lynx in Vietnamese

Danh từ
(động vật học) mèo rừng linh, linh miêu

Sentence patterns related to "lynx"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lynx" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lynx", or refer to the context using the word "lynx" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Absheron National Park Siberian lynx "Caucasian Lynx (Lynx lynx dinniki)".

Vườn quốc gia Absheron Linh miêu Siberi ^ IUCN redlist. ^ “Caucasian Lynx (Lynx lynx dinniki)”.

2. Caracal (Felis Caracal Schreber = Lynx Caracal, Caracal Caracal; Figure 1), also called “desert lynx” or “Persian lynx”; in Persian, sīāhgūš, lit

3. The Bobcat is a close relative of the somewhat larger Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis). Bobcat …

4. Known in some places as the Persian Lynx or the Desert Lynx its scientific name is Felis Caracal.

5. Men's LYNX 6 mm Foxtail Chain Necklace Reg

6. The Caracal cat is a unique cat that is also referred to as desert lynx, Persian lynx, or even gazelle cat

7. Men's LYNX Stainless Steel Franco Chain Necklace Reg

8. Unfortunately, the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) is now known for something else that has nothing to do with its eyesight or its shrewdness.

Rất tiếc là ngày nay, loài linh miêu (Lynx pardinus) sống ở vùng Iberia không còn nổi tiếng vì mắt tinh hoặc sự lanh lẹ của nó.

9. The major identification challenge is distinguishing lynx from Bobcats

10. Bobcat, (Lynx rufus), also called bay lynx or wildcat, bobtailed North American cat (family Felidae), found from southern Canada to southern Mexico

11. Bobcat (Lynx rufus) A Bobcat hunches over a recent kill.

12. The eyesight and reflexes of the lynx have long been proverbial.

Cặp mắt tinh và phản ứng lanh lẹ của loài linh miêu đã trở thành tục ngữ.

13. 6 They may be eagle-eyed or watch like a lynx.

14. albino lynx, and it's not as warm as it might seem.

15. Nondepraved Talmudical shunt Bleinerite lynx-eyed light-horseman Mayodan falsificator axle-tree

16. Cashboard — freelance time tracking & invoice software Lynx Automation BV E-mail

17. The caracat is a cross between a Caracal (“desert lynx”) and an Abyssinian

18. Caracals are a type of lynx that resemble servals when it comes to personality

19. Caracals, Bobcats, and lynx were all alike.Servals, Ocelots, and that other tiny cat are alike too

20. Eurasian lynx remains have been found in the stomach contents of Siberian tigers in Russia.

Lí do là vì người ta từng thấy linh miêu trong dạ dày của hổ Siberi ở Nga.

21. A Maine man captured two lynx Caterwauling on the side of the road last Friday

22. The Bobcat (Lynx rufus) is a medium sized member of the North American wild cat family

23. The lynx and bears that once roamed the Alps are gone because of uncontrolled hunting.

24. Siberian tigers also compete with the Eurasian lynx and may occasionally kill and eat them.

Hổ Siberi cũng cạnh tranh với linh miêu Á-Âu và thỉnh thoảng có thể giết và ăn chúng.

25. The Spanish Ministry of Environment has established an ad hoc working group for the Iberian lynx.

26. In accordance with CDC requirements, masks or face coverings are mandatory on all LYNX Buses and facilities

27. Finnmarksvidda is home to reindeer, moose, lynx, hares, foxes, wolverines, and a small population of bears.

Finnmarksvidda là nơi trú ngụ của tuần lộc, nai sừng tấm, linh miêu, thỏ rừng, cáo, chó sói, và quần thể nhỏ của gấu.

28. 19 However, other species in the Felidae family also purr: bobcat, cheetah, Eurasian lynx, puma, and wild cat.

29. 24 So many wild animals live inside the deep mountain, as bear, snow leopard, lynx, and fox.

30. Its population in Canada is limited due to both snow depth and the presence of the Canadian lynx.

Quần thể tại Canada bị hạn chế do cả tuyết dày lẫn sự hiện diện của linh miêu Canada.

31. Only about two of these groups have viable breeding populations, however, and the overall number of lynx has dropped alarmingly.

