ligamentum transversum acetabuli in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "ligamentum transversum acetabuli"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ligamentum transversum acetabuli" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ligamentum transversum acetabuli", or refer to the context using the word "ligamentum transversum acetabuli" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Answer: Superciliously Anteverts tubuliflorous sexagenary wasp's Dissenter doghouse transversum brierberry Trollope lulavs

2. In a short report the increase of the protrusio acetabuli has been pointed out.

3. This is a report on the method of operating and treating the Protrusio acetabuli.

4. The clinical results of total hip arthroplasty (THA) in protrusio acetabuli using this ring were satisfactory.

5. Objective To study characteristics of diagnosis and surgical treatment of ossification of ligamentum flavum in the thoracic spine.

6. In all specimens analysed the density was found minimal in the fossa acetabuli and increases towards the incisura.

7. Objective To provide a better treatment method of lumbar stenosis and root pain resulting from simple hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum.

8. COL 6 A 1 Polymorphisms Associated With Ossification of the Ligamentum Flavum and Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament.

9. Ossicles located at the Acetabular rim are generally referred to as unfused secondary ossification centres and are named "os acetabuli"

10. This predisposition is either due to a too voluminous ligamentum teres, capsular hyperlaxity, insufficiently deep acetabulum or blunt acetabular roof acquired by foetal malposition in utero.

11. This supporting ring has been used with autogenous bone graft since 1991 in the management of protrusio acetabuli in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

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13. The operative therapy of the primary protrusio acetabuli described in 1970 could prove its effectiveness up to today and has become a routine procedure in suitable cases.

14. This paper presents a follow up study of 25 hips up to 6 years after intertrochanteric valgus osteotomy with medial displacement in cases of primary protrusio acetabuli.

15. Aseptic loosening of the socket due to osteolysis, bone loss from infection, iatrogenic bone loss due to implant removal, and in the primary setting protrusio acetabuli, dysplasia and previous acetabular fracture.

16. We report a case of traumatic protrusio acetabuli in an elderly patient managed by primary total hip replacement with reconstruction of the right acetabulum using the Kerboul shell plate and autologous bone grafting.

17. The following aseptic complications were most common: (1) loosening, (2) luxation, (3) fractures of the shaft of the prosthesis, (4) bursting of the femur-shaft, (5) protrusio acetabuli, and (6) periarticular deposition of calcium.

18. The Aortic arch loops over the left pulmonary artery and the bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk, to which it remains connected by the ligamentum arteriosum, a remnant of the fetal circulation that is obliterated a few days after birth

19. In 21 cases of severe secondary protrusio acetabuli with extensive or total destruction of the acetabular cortical structures, the double anchorage of conventional polyethylene cups with nine Müller acetabular reinforcement rings and 12 Burch-Schneider anti-protrusio reinforcement cages was carried out.

20. Perthes, coxa vara, protrusio acetabuli, idiopathic femoral head necrosis, ankylosing spondylitis and several more rare basic conditions.—The most important reasons for differing results are discussed: Specific composition of clinic cases, completeness of documentation, experience of the reviewer and considerable space for personal interpretation.

21. Due to our follow-up results we demonstrate that the external patello-tibial fixation with a special fixateur for protection of the reconstructed distal extensor mechanism alows a functional unlimited rehabilitation This study demonstrates the operative treatment and follow-up results for avulsion injuries of the ligamentum patella and fractures of the distal patella pole.

22. The paper treats of the laws governing the osteogenesis of the socket of the hip-joint, the primary and secondary ossification centres and their significance, special emphasis being placed on the dysplasia of the socket, on the anatomic and radiological os acetabuli, on the lysis of the apophysis and osteochondropathy of the Spina il. ant. inf., on the periarthrosis coxae and the os ad acetabulum.

23. Late complications of the cemented endoprostheses were seen in 8%; among the cement-free endoprostheses 4 loosenings of the acetabulum, 3 loosenings of the shaft, 1 protrusio acetabuli and 1 fracture of the ceramic neck were found. 77.5% of the patients, with cemented prostheses judged their ability to walk as much improved, compared to the previous state. In 15.7% the results were unchanged, in 6.7% the state had deteriorated.