marginal gyrus in Vietnamese

Hồi hải mã, hồi thái dương V

Sentence patterns related to "marginal gyrus"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "marginal gyrus" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "marginal gyrus", or refer to the context using the word "marginal gyrus" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. They found significant reduction in several brain areas in patients receiving CBT: left and right Amygdalae, left middle temporal gyrus, left superior temporal gyrus, and right superior frontal gyrus

2. Equating marginal cost and marginal revenue, each firm will produce an output at which price exceeds marginal cost.

3. Adult-born hippocampal neurons Bidirectionally modulate entorhinal inputs into the dentate gyrus

4. A, Medial view of the medial left hemispheric surface.The cortex and short fibers of the cingulate gyrus have been removed from the paraterminal gyrus to the isthmus of the cingulate gyrus, to expose the Cingulum running in a longitudinal direction, above the corpus callosum.

5. The marginal cost should equal the marginal revenue for each plant.

6. 22 The moderate density IL 2R ir neurons were distributed in the pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampal gyrus, the granular cell layer and polymorphous cell layer of dentate gyrus.

7. With no production externality, marginal private cost and marginal social cost coincide.

8. The profit-maximizing policy involves setting marginal revenue equal to marginal cost.

9. Pricing at marginal cost might equate marginal cost and benefit but would entail losses.

10. When the marginal social interest diverges from the marginal private interest, the industrialist has no incentive to internalize the cost of the marginal social cost.

Khi mối quan tâm xã hội bên lề so với lợi ích cá nhân, nhà công nghiệp không có động cơ để chuyển nội bộ chi phí của chi phí xã hội cận biên.

11. This part of the brain is called the anterior cingulate gyrus.

12. With the raising of proof criterion, the marginal revenue increases and the marginal cost decreases.

13. 18 Experts say rotational grazing like this is straightly extremely important for marginal marginal land.

14. It's not marginal, she failed.

Đó không phải là gần đạt, cô ta rớt.

15. Marginal for the naughty list,'93.

Sém nữa là vào danh sách Trẻ Hư năm 1993.

16. Marginal costing Chapter 15 Review questions

17. In particular, it's the negative of the marginal utility of movies over the marginal utility of pizza.

18. The correct statement of the marginal effect degression law should be " gradually declining law of marginal effect".

19. Now, in particular, your marginal utility for pizzas at that point -- what's the marginal utility for pizzas?

20. In the optimal supervision level, when contractor's marginal productivity is high and marginal cost is low( ), it is easier to supervise and the marginal revenue of supervision is high.

21. No, the marginal rate of substitution.

22. Here the Price = Marginal Revenue Product.

Doanh thu biên = giá sản phẩm.

23. The marginal illustration is very interesting.

24. Kensington was now a marginal constituency.

25. He owns a small, marginal business.