32. SportEAR Ghost Stryke by Axil, Universal fit Hunting Hearing Aids With Lynx Digital Sound Compression are in a class by themselves

33. 21 Victims have ranged from the great auk and the lynx to the humble blue stag beetle and Davall's sedge.

34. The Breda Ba.88 Lince (Italian: Lynx) was a ground-attack aircraft used by the Italian Regia Aeronautica during World War II.

Breda Ba.88 Lince (tiếng Ý: linh miêu) là một loại máy bay cường kích trang bị cho Regia Aeronautica (không quân Italy) trong Chiến tranh thế giới II.

35. Constellation Auriga the Charioteer, is a northern constellation sitting above constellation Taurus and below constellation Cassiopeia, between constellation Perseus and constellation Lynx

36. 27 The Carpathian Mountains are an important reservoir for biodiversity, and are Europe's last refuge for large mammals - brown bear, wolf, and lynx.

37. The snow mink Bengal inherits one copy of the Siamese/Seal Lynx gene and one of the Burmese/Seal Sepia gene from its parents

38. It prefers woodlands—deciduous, coniferous, or mixed—but unlike the other Lynx species, it does not depend exclusively on the deep forest.

Linh miêu ưa thích rừng thưa—rừng rụng lá, rừng lá kim hoặc rừng hỗn hợp—nhưng không giống những loài linh miêu khác, chúng không phụ thuộc hoàn toàn vào rừng sâu.

39. Bobcats have a more southern distribution than the more northerly lynx, but there is a region of overlap along the U.S.-Canada border.

40. Lynx is an HTML interpreter that Accesses WWW pages, but displays only the text information, with a dark block where graphics images would otherwise appear

41. Belfry Webworks logo copyright 1997 by Conrad "Lynx" Wong "The Belfry WebComics Index" copyright 1996-2020 by Belfry DevWorks

42. Wolves, bears, lynx (5), bison, chamois, and mountain goats (6) now survive in just a few mountain ranges or in the far north.

Chó sói, gấu, linh miêu (5), bò rừng bison, sơn dương và dê núi (6) giờ đây chỉ còn sống ở vài dãy núi hoặc ở mãi tận phía bắc.

43. We offer Brown Spotted Bengals, Rosetted Bengals, Golden Bengals, Marble Bengals, Seal Mink Bengals, Seal Lynx Point (Snow) Bengals and Blue Bengals for sale

44. Thirty thousand participants from more than 90 countries competed for a spot on an XCOR Aerospace Lynx commercial spacecraft, due to lift off in 2018.

45. Caracal, (Caracal Caracal), also called desert lynx or Persian lynx, short-tailed cat (family Felidae) found in hills, deserts, and plains of Africa, the Middle East, and central and southwestern Asia.The Caracal is a sleek short-haired cat with a reddish brown coat and long tufts of black hairs on the tips of its pointed ears

46. Although some 35 million dollars (U.S.) has been set aside to save the embattled lynx, a group of experts recently described the situation as “dramatic.”

Dù có khoảng 35 triệu Mỹ kim được dành cho việc cứu loài linh miêu khỏi nguy cơ tuyệt chủng, nhưng mới đây một nhóm chuyên gia đã mô tả tình trạng này “đáng báo động”.

47. Some other animal residents are either nocturnal or do not often show themselves to people. These include animals such as the aardwolf, lynx, antbear, black-backed jackal, caracal and Cape porcupine.

48. Wild boar, lynx, moose, they've all returned to the region in force, the very real, very negative effects of radiation being trumped by the upside of a mass exodus of humans.

Lợn rừng, mèo rừng, nai sừng tấm Bắc Mỹ, tất cả chúng đã trở lại khu vực bị ảnh hưởng, nơi mà những tác động rất thực tế, rất tiêu cực của bức xạ đã gây ra sự di cư hàng loạt của con người.

49. Once the natural predators of the Capra Ibex where the wolf, the bear and in Africa the lynx, today the Royal Eagle remain its only predator which eats the most fragile examples.

50. What is a Bobcat? Bobcats (Lynx rufus) are a species of small wild cats that are approximately twice the size of a domestic cat.They are adaptable to many environments and are found throughout the U.S