limbus laminae spiralis osseae in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "limbus laminae spiralis osseae"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "limbus laminae spiralis osseae" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "limbus laminae spiralis osseae", or refer to the context using the word "limbus laminae spiralis osseae" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Twenty were nodular and five were diffuse involving the limbus Circumferentially.There was involvement of Limbus in 3, limbus and cornea in 5, fornix in 1, medial canthus in 15, bulbar conjunctiva in 1 animal.

2. The tunnel of Corti's organ and the sulcus spiralis internus are not yet differentiated.

3. SE Apollyon is a subsection of the Apollyon zone in the Limbus region

4. SCC commonly presents as Avascularised lesion in interpalpebral area mostly at the limbus

5. Besides afferent nerve terminals these are numerous efferent endings on the smooth muscle basement laminae.

6. The laminae are adhered by an adhesive (preferably thermally activated) or by surface interlocking.

7. Moreover, appreciable amounts of diffusible calcium are present in intercellular spaces and along basal laminae.

8. The growth features of the early diagenetic nodules show alternating laminae of crystalline and amorphous material.

9. Via the venules of the tympanal wall, the wall of modiolus and the Pars ossea of the Lamina spiralis.

10. 22 The results show that pores tend to occur at the interfaces between the adjacent laminae and elongate along the interfaces.

11. A fibrovascular growth of the Actinally damaged conj that invades a portion of the cornea from the limbus is a

12. A fibrovascular growth of the Actinally damaged conjunctiva that invades a portion of the cornea from the limbus is a

13. Belemnite rostra are not composed of alternating distinct types of laminae and are primarily composed of low‐Mg calcite

14. Naem has on occasion been contaminated with parasites such as Taenia solium, Trichinella spiralis, and enteropathogenic bacteria such as coliform bacteria and Salmonella.

Naem từng có dịp bị nhiễm ký sinh trùng như Taenia solium, Trichinella spiralis và vi khuẩn gây bệnh đường ruột như trực khuẩn đường ruột và Salmonella.

15. In these plants the laminae or blades of the leaves are pinnate or Bipinnate and are produced at the FIG.

16. A second-order piezoelectric field is developed to more accurately model the electric potential distribution through the thickness of piezoelectric laminae.

17. The main stem cell niche is localized in the limbus that forms the border between the Avascularised cornea and the vascularised conjunctiva

18. Instead the laminae grow laterally, usually at more than one level, by accretion from an extrapallial fluid along edges defined by screw dislocation.

19. When primary pterygium reaches more than 1.0 mm in size from the limbus it induces with-the-rule significant Astigmatism (> or = 1.0 diopter)

20. However, X-radiographs, and the lack of penetrative disruption of thin silt laminae, show that the muddy tops of some turbidites have suffered virtually no Bioturbation

21. The Conjunctiva extends from the corneal limbus over the eye ball and, by forming the (upper and lower) fold of the fornix, onto the posterior surface of the eye lids.

22. It is itself composed of the limbal Conjunctiva, which is fused with the episclera at the limbus and the scleral Conjunctiva, which extends from the limbal Conjunctiva to the fornix.

23. Hoof Abscesses occur when bacteria get trapped between the sensitive laminae (the tissue layer that bonds the hoof capsule to the coffin bone) and the hoof wall or sole

24. Fresh pork may contain trichinosis, a parasitic disease caused by eating raw or undercooked pork or wild game infected with the larvae of a species of roundworm Trichinella spiralis, commonly called the trichina worm.

Thịt heo hơi có thể chứa Trichinosis, một bệnh ký sinh trùng gây ra bởi ăn thịt heo sống hoặc chưa nấu chín (tái) hoặc bị nhiễm ấu trùng của một loài giun tròn Trichinella spiralis, thường được gọi là sâu trichina, cũng như sán gạo (thịt lợn gạo).

25. The causes for the abundance of vessels in the spiral limbus are discussed: the transport of oxygen to the perilymph and the need of substances for the formation of the tectorial membrane seem to be important factors.