lead line in Vietnamese

Đường viền chì

Sentence patterns related to "lead line"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lead line" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lead line", or refer to the context using the word "lead line" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Mri compatible medical device lead including transmission line notch filters

2. She catches up with the lead pack and is pushing toward the finish line.

Cô vượt lên vị trí dẫn đầu. và chạy nhanh về vạch đích.

3. Retail and wholesale services including on-line store services relating to lead acid starter batteries

4. Since its inception, the Band's line-up has consisted of Eddie Vedder (lead vocals), Mike McCready (lead guitar), Stone Gossard (rhythm guitar) and Jeff Ament (bass)

5. Retail and wholesale services including on-line store services relating to gel and flooded lead acid batteries

6. senior line managers are required to take the lead and are held accountable for managing human resources.

7. a) senior line managers are required to take the lead and are held accountable for managing human resources

8. Baldoquin’s third-inning line drive off the seats in left field staked Lexington to a 1-0 lead

9. Initially "above the line" referred to investments (since advertising may eventually lead to a sale) whereas below the line referred to expenditures such as an on-pack promotion.

10. The Raiders had second-and-two at the Charger eight-yard line, putting them within reach of the lead.

11. Slowly ideas lead to ideology, lead to policies that lead to actions.

Từ từ thì những ý tưởng hình thành hệ tư tưởng, đưa đến những chính sách có thể áp dụng vào thực tiễn.

12. By 1983 Hellion had solidified their line-up with the addition of bassist Bill Sweet and a second lead-guitarist, Alan Barlam.

13. lead to policies that lead to actions.

Từ từ thì những ý tưởng hình thành hệ tư tưởng, đưa đến những chính sách có thể áp dụng vào thực tiễn.

14. Bibb was cast in a recurring role on the series ER and played the lead character on the television series Line of Fire

15. Technical lead arsena of 95-98% lead Arsenate

16. Unwrought lead (excl. refined lead and lead containing by weight antimony as the principal other element)

17. Acoustical type lead is not suitable for lead shielding.

18. 6 Including the radiation lead glass, lead plate glass.

19. In the secondary lead industry lead acid batteries, residues from batteries and other lead-bearing materials are processed.

20. Zero lead pollution process for recycling used lead acid batteries

21. Acoustical type lead material is not suitable for lead shielding.

22. My first slogan is: if you're going to lead, lead.

Khẩu hiệu đầu tiên Làm lãnh đạo phải quyết đoán.

23. First name line Second name line First address line Second address line

24. Lead could be added directly to a ceramic body in the form of a lead compound in suspension, either from galena (PbS), red lead (Pb3O4), white lead (2PbCO3·Pb(OH)2), or lead oxide (PbO).

Chì có thể được thêm trực tiếp vào thân gốm dưới dạng hợp chất chì ở dạng huyền phù, từ galena (PbS), chì đỏ (Pb 3 O 4), chì trắng (2PbCO 3 · Pb (OH) 2) hoặc chì oxit (PbO).

25. Novelty lead Astonisher lead – Uses an interjection or an exclamatory sentence