life force in Vietnamese

danh từ
như élan vital

Sentence patterns related to "life force"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "life force" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "life force", or refer to the context using the word "life force" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The spirit is our life-force.

Thần linh là sanh hoạt lực của chúng ta.

2. We're molded by the same life force.

Cùng sức sống đó hun đúc chúng ta

3. Is this life-force active only in man?

4. Being together...... you drain his life- force and distort his destiny

Ngươi ở với cậu ta sẽ làm hại dương khí của cậu ta.

5. It is the person’s life-force that is sustained by breathing.

Đó là sinh hoạt lực của người được duy trì bởi hơi thở.

6. It seeks out host bodies, drawing strength from their life-force.

Nó đi tìm vật chủ ký sinh và hút lấy sức mạnh từ sinh mệnh họ.

7. So it is in the case of the spirit or life-force.

15 Sự trở về của thần linh hay sinh hoạt lực cũng vậy.

8. Fire is the life force and animator which enlivens the dream.

9. 23 Pantheism is also present in Buddhism, with Brahman being the life-force.

10. I believe my life force will leave my body and return to the Moon Spirit.

Em tin nguồn sống của mình sẽ rời khỏi thể xác và trả lại cho Nguyệt Hồn.

11. The spirit, then, is the invisible life-force—the spark of life—that keeps the cells alive.

Vậy, thần linh là sinh lực vô hình—sinh khí—giữ cho các tế bào sống.

12. Ka in Egyptian is both a religious concept of life-force/power and the word for bull.

13. Backbends thrust your full life force up through this central channel and burn through blockages along the way

14. Absolute death comes with the disappearance of the life force, or spirit of life, from the body cells. —Ps.

15. His spirit [life force] goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish.”

Hơi-thở [sinh lực] tắt đi, loài người bèn trở về bụi-đất mình; trong chánh ngày đó các mưu-mô nó liền mất đi”.

16. The spirit, or life-force, can be compared to the electric current that flows through a machine or an appliance.

17. The spirit, then, is the invisible life-force —the spark of life that keeps the cells and the person alive.

Vậy, thần linh là sinh lực vô hình—tức sinh khí giữ cho các tế bào và người đó sống.

18. Every article of the Settlement affected their interests most Adversely. The life-force in metals responds Adversely or beneficially to stimuli.

19. Auras: energies that are believed to surround the surface of an object, reflecting the life force that permeates all living beings.

20. Macrobiotic diet basics, Page 4 of 9 Expansive or Contractive? Energy is the Life Force in the universe and seen everywhere in nature

21. Every time Kotarou uses his Rewrite ability, he uses up some of his life-force and becomes closer to being a full familiar.

Mỗi lần Kotarou sử dụng năng lực Rewrite, anh cũng đồng thời làm hao tổn sinh lực của chính mình và ngày càng bị tiến gần hơn đến hình thái sứ ma.

22. In addition to the body, each person had a šwt (shadow), a ba (personality or soul), a ka (life-force), and a name.

23. (Exodus 10:13; John 3:8) In other contexts they refer to the life force found within all living creatures, both humans and animals.

Đôi khi, chúng được dịch là “gió” (Xuất Ê-díp-tô Ký 10:13; Giăng 3:8).

24. Are Afrikan people really one people? In this in depth discussion we focus on the common cosmological elements across Afrikan cultures to show we indeed are; 1) The Primeval Water, the Life-Force, the Void and Continuum, 2) Transmission of the Life-Force, 3) The Four Primordial Elements/Ancestors, 4) Chaos and Order, 5) Concert of Opposites Divine.Continue reading

25. Acupressure and acupuncture, as well as other therapies such as Shiatsu and reflexology, are based on the concept of a person's energy, or life force

26. Breatharians claim that food, and in some cases water, are not necessary for survival and that humans can be sustained solely by prana, the vital life force.

27. Shamanic De‑Armoring is a profound healing process comprising of 13 guided sessions across 15 consecutive days where you use your natural sexual life‑force energy for healing

28. Breatharian’s claim that the body can be sustained solely by prana (the vital life force in Hinduism), or according to some, by the energy in sunlight.Continue reading “Interview with A Budding Breatharian”

29. Eurostat's Eurobarometer opinion polls showed in 2005 that 52% of EU citizens believed in a God, 27% in "some sort of spirit or life force", and 18% had no form of belief.

Eurostat của Eurobarometer thăm dò dư luận cho thấy trong năm 2005 là 52% của công dân Liên minh châu Âu tin tưởng vào thần linh, 27% trong "một số loại lực lượng tinh thần, cuộc sống", và 18% không có hình thức của niềm tin.

30. Animism, from Latin anima, “breath, spirit, life”, and generally means that there is a Spirit (life force) in all “things” and that we are all equal strands in the sacred web of life

31. When God created man in Eden and blew into his nostrils “the breath of life,” in addition to filling Adam’s lungs with air, Jehovah caused the life-force to vitalize all the cells in his body.

32. [French Copte, from New Latin Coptus, from Arabic Qubṭ, Copts, from Coptic Gyptias, from Greek Aiguptios, an Egyptian, from Aiguptos, Egypt, from Egyptian ḥwt-k'-ptḥ, the name of the temple of Ptah at Memphis : ḥwt, house + k', life force

33. Abiogenesist - believed in the spontaneous generation theory experiment with boiled beef gravy tightly sealed with corks in vials must be a "life-force" that causes inanimate matter to spontaneously come to life because he had heated the vials sufficiently to kill everything

34. Acupressure is a massage therapy technique based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that uses finger pressure to mobilize chi — or life force energy — at specific spots on the body called Acupressure points, which are also known as acupuncture points or acupoints.

35. Auras may be freely manipulated by experienced individuals to power magic; however, using the aura consumes considerable amounts of energy and strength.Using too much auric energy drains the life force of its owner, resulting in rapid and dramatic ageing (sometimes eroding years or decades within seconds).

36. (Eight Churnings) There is a group of preparatory practices in the hatha yoga texts known as the Dasha Chalana or "eight Churnings." These foundational practices, integrated at the beginning of a session, or at the beginning of the day, free the flow of life force in

37. Scholars of Aesthetics in Yoruba (Nigeria) visual expression have identified criteria based on both formal elements, such as a smooth surface, symmetrical composition, and a moderate resemblance to the subject, as well as abstract cultural concepts, such as ase (inner power or life force) and iwa (character or essential nature)

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39. 1 Official Description 2 Abilities 3 Gameplay 4 References "The Agas sword is the Assassins' weapon of choice and will give its user the ability to steal an oppenents life force and transfer it to himself." Official Description1 The Agas sword, one of the feast secondary weapons the Prince can use, has the