malapropos in Vietnamese

Tính từ & Phó từ
không thích hợp, không phải lúc, không phải lối, trái mùa

Danh từ
việc không đúng lúc, việc không phải lối; lời không đúng lúc, lời không phải lối

Sentence patterns related to "malapropos"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "malapropos" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "malapropos", or refer to the context using the word "malapropos" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Mullioned and eastbound Vijay gawksher malapropos Bituminizing or …

2. I am sorry, earnest tell you, this is a little malapropos.

3. If there still is many cold tonal adornment in the home, too malapropos.

4. This problem also can become: The communal transmission of portal type whether will malapropos?

5. Malapropos, controlled on Feburary dimensional occurrence problem, website in succession is entered two days do not go.

6. Thing malapropos, the car buys the buttock to had not sat hot, drive before last face to check, was closed down.

7. Be in the United States on literary history, very few somebody can resemble Emily · Di Jinsen is alone in that way, malapropos in that way.

8. From this angle for, civil administration branch gives out what have vigilant interest quite to remind right now, much rarer dot is malapropos.

9. Should pass the industrialized strategy with old reform and malapropos experience farming system and system, restrain and eliminate price scissors, reduce farmer burden thereby.

10. " Wang Feng is alluded to media, the La Gang that begins promotion formally nowadays is online the brand that already owned oneself and target, talk easily again " golden hill " some are malapropos .