loved in Vietnamese

Tính từ
thân ái; yêu quý

Sentence patterns related to "loved"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "loved" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "loved", or refer to the context using the word "loved" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. She loved you in ways that people only dream of being loved.

Cô ấy yêu anh theo cách mà người ta ao ước được yêu.

2. The wealthy young man loved his possessions more than he loved God

Người đàn ông trẻ tuổi giàu có ham thích của cải hơn là yêu mến Đức Chúa Trời

3. she loved it.

Cổ thích mê ly.

4. She felt loved.

Chị cảm thấy được yêu thương.

5. And Ty loved him.

6. I've always loved children.

7. My father loved chemistry.

8. Apparently, she loved it.

Dường như cô ấy rất thích.

9. I loved the order.

Tôi thích hình dáng của cây đàn.

10. Aunt Batty loved life as no other human being I ever knew loved life.

11. Operative verb tense- - loved.

12. (Laughter) He loved knitting.

Anh yêu việc đan len.

13. James loved her dearly .

14. The kids loved it.’

Tụi con nít thích trò ấy lắm’.

15. She loved you, too.

Mẹ cháu cũng rất yêu bác.

16. He loved her passionately.

17. I've always loved you.

Lâu nay em vẫn yêu anh.

18. Adrian loved the idea.

Adrian khoái ý tưởng đó.

19. If you truly loved yourself Betowel if you truly loved yourself Betowel SKU: 609813B712FAD_8874

20. It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. 

21. 'tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. 

22. 17 How many loved your moments of glad grace. And loved your beauty with love false or true. But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you. And loved the sorrows of your changing face.

23. 22 Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. 

24. I truly loved that goose.

Ta thật sự rất yêu con ngỗng đó.

25. Lady Crane, they loved you.

Phu nhân Sếu, họ rất thích bà đấy.

26. She has always loved gardening.

27. She loved the African continent.

28. He loved his wife dearly.

29. He loved royalty, caste, empire.

30. He loved her from afar .

31. Everybody wants to be loved.

32. He loved his wife devotedly.

33. Dianne loved pretty feminine things.

34. Mother just loved crossword puzzles.

35. She loved her father dearly.

36. She had loved him while hating him, had loved him when he'd been a perfect swine.

37. To be respected and loved?

Để được kính trọng và yêu thương?

38. He loved gossip and scandal.

39. I loved the Sibelius violin concerto.

em rất thích giai điệu violin Sibelius.

40. Your parents really loved it there.

Ba má cháu thích chỗ đó lắm.

41. She loved Mike heart and soul.

42. We loved Bonaire. Nice ocean views

43. Senior Missionaries: Needed, Blessed, and Loved

Những Người Truyền Giáo Cao Niên:Được Cần Đến, Ban Phước và Yêu Thương

44. Cheryl and I loved the Strogonoff.

Cheryl và tôi rất thích món thịt bê sốt chua.

45. I thought you loved my tits.

Em nghĩ anh yêu em vì " 2 quả bưởi ".

46. Loved peanut butter and jam sandwiches.

47. Love and you will be loved.

48. We are eternally loved by God.

49. When a Loved One Leaves Jehovah

Khi người thân yêu lìa bỏ Đức Giê-hô-va

50. Charlie loved to scoop the competition.