leprosy in Vietnamese

Bệnh hủi, bệnh phong, bệnh cùi

Sentence patterns related to "leprosy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "leprosy" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "leprosy", or refer to the context using the word "leprosy" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Leprosy Strikes

Mắc bệnh cùi

2. Leprosy Fact Sheet

Tài liệu quan trọng về bệnh cùi

3. Immediately the leprosy vanished.

Bệnh phong cùi của ông liền biến mất.

4. Leprosy can also cause Blindness

5. Adjustmental problems of leprosy patients

6. He believed he had leprosy.

7. She has diffuse lepromatous leprosy.

Cô ấy bị bệnh hủi.

8. Cleansing from leprosy (1-32)

Tẩy sạch khỏi phong cùi (1-32)

9. It's also known as " pretty leprosy ".

Cái này được gọi là " bệnh hủi dễ thương ".

10. The leprosy made him vulnerable to the anthrax, and the anthrax treatment put the leprosy in overdrive.

Và cách điều trị bệnh than làm cho bệnh phong nặng thêm.

11. He knew how to cure leprosy.

Ngài biết cách chữa bệnh cùi.

12. Immediately the leprosy vanished from him.

Bệnh phong cùi lập tức biến mất.

13. Miriam struck with leprosy (9-16)

Mi-ri-am bị giáng bệnh phong cùi (9-16)

14. It is the disease of leprosy.

Ấy là bệnh phong cùi.

15. Leprosy is an indolent infectious disease.

16. No wonder Jehovah struck him with leprosy!

Vậy không ngạc nhiên gì khi Đức Giê-hô-va giáng cho ông bệnh phung!

17. He would heal him of his leprosy.’

Người có thể chữa cho ông chủ hết bệnh cùi’.

18. Greedy Gehazi struck with leprosy (20-27)

Ghê-ha-xi tham lam bị giáng bệnh phong cùi (20-27)

19. And immediately the leprosy vanished from him.”

Liền khi đó, phung lặn mất, người trở nên sạch”.

20. It is the fear of leprosy, Your Excellency.

21. Naaman healed of leprosy by Elisha (1-19)

Na-a-man được Ê-li-sê chữa bệnh phong cùi (1-19)

22. THE mighty Syrian army chief Naaman has leprosy.

QUAN tổng binh hùng mạnh của quân đội Sy-ri là Na-a-man mắc bệnh phung.

23. Doing so, Naaman was cured of his leprosy.

24. Then he would cure him of his leprosy.”

Ông ấy sẽ chữa lành bệnh phong cùi+ cho ông chủ”.

25. They had leprosy, and the future looked bleak.

Họ mắc bệnh phong cùi và dường như vô phương cứu chữa.

26. Be made clean." Immediately his leprosy was Cleansed

27. Gehazi receives Naaman’s leprosy. —2 Kings 5:24-27

Ghê-ha-xi bị khiến mắc bệnh phung của Na-a-man.—2 Các Vua 5:24-27

28. Other kinds of bacteria cause leprosy and undulant fever.

29. Is Leprosy Today the Same as in Bible Times?

Bệnh cùi ngày nay có giống như thời Kinh-thánh được viết ra không?

30. Alum is a good herbal treatment for Leprosy Sores

31. A Common Genetic Fingerprint in Leprosy and Crohn's Disease?

32. 6 Leprosy is a chronic and consumptive social disease.

33. The physician Luke describes him as being “full of leprosy.”

34. Tuberculosis, leprosy, goiter, malaria, and diarrhoea have been sufficiently reduced

35. Leprosy bacilli taken from two newly detected patients with lepromatous leprosy have been inoculated into the rear foot pads of BALB/C pure bred mice.

36. As a result, Jehovah struck him with leprosy. —2 Chron.

37. For example, in Jesus’ day contracting leprosy was distinctly possible.

Chẳng hạn, vào thời Chúa Giê-su, việc mắc bệnh phong cùi rõ ràng có thể xảy ra.

38. But they believed that Jesus could take away their leprosy.

Nhưng họ tin rằng Chúa Giê-su có thể chữa họ khỏi bệnh phong cùi.

39. Free from the pollution of leprosy or other contagious disease.

40. Caught early and addressed promptly, leprosy need leave no trace.

41. Tuberculosis, leprosy, goiter, malaria, and diarrhoea have been sufficiently reduced.

42. In that case he would recover him from his leprosy.”

Người sẽ giải-cứu chúa tôi khỏi bịnh phung”.

43. It is leprosy of the head or of the chin.

Ấy là bệnh phong cùi trên đầu hoặc cằm.

44. You can't actually be disappointed that Tom doesn't have leprosy.

45. Chaulmoogra oil, Hastings, was once the only treatment for leprosy.

46. For eczema, wet sore, itchy skin, leprosy, as scabies ringworm.

47. And immediately the leprosy vanished from him, and he became clean.”

Liền khi đó, phung lặn mất, người trở nên sạch”.

48. + 42 Immediately the leprosy vanished from him, and he became clean.

+ 42 Bệnh phong cùi lập tức biến mất và ông được sạch.

49. Dreaded diseases like scarlet fever and leprosy responded to the sulfas.

50. The leprosy that Naaman had been cured of came upon Gehazi.

Bệnh phung của Na-a-man đã chuyển qua Ghê-ha-xi.