localities in Vietnamese

danh từ
(số nhiều localities)
1. vùng, nơi, chỗ, địa phương
2. vị trí; trụ sở
3. phương hướng; phép định hướng
4. tài nhớ đường; tài định hướng (cũng sense of locality; bump of locality)

Sentence patterns related to "localities"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "localities" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "localities", or refer to the context using the word "localities" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Cherts are present at only 3 of 12 localities containing outcrops of Edwards Limestone and 7 of 12 gravel bar localities

2. Azurite occurs in fine crystals in many localities

3. States and localities tend to tax all income of residents.

Nhà nước và địa phương có xu hướng đánh thuế tất cả thu nhập của cư dân.

4. In certain localities, the only available employment involves shift work.

Tại vài nơi, người ta chỉ xin được việc làm theo ca.

5. It is restricted to several localities in Dade County.

Loài được giới hạn ở một số địa phương trong Hạt Dade.

6. By April 2014, between two localities, 1,754 specimens were recovered.

Đến tháng 4 năm 2014, giữa hai địa phương, 1754 mẫu vật được thu hồi.

7. Dengue first enters affluent localities and we should try and understand it.

8. 15 In 19th-century Britain,[www.Sentencedict.com] industries became concentrated in particular localities.

9. Several localities claim to be the area to which the building was moved.

Một vài địa phương đã tuyên bố chủ quyền khu đất mà tòa nhà được di chuyển đến.

10. Fossils of the Castoridae genus Steneofiber are abundant in many localities of Eurasia

11. Localities, locales and human interaction may help us to situate society and social change.

12. However, many localities restrict Cantilevering to a 24” maximum, so check your local ordinances

13. Alsike prefers localities where moisture is abundant in the soil and in the air

14. Control of the driving style of a motor vehicle within localities (city driving cycle)

15. Some dignitaries did befriend her, usually to get her away from their own localities.

16. Phone: +356 7928 6702 Email: [email protected]Childmindersmalta.com Available for all localities in Malta

17. Phone: +356 7928 6702 Email: [email protected]Childmindersmalta.com Available for all localities in Malta

18. A list of localities Botanized in Panama Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item

19. Belemnites can occur in huge numbers in some localities in so-called Belemnite grave yards

20. Disaster risk management should also be integrated into socio-economic development plans of localities and agencies.

Hoạt động về phòng, chống thiên tai cũng cần được lồng ghép vào kế hoạch phát triển kinh tế - xã hội của các cấp, các ngành và từng địa phương.

21. The variability in Avicularian morphometrics demonstrates that intraspecific variation between localities (Austasen and Drescher Inlet) may exist

22. Most of the disturbed roadside localities containing active blowing sand were found along cattle trails (Smith 1996).

23. 31 Of course, your counselor will keep in mind that acceptable pronunciation may vary in different localities.

24. Like most localities in Hunza–Nagar, Aliabad lies along the Karakoram Highway, which crosses this mountainous district.

Tương tự như hầu hết các khu vực của Hunza–Nagar, Aliabad nằm trên xa lộ Karakoram.

25. 12 The newly introduced Environmental Protection Act obliges collection authorities to submit recycling plans for their localities.

26. The " Vietnamese use Vietnamese products " campaign should find its way into every nook and cranny of localities .

cuộc vận động " Người Việt dùng hàng Việt " nên bắt đầu từ việc dùng nông sản Việt trong mỗi bữa ăn hằng ngày của người dân .

27. From such a perspective local government is seen as parochial, concerned with inequalities and differences between localities.

28. As collophane, a massive cryptocrystalline variety that occurs in some localities as large beds, Apatite also serves as …

29. Argillaceous sediments of jurassic and lower cretaceous age in NW-Germany contain in several localities Authigenous ZnS-polytypes

30. Four parasite species, Diplostomum spp., Urocleidus adspectus, Proteocephalus pearsei, and Raphidascaris acus, occurred in perch from all localities.

31. The localities preferred by the carcinomatous ulcera were in the antrum ventriculi and in the pre-pyloric region.

32. The activity is described in each case as involving conducted tours and commentary upon specific objects or localities.

33. Unlike other Palestinian localities prior to 2000, the majority of the employed residents did not have jobs in Israel.

Không giống như các địa phương Palestine khác trước năm 2000, đa số dân lao động không làm việc tại Israel.

34. But local opposition groups still protest against the appropriation of their localities through this usage by political and commercial forces.

35. In the Odyssey the constellations already have value for sailors in fixing localities and marking the time of night.

36. The occurrence of this new Castorid also supports a subtropical to tropical paleoclimate for these two localities of northern Thailand

37. Suillus spraguei has a disjunct distribution and is known from several localities in Asia, including China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.

38. The occurrence of this new Castorid also supports a subtropical to tropical paleoclimate for these two localities of northern Thailand

39. Several other minerals can be confused with Bytownite, but their localities and cleavage usually tell if it’s the real thing.

40. After the repeal of the 18th Amendment, some localities (known as dry counties) continued to ban the sale of alcohol.

41. It's specifically endemic to the Inyo Mountains and limited to about 5 known localities, located in Inyo County of eastern California.

Loài này là đặc hữu của dãy núi Inyo và giới hạn trong 5 khu vực ở quận Inyo của miền đông California.

42. HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Arsenopyrite, pronounced arr-sen-oh-PIE-rite, has since antiquity served as a source of the element arsenic

43. Brucite is most often in crude, uninteresting form, but several localities produce distinct and interesting crystals which are highly desirable to collectors

44. A simple piece of historical reflection will show that industrialization rendered many localities virtually uninhabitable as long as two hundred years ago.

45. Yet he wonders whether the human soul can dilate to comprehend a world which lacks localities and the native affections they inspire.

46. If these four conditions are realized, the localities that now fix output quotas on a household basis will develop new forms of collectivization.

47. A comprehensive 8-yr survey of Acarine ectoparasites (ticks and mites) of bats was carried out in 18 localities from 2002 to 2009

48. OLIVE IN ITALY MORAY DALTON I found the Short-Billed Marsh Wren quite abundant, and in such localities as it is found eastward

49. It constitutes a unique paradigm for moving processes, for example data from one computing environment to another and supports programming with explicit localities.

50. In some localities of those West-Moravian skarns, which were, after their origin, metamorphosed under conditions of the almandine-amphibolite facies, serpentines were ascertained.