lethal gas in Vietnamese

Khí gây tử vong, khí gây chết

Sentence patterns related to "lethal gas"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lethal gas" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lethal gas", or refer to the context using the word "lethal gas" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Lethal injection Administerers (1) Lethal injection provider (1) Lethal injection providers (1) Lethal injector (1) Lethal injectors (1) Lethal letters (1) Lethal libation served at Willy`s (1) Lethal loop (1) Lethal neckwear (1) Lethal nerve gas (1) Lethal powder featured in The Pri (1) Lethal protests (1) Lethal ring mad for a lot more

2. The gas isn't lethal but it can knock a person out for 12 hours.

Khí gas không gây chết người nhưng có thể khiến một người bị ngất suốt 12 tiếng đồng hồ.

3. An aptly named gas, discovered in 17 it had that potentially lethal combination of having both explosive and lifting properties.

4. Well, there are other cancer tumors in the abdomen -- quite lethal, very lethal actually -- pancreas, liver, kidney.

5. Quakes can also have lethal aftereffects.

6. It's premature, reckless, and potentially lethal.

Như thế là hấp tấp, liều lĩnh và có khả năng chết người.

7. All these knives are absolutely lethal.

8. 17 This wine's pretty lethal!

9. That cocktail looks pretty lethal.

10. Positive for lethal doses of nicotine.

Liều thuốc nicotine gây chết người.

11. 25 That cocktail looks pretty lethal.

12. 26 The concrete mixers with lethal faults.

13. A hammer can be a lethal weapon.

14. ● Lethal radiation by the local fallout

15. You're the evil to my lethal.

Anh thì hiểm, còn em thì ác.

16. 2 These chemicals are lethal to fish.

17. Their bite is lethal to vampires.

Vết cắn của chúng khiến ma cà rồng tử vong.

18. Lethal mix: financial and trade liberalization.

19. But ultimately it is a lethal trap.

20. That was my first shot " clinical " lethal

Đó là cú sút đầu tiên của tôi " lâm sàng " gây chết người

21. And if convicted death by lethal injection.

Và nếu có đủ chứng cớ sẽ là án tử bằng tiêm thuốc.

22. Cars produce a lethal cocktail of gasses.

23. Inmate Autopsies Reveal Troubling Effects Of Lethal Injection For decades, states have claimed that lethal injection is quick, peaceful and painless

24. Defense, Caltrops, Roadspike, Spike, Tire Damage, Less Lethal, Lethal Force, Countermeasures, Road Hazard, Spy, Spy Car, Spy Gadgets, Roadblock

25. Freezing beyond this level proved lethal to frogs.