marveled at the technological advancements in space exploration made by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the private sector.

18. "I didn't realize there were restaurants like this," marveled Spangler to her friends, who hail from Knoxville, Tennessee, and I worked in restaurants for 20 years.

19. William Irvine, an English gentleman visiting there in the early 1800s, marveled that “wretches whose rags have scarse adhesion enough to hang upon their bodies, yet find a Baioc …

20. 14 I sat on the closed toilet seat and marveled at the sound of razor gliding over his face, pushing aside the foamy soap like a shovel in the snow.

21. As I pondered the history of Dresden and marveled at the ingenuity and resolve of those who restored what had been so completely destroyed, I felt the sweet influence of the Holy Spirit.

Khi tôi suy ngẫm về lịch sử của Dresden và ngạc nhiên trước tài xoay xở khéo léo và quyết tâm của những người đã phục hồi lại những gì đã bị tàn phá hoàn toàn như vậy, tôi cảm thấy ảnh hưởng tuyệt vời của Đức Thánh Linh.

22. The audience all marveled at the pas de deux and pas de trios of the three leads, as well as the colorful and brilliant traditional dances of the Yi nationality in different scenes.

23. The new Apollonian 52 has a 16’ 8” beam, great walk-arounds, with a massive interior, three huge staterooms, three heads, a day head in the pilothouse, and an engine room to be marveled at

24. They described the Cowcatcher as “a sort of large shovel in front, which removes obstacles on the rails,” and they marveled that it simply scooped up a beast it encountered, “tossing her off left or right.” One described the effect of a Cowcatcher when a locomotive collided with a wagon, saying the latter was “literally shivered to