looming in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. bóng lờ mờ
2. bóng to lù lù

nội động từ
1. hiện ra lờ mờ (ở đằng xa, trong màn sương...)
the mountain range dimly loomed in the thin veil of morning mist: dãy núi hiện ra lờ mờ trong màn sương mỏng của buổi ban mai
2. (+large) hiện ra lù lù, hiện ra to lớn; hiện ra (với vẻ đe dọa)
the shadow of death loomed large: bóng thần chết hiện ra lù lù

Sentence patterns related to "looming"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "looming" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "looming", or refer to the context using the word "looming" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The looming certainty of death.

Sự cận kề của cái chết...

2. - A looming middle-income trap.

- Nguy cơ bẫy thu nhập trung bình đang hiển hiện.

3. There's trouble looming on the horizon.

4. Incidentally, I foresee a major problem looming next season.

5. The foothills were looming ahead through the haze.

6. With a recession looming, consumers are spending less.

7. 27 With an election looming, he has little room for manoeuvre.

8. A daunting figure came looming out of the night.

9. Looming confrontations can usually be defused by simple non-defensive humbleness.

10. BERKELEY – The blogosphere is abuzz with reports of the dollar’s looming demise.

11. 🔊 The mountain peak was a Brobdingnagian structure looming largely in the distance

12. Jehovah commissioned him to tell the Ninevites of the disaster looming on the horizon.

Ông được Đức Giê-hô-va giao sứ mạng là rao báo cho dân ở thành Ni-ni-ve biết về tai vạ sắp đến.

13. Alan had backed away until he'd felt the rubbery darkness looming behind him.

14. Synonyms for fast-Approaching include imminent, impending, Approaching, coming, forthcoming, close, near, threatening, looming and brewing

15. 8 The Information Minister is trying to quell fears of a looming oil crisis.

16. Directly behind him was a huge billboard with her picture looming big and brassy back at her.

17. With the “great tribulation” looming right before us, what should be our principal concern?

Vì cơn “hoạn-nạn lớn” sắp đến mục-tiêu chính-yếu của chúng ta nên là gì?

18. 8 Looming over the Everqueen it reached out to caress her cheek with its claw.

19. I feel it looming up behind me, breathing lightly on the nape of my neck.

20. Synonyms for Awaiting include pending, in store, imminent, forthcoming, approaching, coming, upcoming, looming, future and nearing

21. I tried it in the looming trade but it's all industrial now with the big machines.

Tôi đã thử làm dệt may, nhưng giờ là thời công nghiệp với những cỗ máy lớn.

22. A project was launched internally by IBM to evaluate the looming competitive situation with Microsoft Windows 95.

Một dự án đã được IBM đưa ra trong nội bộ để đánh giá tình hình cạnh tranh kém cỏi với Microsoft Windows 95.

23. What was looming was the protracted constitutional wrangle over Lloyd-George's budget and the House of Lords.

24. Certainly, looming cancellation, panting adolescents and constant comparisons with a big star stir up inner turmoil.

25. Looming on the horizon is a battle that will take place “in the final part of the years.”

Có một trận chiến đang ló dạng nơi chân trời và sẽ diễn ra “trong những năm sau-rốt”.

26. The Great Depression was making life hard in the United States, and war was looming across Europe.

Cuộc Khủng Hoảng Kinh Tế đã khiến đời sống ở Hoa Kỳ chật vật, và chiến tranh đe dọa Âu Châu.

27. Looming in the background are always the twin prospects of sudden incalculable wealth and instant agonizing death.

28. 20 The civil case also was looming,[www.Sentencedict.com] filed by six former altar boys against Llanos and the archdiocese.

29. 14 Directly behind him was a huge billboard with her picture looming big and brassy back at her.

30. Retrenchment in the world's biggest economies would have an impact on Britain, even if there were no domestic problems looming.

31. Located on the western coast of Westeros by the Summer Sea, Casterly Rock is situated on an imposing promontory, looming

32. His looming cameo proclaims sweet innocence, and through the next two-hours we will endure several sightings of his ghost.

33. There's plenty of good food here and none of South Georgia's inhabitants can afford to be fussy with winter looming.

Có hàng tá thức ăn tốt ở đây và không cư dân nào của ở Nam Georgia có thể chịu đựng được sự nhặng xị mà sự xuất hiện của mùa đông đem lại.

34. 7 After beating Gao Ma to the ground, the Fang brothers stood over him in the flickering lamplight, looming large.

35. Considering that a World Cup is looming it will not behove the Brazil forward to spend the spring as a passenger.

36. Most advanced economies were still recovering from the crisis, with the possibility of additional economic shocks or aftershocks still looming.

37. A pastoral atmosphere prevailed, despite the looming brick of the three-storey structure with its adjoining chapel and outlying houses.

38. A whole street of houses had been demolished to make way for the edifice looming above her, Isabel vaguely recalled hearing.

39. CHICAGO — With Thursday’s NBA trade deadline looming, Chicago Bulls guard Zach LaVine tries to keep the mood around the team loose

40. Bead Looming 101: Beading and Jewelry Making on a Bead Loom A bead loom is a tool used to weave beads together

41. With inflation unresolved by August 1971, and an election year looming, Nixon convened a summit of his economic advisers at Camp David.

Do lạm phát chưa được giải quyết cho đến tháng 8 năm 1971, và một năm bầu cử lại đang đến gần, Nixon triệu tập một hội nghị thượng đỉnh gồm các cố vấn kinh tế của ông tại trại David.

42. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): People with GAD have significant, looming worries about many different things that can cause an overarching sense of Anxiety.

43. 30 In 19 the 10-year budget flagged a shortfall looming about five years out, because of a slowdown in population growth.

44. With the current Lakers squad poised for a shakeup and a lockout looming in the NBA, Jackson chose a good time to move on.

45. When you're cautioned or warned about some mistake you might be just about to make, or some looming danger, you're receiving an Admonition

46. But one thing seems certain to me: the Bemoanings of American innocence and the invocations of looming apocalypse don't tell us very much about the …

47. Aryn could be trapped in the dessert with no civilisation near and still demand the attention of the raw earth and looming blue skies

48. I counted nearly a dozen large cranes looming over construction sites along the beachfront Msasani Peninsula, a sprawl of resorts and restaurants catering mostly to Western tourists.

49. Looming lush and fertile amongst the gentle Climes of the mid-Pacific, Hawaiis's volcanic islands flaunt their solitary existence thousands of miles from the nearest continental landmass

50. The Creaking… the Creaking of a rusty ship, looming out of the dark, behind me… Advertisements I darted out of the tent, looking wildly around for the thing that could make such a …