leges in Vietnamese

danh từ
(số nhiều leges [’li:,dʒi:z])
luật, bộ luật

Sentence patterns related to "leges"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "leges" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "leges", or refer to the context using the word "leges" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The legal maxim nemo est supra leges is the accepted principle.

2. The roots of the defects are a lag of thinking and it's mode, a deficiency of understanding democracy and an absence of correlative leges.

3. Agrania Agraphiou Graphé Agrăphou Metallou Graphé Agrariae Leges Agraulia Agraulos Agrĕtae Agriania Agricŏla , Gnaeus Iulius Agricultūra Agri Decumātes Agrigentum Agrimensōres Agrimetatio Agrionia Agrippa , Marcus Vipsanius

4. — Duplex porro earumdem est ratio: aliae, quae Episcoporum solummodo Approbationem nactae, ob eam rem dioecesanae appellantur; aliae vero de quibus praeterea romani Pontificis sententia intercessit, seu quod ipsarum leges ac statuta recognoverit, seu quod insuper commendationem ipsis Approbationemve impertiverit.