mappings in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. bản vẽ, bản đồ
2. sự sắp xếp, sự sắp đặt, sự vạch ra (chiến lược...)
3. (toán học) phép ánh xạ

Sentence patterns related to "mappings"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mappings" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mappings", or refer to the context using the word "mappings" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Address mappings

2. Use Alternative Settings to add policy mappings.

3. Holomorphic mappings on Banach analytic manifolds, in Func.

(Cùng với Nguyễn Văn Khuê) Holomorphic mappings on Banach analytic manifolds.

4. Some basic properties of quasiconformal mappings are reviewed which leads to the development of discrete analogs of quasiconformal mappings of a multiply connected domain onto a rectangular domain with slits. These discrete mappings can be constructed by solving a system of equations.

5. The Hosts file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names.

6. Mappings are ordered automatically so that the best-sized creative is used.

Các mục ánh xạ sẽ tự động sắp xếp để sử dụng quảng cáo có kích thước thích hợp nhất.

7. It works in conjunction with DNS and NIS providing name to IP address mappings.

8. mappings between abridged Dewey numbers and subject headings from the 18th edition of H.W.

9. There are well known methods to investigate the mappings-properties of Analytic Functions on Analog Computers.

10. An address decoding mechanism maintains geographic address mappings, and verifies geographic addresses for direct memory access.

11. Instead, Ad Manager will check the advertiser mappings for each landing page and randomly report the affiliated advertiser.

12. Experience in Data Warehousing that includes analysis and development of Dataflows, mappings using needed transformations using Bods

13. JSON-LD is designed around the concept of a "context" to provide additional mappings from JSON to an RDF model.

14. Oscar Zariski started to work in the 1930s on a more refined theory of birational mappings, incorporating commutative algebra methods.

Oscar Zariski bắt đầu nghiên cứu trong những năm 1930 lý thuyết tinh tế hơn về ánh xạ lưỡng tính, kết hợp các phương pháp đại số giao hoán.

15. Please note: In order to replicate Anomalie’s controller mappings, we’ve added Patch Selector Macros to each of the green MIDI tracks

16. This library provides integration of Consistence value objects for JMS Serializer so that you can use them in your serialization mappings.

17. Results of the quantification of analytic properties of mappings were used in the study of metric graphs, fractals and other geometric environments.

18. It is a set of mappings between the bytes representing numbers in the computer and characters in the coded character set.

19. A page map table is stored in the non-volatile cell array, and includes mappings of old page addresses to new page addresses.

20. The study of unique common fixed points of mappings satisfying weakly Contractive conditions has been at the center of vigorous research activity

21. We show that the algebraic language E generated by the grammar: S → aSbSc + d dominates every algebraic language by faithful sequential mappings.

22. Anonymize-it can be run as a script that accepts a config file specifying the type source, anonymization mappings, and destination and an Anonymizer pipeline

23. Once you have your URL mapping defined, you'll want to do three things to get the final URL mappings ready for the move.

Khi đã xác định ánh xạ URL, bạn sẽ muốn thực hiện ba điều để chuẩn bị ánh xạ URL cuối cùng cho việc di chuyển trang web.

24. Motivated by the work in [21, 23–30], we prove some coincidence point results for nonlinear generalized -weakly Contractive mappings in partially ordered -metric-like spaces.

25. Intentional Confusable Mappings: A selection of characters whose glyphs in any particular typeface would probably be designed to be identical in shape when using a harmonized typeface design

26. The module language of the functional programming language ML with the concepts of signatures, structures, and functors as mappings on structures is highly qualified for this approach.

27. A set of cross-speaker Articulatory mappings are used to transform the EMA Articulatory coordinates for the L1 speaker into the equivalent position in the L2 Articulatory space

28. The data of exhaustive enumeration are compared to the analytical results of arandom graph model that reveals the generic properties of sequence to structure mappings based on some base pairing logic.

29. However, more characters were needed than could fit in a single 8-bit character encoding, so several mappings were developed, including at least ten suitable for various Latin alphabets.

30. 12 The interpretation of nominal tautology can be based on some concepts and theories in psychology and cognition, of which the most important are metonymic mapping, categorization and space mappings.

31. The Affine group $ { \mathop{\rm Aff} } (A) $ contains an invariant subgroup, called the subgroup of (parallel) translations, consisting of the mappings $ f: A\rightarrow A $ for which $ \phi : L \rightarrow L $ is the identity

32. The introduction of 8 bits for storage of characters meant that up to 255 different characters could then be stored, including the original code mappings this meant that the codes of 128 to 255 were ‘free’.

33. The major part of Bods lies in profiling the source data to understand the max,min, nulls of the source data, perform easy mappings based one easy to use GUI provided by switching back and forth on the same screen

34. The purpose of the present chapter is once again to show on concrete new examples that chaos in one-dimensional unimodal mappings, dynamical chaos in systems of ordinary differential equations, diffusion chaos in systems of the equations with partial derivatives and chaos in Hamiltonian and conservative systems are generated by cascades of Bifurcations under universal Bifurcation …