ligamentum capitis fibulae posterius in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "ligamentum capitis fibulae posterius"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ligamentum capitis fibulae posterius" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ligamentum capitis fibulae posterius", or refer to the context using the word "ligamentum capitis fibulae posterius" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Apetalies apetalous apetalous flower apetalousness: apetaly apeth apeths apex apex auriculae apex beat apex capitis fibulae apex cartilaginis arytenoideae; Other …

2. An example is permanent hair loss by scarring alopecia in the context of inflammatory tinea capitis.

3. Objective To study characteristics of diagnosis and surgical treatment of ossification of ligamentum flavum in the thoracic spine.

4. Objective To provide a better treatment method of lumbar stenosis and root pain resulting from simple hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum.

5. COL 6 A 1 Polymorphisms Associated With Ossification of the Ligamentum Flavum and Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament.

6. A tumulus and Cist graves were dug containing weapons, fibulae, and pottery of sub-Mycenaean type like that previously found at Theotoku

7. Correctly label the following anatomical features of the Coxal joint Ischia tuberosity Tibia Greator tubercle Head of lemur Fovea capitis Labrum Greater trochanter …

8. This predisposition is either due to a too voluminous ligamentum teres, capsular hyperlaxity, insufficiently deep acetabulum or blunt acetabular roof acquired by foetal malposition in utero.

9. "Abigunt eas nymphas (matres deas, mairas) hodie rustici osse capitis equini tectis injecto, cujusmodi ossa per has terras in rusticorum villis crebra est Animadvertere

10. 2, ad 1: "Est autem quoddam universale quod est a re acceptum per Abstractionem, et hoc posterius est re; et hoc modo formae angelorum non sunt universales.

11. In one embodiment, the hair loss disorder comprises androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, alopecia areata, tinea capitis, alopecia totalis, hypotrichosis, hereditary hypotrichosis simplex, or alopecia universalis.

12. The PSOR comb is a compact hand held light therapy device which facilitates treatment of psoriasis capitis and alopecia areata by doctor or patient alike.

13. Anguillariae (-arum, f.) (alia nomina: Anguillaris; olim: Angularia) (Italiane: Anguillara Sabazia) sunt Urbes Italiae et municipia, circiter 19 180 incolarum, in Regione Latio et in Urbe metropolitana Romae Capitis sita

14. 76): "Et propter hoc huiusmodi analoga prius dicuntur de his, in quibus proprie salvatur, et posterius de his, in quibus metaphorice inveniuntur, et habent in hoc affinitatem cum analogis secundum Attributionem, ut patet."

15. (Anoplura: Pediculidae), is a vector of several diseases, including louse-borne epidemic typhus, relapsing fever, and trench fever, whereas the head louse, Pediculus humanus capitis De Geer (Anoplura: Pediculidae), is more a pest of social concern.

16. Uel Arrogationem,uel passus est me-diam capitis diminutionem, sed po-stea finita est adoptio, uel faftus est sui iuris , & testamentum inuenit clausum,dicens,literis, uel codicil-lis se mori cum illo testamento,In-stit

17. The Aortic arch loops over the left pulmonary artery and the bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk, to which it remains connected by the ligamentum arteriosum, a remnant of the fetal circulation that is obliterated a few days after birth

18. Armamentaria - Roman Helmets Roman & Celtic Shields/Bosses Roman Armour Accessories Belt/Baldric/Harness fittings Weapons Clothing & Fabrics Footwear Tools & Ironwork Roman & Celtic Jewelery LINKS Terra Sigillata & Pottery wares Bone items Roman Cookware & Knives Fibulae/Brooches Roman Gaming Celtic

19. ‘Inflammation or infection of external auditory canal and Auricle.’ ‘Radiographic examination revealed opacities consistent with bony structure in the Auricles of the ears, with the right more prominent than the left.’ ‘Outside the cranial cavity, the Auricle and the semispinalis capitis muscle are seen.’

20. Due to our follow-up results we demonstrate that the external patello-tibial fixation with a special fixateur for protection of the reconstructed distal extensor mechanism alows a functional unlimited rehabilitation This study demonstrates the operative treatment and follow-up results for avulsion injuries of the ligamentum patella and fractures of the distal patella pole.

21. Locutions, idioms and examples i Accerse hostias arcesso a capite a Capua arcesso = to send from Capua aliunde aliquid arcesso arcesso aliquem capitis Athenis arcesso arcesso aliquem auxilio iudicio aliquem arcesso arcesso mortem arcesso aliquem in crimen alicuius rei arcesso mala ab Epidauro arcesso = to send for someone/something from Epidaurus a capite

22. Captain (n.) late 14c., capitayn, "a leader, chief, one who stands at the head of others," from Old French capitaine "Captain, leader," from Late Latin capitaneus "chief," noun use of adjective capitaneus "prominent, chief," from Latin caput (genitive capitis) "head" (from PIE root *kaput-"head")