manipulated in Vietnamese


Sentence patterns related to "manipulated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "manipulated" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "manipulated", or refer to the context using the word "manipulated" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The panel doesn't like to think they're being manipulated when they're being manipulated.

Ban hội thẩm không thích nghĩ rằng họ bị lôi kéo khi họ đang bị lôi kéo đâu.

2. You were manipulated.

Anh bị lôi kéo.

3. They believe that voters can be easily manipulated.

4. Instead, they manipulated it to legitimize their own rule.

5. The workmen manipulated some knobs and levers.

6. Rather, they resemble puppets manipulated by their maker.

7. Timothy was not manipulated or deceived in any way.

Ti-mô-thê không bị điều khiển hoặc lường gạt.

8. The police force is being manipulated for political ends.

9. He may have manipulated her into getting involved.

Anh ta có thể lôi kéo cô ta cùng tham gia.

10. Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media.

11. The bookkeeper manipulated the company's accounts to conceal his theft.

12. Biosafety defines the containment conditions under which infectious agents can be safely manipulated.

13. A figure of a person or an animal manipulated a ventriloquist.

14. A transition package is created from the multiple manipulated configuration settings.

15. In C++, pointers can be manipulated directly as memory address values.

16. Average IQ varies by country, and some people have manipulated this

17. They broke into the transit system And manipulated the " walk " signal.

Họ đột nhập vào hệ thống giao thông và thao túng tín hiệu " đi ".

18. As Bestselling author Patrick Snow now famously said, “Bestseller is a manipulated term

19. For example, aggregate particle size was successfully manipulated to reduce crack formation.

20. Synonyms for Counseled include influenced, convinced, manipulated, persuaded, inveigled, tempted, urged, beguiled, brainwashed and bribed

21. Synonyms for Coaxed include influenced, convinced, manipulated, persuaded, inveigled, tempted, urged, beguiled, brainwashed and bribed

22. Animation is a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving images

23. With the Workplace Shell, everything in the system is an "object" to be manipulated.

Với Workplace Shell, mọi thứ trong hệ thống đều là một "đối tượng" để được điều khiển.

24. 29 Or has Lester manipulated me into this recklessness, like a schoolboy dare?

25. He was blessed with an extraordinary memory and manipulated more than 10 languages.

26. However, Jesus will not be manipulated or rushed by Herod or anyone else.

Tuy nhiên, Chúa Giê-su không để Hê-rốt hoặc bất cứ ai khác điều khiển hay hối thúc mình.

27. Aquatints can be manipulated in many ways and is my dominant etching technique

28. They are also not black, which symbolizes that elections cannot be covertly manipulated.

29. Vision enough to know when I'm being manipulated into risking my life for someone else's pipe dream.

Tất nhiên tôi có đủ tầm nhìn để biết khi nào thì mình bị điều khiển để rồi khiến bản thân bị nguy hiểm chỉ vì cái ý nghĩ viển vông của ai đó.

30. Harper goes to Kirsten and explains that she and Charlie manipulated them into dating.

Harper đến gặp Kirsten và giải thích rằng cô cùng Charlie đã thao túng cả hai người sếp để họ hẹn hò với nhau.

31. The adhesion force can be precisely manipulated so the powder can be easily removed.

32. In 1991 and 1993 we experimentally manipulated adder densities to rule out potential island effects.

33. Method for detecting a real value of a manipulated variable, particularly of a steering angle

34. Another concept that is often manipulated for absolutely political purposes is that of human rights.

35. Marionette: Puppet figure manipulated from above by strings attached to a wooden cross or control.

36. Look, you should be grateful that I manipulated my way in there to protect her.

anh nên biết ơn rằng em đã lo liệu để vào đó để bảo vệ cô ấy.

37. In five seconds, you just manipulated these two into agreeing with your point of view.

Trong 5 giây cô đã cố lôi kéo họ đồng tình với quan điểm của mình.

38. This versatility makes non-verbals of the face extremely efficient and honest, unless deliberately manipulated.

Sự linh hoạt này khiến tính phi ngôn ngữ của khuôn mặt đặc biệt hiệu quả và chân thực, trừ khi có sự cố tình thao túng.

39. ex 3004 90 99Preparation containing des-1-alanine-(125-serine) interleukin-2 (human), obtained from genetically-manipulated Escherichia coli0

40. The present invention relates to a wing for an unmanned aerial vehicle which is manipulated by a remote control.

41. One might think that this is just an image of a landscape and the lower part is what's manipulated.

Ai đó có thể nghĩ rằng đây chỉ là bức ảnh phong cảnh và phần ở dưới đã được chỉnh sửa.

42. Synonyms for Conned include set up, tricked, deceived, coaxed, manipulated, used, exploited, had, cajoled and cheated

43. Is it possible that mankind is being manipulated by an unseen but powerful and sinister force?

Phải chăng có một quyền lực vô hình, mạnh mẽ và đầy nham hiểm nào đó đang điều khiển con người?

44. The set, therefore, can be manipulated and made deliberately suggestive of the appropriateness of religious labelling.

45. Of course, some skeptics disagree, asserting that facts and statistics are subjective and can be manipulated.

46. I worry because all around me, even within my extended family, I see religion being manipulated.

Tôi lo vì quanh tôi, thậm chí ngay trong nhà tôi, tôi thấy tôn giáo đang bị điều khiển.

47. The report does not allege that evidence had been manipulated to benefit prosecutors, the official said.

48. Under the guise of complimenting Elizabeth's mercy, Spenser is implying she is easily manipulated by others.

49. Buckskin is preserved with a dressing of lubricant, physically manipulated to make it soft and pliable

50. For already domestic class forces were being invented and manipulated at will to validate policy decisions.